““Evolution deniers?” Do ya see any prejudice in THAT statement?”
You DO deny evolution.
And you championt superstition in the place of science.
I mean, it’s not like you have a good argument against the methodology leading to the conclusion of evolution, you deny the entire thing based on a book someone read to you.
"Before we can decide if we “deny” evolution, we need to understand the terms.”
No. We apply the term to you because you deny evolution. You don’t like that? Um… Too bad?
"Bill [Nye] needs to define the word evolution first in order for folks to know if they want to “deny” it or not!”
No, it’s pretty well defined. It probably just doesn’t meet YOUR definition. That’s your problem, though.
"I have been through this important define-the-terms step in all 100 debates I did with evolutionists at various universities as well as thousands of Q&A sessions. I encourage students and teachers everywhere to carefully define the word evolution BEFORE they enter into a discussion on evolution, so everyone knows what they are discussing.”
Ah. Cheating.
The poor scientists are goin g to show up thinking they’re debating the actual science while you’re twisting words around.
“It is futile to proceed until the terms are defined. The problem (intentional?) is that the word “evolution” actually has six meanings or levels or stages:
Cosmic evolution: the origin of time/space/matter from nothing in the supposed “Big Bang””
That’s not part of the scientific definition of the evolution covered by the theory of evolution. You’ve been told this a few times. You’re holding evolutionists, and evolution, responsible for astrophysics.
“Chemical evolution: all the elements “evolved” from hydrogen”
More physics, and not even real physics.
“Stellar evolution: stars formed from dust clouds”
Still not biology.
“Organic evolution: life formed from non-living matter”
At least touching on biology, but still, STILL not evolutionary theory.
“Macro-evolution: plants and animals produce offspring different than their ‘kind’”
That’s a flat out lie. Evolution doesn’t claim this.
“Micro-evolution: variations develop within the kind such as big dogs and little dogs; bacteria becoming resistant to drugs; etc.”
No. That’s not what microevolution means.
So, six swings, all of them miss.
You struck out TWICE, Kenny.