“Because nobody should have SSA [Same Sex Attraction].”
But they do. So your claim is moot.
“Nor does anybody that has it, want it.”
Citation for this?
“Regardless of whether or not people accept it as nomal.”
I don’t know if i accept homosexuality as normal, actually. I DO know that i do NOT think it’s any of my business or my place to judge it. But I’m an atheist, so i’m not driven by any ‘god of love’ to hate love.
“To develop SSA, is like being robed of your sexuality,”
I don’t think it’s something that’d developed, any more than opposite sex attraction.
“having your identity stolen.”
No. That costs me money. If i shifted from wanting to fuck humans to wanting to fuck OTHER humans, i’d have to replace all my porn, but i think i’d still cuddle my wife on winter nights, as her favorite heat source.
“Its not the same as being Born black.”
Sez you.
“If two gay couples who were in love with eachother, woke up one day as hetrosexuals, their marrige, their desire to have gay sex, and their love for eachother would end.”
And how often does this happen?
I mean, i remember being told that one black Mormon was SUCH a good Mormon that one day he woke up and he was WHITE! Does God ever wave the magic wand and make people who are comfortable with their sexuality something else?
"They would nolonger see eachother the same way,”
You’re saying if people were different, they’d be diff3erent. Noted. Not really a big problem in most relationships, though, is it?
“ since these things were based only upon the fact that they had a disorded nature,”
Oh, fuck off. Maybe worshiping invisible people is what’s disordered.
“ and had given in to that diordered nature.”
So, still, why whouldn’t they?
In the 70s, LOTS of married couples, with kids, were broken apart because the gays decided to stop living a lie.
You think that them living honestly is the disordered part? Fuck off.