“now as far as the gay marriage thing goes, i think everyone knows it is WRONG. it doesn't make sense. gay couples cannot have children. they cannot keep the human race going.”
And every time they have kids, this makes YOUR opinion just a little bit less true, and more obviously bigotry.
Plenty of people have kids without being married.
Plenty of married couples don’t have kids.
It’s not connected.
"the fact that gay marriage is legal now really isn't going to affect us..it's gonna affect our children.”
Yes. The more gay couples they see and meet and get to know, the less credible your sermonizing gets.
“basically it's just gonna make our job raising our kids tougher. we're gonna have to explain to them why being homosexual is not right.”
You mean, lie. Because the justifications you’ve offered so far are untruths.
“1. as i mentioned before they cant have kids"
And every kid in school that has two dads or two moms will prove you wrong.
“read them the story of Sodom and Gomora.”
Maybe you should read it, at least once. They’re not underwater, and they weren’t destroyed for teh gayz.
"God said that He will send a disease to these people which will be incurable = AIDS,”
Citations fucking well needed.
" but stop and think about it. YOU know it's not right.”
Not true.
"fine you're gay. keep it to yourself. you dont need to be incorporating it into shows like Grey's Anatomy.”
Are you one of those assholes who thinks it’s the LIberals that are cancel culture?