threaten to rape with our girldicks, usurp the word woman and then reduce it to a feeling, an abstract concept, and spinny dresses, then usurp the word female while also making it meaningless, claim that sex is a spectrum, make sexual orientation about gender and not sex…
…and then Freud would have to take a number before having a field day over you Ovashits.
As he’d have to wait for the likes of Kinsey, Masters & Johnson, Krafft-Ebing, Havelock Ellis et al to complete their Ph.D theses about your obsessions.
If you disagree with the facts about your self-admitted obsessions, it’s not the Police Constables of the PC Brigade who would be controlling your lives.
UK’s Section 3 of the Mental Health Act: Officers of His Majesty’s Constabulary have the legal power to arrest dangerous nutcases and send then straight to a nut farm: no court case, no pack drill, and before your feet can fucking touch.
Obsessiveness of a scale exhibited by Ovashits is proof of Insanity.
Like I say: once said PCs of His Majesty’s Constabulary have sent said cases of Insanity to nut farms without need of court cases, those nice people in white coats who put you in that jacket with shiny buckles and put you in a nice padded room and feed you Happy Pills would control your lives while it’s no longer a problem for said PC PCs who have the power to put you there.
Said PCs. Scotland Yard, GCHQ. How many of you Ovashits are British…?!
Me who is just PC? Not my problem.