I wish there was something like The Gulabi Gang in every country that has a severe sexism and / or homophobia problem. I want to hear of the roving gangs of big strong gay vigilantes beating up homophobes, dammit! I want to hear of these gangs protecting the marginalized. I want to see a bunch of angry black people grab a neo-Nazi and lynching him! Turnabout is fair play!
That said, they should still have standards and death and lynching would be too rash. Even the Gulabi Gang believed in trying to get law enforcement to do the right thing first, only going Kali-Mata on some douche’s hinder if the cops are too corrupt and stupid to do their jobs.
I’d love to see the Rainbow Gang, with chapters all over the world; Gangs of badass LGBTQs who protect their peers and bash the gay-bashers!
The Gulabi should go international, too. The Pink Gang (‘gulabi’ is Hindi for ‘pink’)! Some Pink Gang Gals making a Taliban’s life hell would be awesome!
Time to make it harder and riskier for haters to commit hate crimes! Time to fear the future victims! Time to see potential victims as badasses who can fight back! These haters are bullies and bullies only pick on people they see as weaker!
If a female bear or some other mammal can often clobber an otherwise larger, stronger male member of the same species, why can’t the same hold for humans?
I do not believe in blaming the victim… however, I do feel that one should still find ways to defend oneself because others may not be able or willing to.
Also, there needs to be a bunch of underground railroads, shelters or whatever to help the oppressed and those in danger of being a victim of a prestige killing.
Finally, I find equating “Gay Male” with “lack of manliness” hilarious! YOU CAN’T GET MORE MANLY THAN TWO OR MORE GUYS “GOING AT IT”! Really! Total sausage-fest! A celebration of the Masculine! Man on man! Fountains of spooge as far as the eye shall see and not a female around! HOW MACHO!