
lo quilty #fundie fark.com

Several of my college classmates lost family members to the WTC attacks on 9/11. Muslims lost all their rights that day.

When they learn to love their children more than they hate our culture, they can have their right to complain back.

voltOhm #fundie fark.com

[L]iberals believe the world is out of resources, that the world is gonna die, that we're going to run out of water and we'll have to start eating each other. They don't trust humanity to take care of itself and they believe we are on our own in the universe with no higher power watching out for us. No wonder they are hopeless. They are at the mercy of their superstitions.

Conservatives know none of these things are true, and we have a basic faith in humanity and God. Life is good as long as you work to make it so.

Noam Chimpsky #conspiracy fark.com

[in a discussion about a website that accuses Obama of winning by election fraud]

This guy is way underestimating the fraud that took place. Half the Democrat votes could be fraud, not to mention the Republican votes that weren't counted or switched to Democrat votes. I knew they had the machines fixed when they started the business about Romney fixing the machines. If you are making the accusation, you are free to engage in that exact behavior because the opposition will be on the defensive.

It's easy when most of the Republicans charged with safeguarding the elections are actually Democrats in disguise.

'rats aren't gonna like the revenge.

CanisNoir #fundie fark.com

[Ben Carson] is right of course. War on women is a narrative as abortion is not *just* about the health of the mother but also the unborn. The narrative could just as realistically be The Democrats are waging a war on humanity since they fervently support snuffing out the spark of human life.
Not that I expect most to understand "narratives " and their purpose.

whiterabbit #fundie fark.com

Ok...this is symptomatic of retardation now...Our planet is hyper-unique due to some outside force. We did not start from "Two Ti-i-i-i-i-i-iny amoeba in a warm pond" but let's say we did...for that is moot in relation to my point which is:

No matter how many times you roll the dice, you will never come close to replicating life. On the spiritual side, God has not made any others, on the scientific side, it was a chance in a googleplex to the googleplex power that it worked. Even if chance decided to travel sequentially, and not repeat itself many times over, time does not permit this miracle to occur again. write a comic book or make a movie, let your alternate planet exist there, because it absolutely will not exist in this cosmos or a parallel cosmos. If you are not spiritual, you are a mighty lonely meatpuppet...adrift in a sea of black, saddled upon a spinning sphere that hangs on nothing. Life is short...live it long!

peeledpeas #fundie fark.com

I love how so many of you actually believe that evolution is proven and cannot be questioned. Sounds like you've been indoctrinated to me! Evolution is NOT proven. There are very many portions of it that cannot be tested and can only be assumed to be a certain way. The assumptions are made in order to make the theory work. Simple as that. If you 100% believe in the theory of evolution, you're just as duped as a religious person who 100% believes in the six day creation. I don't 100% believe in anything except for the fact that I know there is a God that created everything. I may not know how He did it, but I know he did.

calbert #fundie fark.com

[Principal slut-shames pregnant 8th-grade girl at school assembly, forcing her to drop out]

the administrators not keeping their mouths closed isn't the problem, the problem is the slut not keeping her legs closed.

You see how one prevents the other from occurring?

her and her parent should be ashamed. She didn't want anybody to know? Yeah, good luck hiding that baby bump. Kids would've been talking shiat and rumors would've been flying, the school prevented that from occurring.

Yes, use her as an example, that your actions have consequences. If she thinks she's adult enough to have sex, then welcome to the adult world of having to live with the decisions that you've made.

ewiap #fundie fark.com

It is not a war on women. It's a war on women that refuse to accept responsibility for their own decisions.
That being said, from my profile:
Life starts at conception. I don't care what you think. You can use all the logical tricks you want to try and justify it. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. That being said, I don't want women having crotchfruit that I will eventually have to pay for via taxes. I mean, a woman that is so unconscionable to even consider having an abortion is so morally depraved that I wouldn't want her to try and be a parent. I'm sure she will fail just as terribly at that as her parents were.
So, I propose we fully fund PP. We should absolutely provide low-cost, if not free abortive services to any woman at any time for any reason.

Daxxenos #racist fark.com

You are in MASSIVE TROUBLE! The mere mention of this labels you a Right Wing Racist, and a Neo Nazi.

Progressive Dogma states that: EVERYONE IS ABSOLUTELY EQUAL!
There is no such thing as a Bell Curve. All differences are cultural and equally valid.
East Asians can't be better at math than Western Europeans,
Jews can't be creative thinkers by heredity,
Western Europeans can't have a genetic predisposition toward technical generalism (Being able to take a variety of disparate facts and re-assemble them in a new fashion.),
Blacks and Amerinds KNEW about the wheel, the basic machines and large scale agriculture, but the chose not to use them because they were in tune with Gaia....

That's why it's Europe's fault that Africans are raping babies to stop AIDS, and that dozens of charities with millions of dollars and euros are required to provide clean wells for dictators that are banking billions in Switzerland.

Keep this in mind:
"The gun's Chinese, paid for by Russian rubles. The steel probably came from a West German factory built by French francs. Then it was flown out here to the Congo on a South African airline probably subsidized by The United States...

mark12A #racist fark.com

No, it's the success of the internet freedom of speech. The mainstream media is vexed that their "correct thought" is not being swallowed by the great unwashed. The people are fed up with the busy bodies pushing immigration on them.
Since the 1960's, beginning with Ted Kennedy's "Immigration Reform", the Libtards have been pushing to alter the ethnic and racial makeup of the United States. Why? Their answer: DIVERSITY!!!
Just what are the real, concrete, measurable advantages to "Diversity"?
There are no economic advantages. There is an economic drag, as businesses have to set up diversity implementation, training, monitoring, and resolve disputes as they inevitably pop up. Having Diversity doesn't increase economic performance or profits in any way.
There are no social advantages. Since we no longer insist on assimilation, we are separating into distinct social/ethnic groups now. We now have to press "1" for English. Throughout human history, such processes invariably culminate in Civil War. So, in a generation or so, the US will begin the process of breaking up as each group starts to insist on their own "homeland". Gee, thanks a lot.
What motivated Teddy and his ilk? The political advantage. Bring in foreigners, tell them they're disadvantaged ethnic underdogs, but don't worry, the awesome Democratic Party is here to save them! Basically, import voters to gain political advantage. To hell with American culture, to hell with national cohesion, to hell with social stability. Politics uber allles!
The US is big, it takes longer to accomplish the desired effect, but if you want to see more immediate effects, take a look at what Tony Blair and Labour accomplished in Britain. To counteract Tory mainstream political power, Blair & Co. purposely brought in as many immigrants as they could get away with, thus increasing the potential pool of Labour voters, and breaking down the traditional values of Britain. Britain is now faced with expanding ethnic ghettos and the destruction of their culture. All for the political advantage of one party.
The American people are fed up and are beginning to push back. They will vote for Trump, or Pink Bunny Hitler, or anybody else who will reverse the trends that are breaking apart the most successful country in all human history.
Donald Trump is a smart guy, a skilled negotiator, and will be a complete disaster as President.
I will vote for him the first chance I get. Since I'm moving to New Hampshire next month, the opportunity will be soon. I will do my part, as a long time Republican voter, to hit the goddam Republican party establishment upside the head with a baseball bat. It's time they started fighting back in the culture war. It's time they told the MSM to go screw themselves, and stop trying to be liked by the MSM and Intelligentsia, and do what their voters want them to do.

Bevets #fundie fark.com

New polling shows a majority of Americans are so far unconvinced - they see the fight over access to contraception coverage as a women's health issue - not a matter of religious liberty. What's more, they don't think religious liberty is generally in peril.

The Catholic Church is not stopping ANYONE from purchasing contraception. The Catholic Church should not be compelled to participate in an act (through funding) they find morally abhorrent.

Suppose the issue was government mandating employers provide all employees cafeteria services (everyone needs to eat). But, not only that, the government has decided that all cafeterias MUST provide pork products. Most people would have no problem with this mandate. But suppose your corporation is PETA (or a mosque) -- Why should the government tell you that YOUR cafeteria MUST provide pork? (When people who want to buy pork are FREE to buy pork anywhere else (from people who are NOT vegetarians) AND you are feeding them (which is the purpose of a cafeteria).)

This was settled church doctrine long before the United States even existed. The Catholic Church did not seek this conflict -- this conflict was imposed on the church. The constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion -- that liberty has been seriously undermined here.

deciusmaximus #fundie fark.com

[Dr. Tiller's patient stories are rather heartbreaking and paint a picture of a compassionate man who trusted women and who wanted to help women making an impossible choice.]


Tiller was a butcher who performed abortions into the ninth month. He circumvented the laws against late term abortions by claiming medical necessity where women would be simply "depressed" or financially burdened by a pregnancy.

He then SOLD "baby pictures" and "footprints" of the very children he murdered to their own mothers. He alone was responsible for the murder of 50,000 human beings. Enough people to fill Coors Field in Denver. Over 400 lbs of bleeding, torn flesh from the dismembered bodies of children.

He deserved to die but it should have been the state executing him as a murderer not a citizen taking the law into his own hands.

almafuerte #fundie fark.com

I am sick of Tolerance. Tolerance is AGAINST humanity. The Fundamental (Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic, Gravity) Forces are not Tolerant, That's why the universe exists and evolves. Inorganic molecules are not tolerant, that's why life started. No life form has ever been tolerant, that's why we evolved. That's why we exist. INTOLERANCE. Each system doing it's best for itself. That brought us here. It's what we are. If Animals had been tolerant and weak, they wouldn't have eaten the lowest specimens, and there would be no life in this planet. It's hard to accept, for the modern human being, that being cruel is necessary. Even the most cruels man of today lie and justify their actions. There's no need to do that. Anything STRONG is GOOD. Anything that destroys weakness and elevates the human being is GOOD. Religion is Weakness of the mind. But Don't believe me. Let evolution decide. Stop being considerate to each other. That kills evolution. Let the Religious people try to destroy Atheism, and let the Atheists try to destroy Religion. Evolution will take care of choosing the best of each, and man will better at the end of the day.
Religions that preach tolerance, weakness, humility, poverty (Like Christianism) are PERVERSE religions. They foment the worst of the human being, and attack the instincts that made us what we are. They must be destroyed. Atheists that preach peace and tolerance and freedom of beliefs are weak too, and must be destroyed too.

It's time for the human being to embrace its true roots, and let evolution continue, take the evolution of the human race in its hands and lead it to the future. without mercy, without shame, without doubt. Any action that goes against the natural laws is SUICIDAL.

JohnSnowe #fundie fark.com

I look at pictures of my city in the early 1950s or a typical surburban neighborhood and I wish we could go back to the golden days of this nation.

The closest thing I compare my paradise on earth to are the mountain towns of switzerland. The kind of places where you wakeup to the local church ringing its bells as the town funnels in for sunday service. The places where the term "foodtamps" has a "What is that?" meaning.

I like that place and in the US as it is now the only place that is close is montana which I will be moving to this summer.

and if you must know, no! I am not tolerant I HATE tolerance I don't want to tolerate a gay pride parade, I don't want to tolerate homeless people in public, I don't want tolerate exotic religions in my neighborhood. Call me what you want but I know that in the future things will got back to that when the moral tax payers are sick of the deadbeats!

jaytkay #fundie fark.com

I was at an arts fair last weekend. I would estimate 43% of the attendees were homosexual. But it's not like I'm counting. CCW, a Murnak FIST holster and Glock 19 means you never have to worry about it.

So this artsy guy with a straw hat and sandals, you know the type, is slowly walking along the booths, pretending to eye the merchandise. Of course, I know what he's really eying. So I position my self among several tents, to maximize my public visibility, and when "he" comes along I engage him, "What exactly are you doing here?"

"I was hoping to find some pictures for my daughter's new apartment", he says. "Well, just keep hoping" I say, letting the bulge under my vest show prominently.

He got the picture. I checked with law enforcement later and they had no complaints of homosexual harassment at the fair that day.

Kent R. Rieske, B.Sc. #fundie fark.com

Scientific Fact No. 10 - Lack of Life on Mars Proves Evolution is Wrong.

Two NASA land rovers, named Spirit and Opportunity, explored Mars during 2004. The topography showed obvious signs of past liquid rivers flowing in numerous places. The rovers have proven that water was once abundant on the surface of Mars, but they have not been able to find any signs of life, or any signs of past life, on the planet. Mars has a proven history of flowing water on the surface with an atmosphere suitable to support life forms. The planet has had all of the conditions necessary to provide the "spark" of life according to the evolutionary theory. Yet, there is no life on Mars. The river beds and river banks show no signs of vegetation or trees. The ground has no fossils and no organisms. The place is absolutely sterile.

Well, Mars was once sterile, but it is not sterile now. The rovers and other probes sent to Mars have contaminated the plant with bacteria, viruses and other possible organisms. This contamination has destroyed the possibility of proving that these life forms evolved on Mars.

The chance of finding evidence of past life forms on Mars seems very remote, but even if life were found, it does not prove that life evolved any more than life on Earth proves evolution. It simply does not. Evolutionists have struck out again.

VigilantePlatypus #racist fark.com

Watched the video to the end. Sure, it seems a little insensitive to form a little impromptu parade of a few vehicles flying confederate flags, but there's no evidence that they "crashed a birthday party" or threatened to kill anyone, for all we know the rednex were driving around trying to be provocative, and a mob of angry black people at a party saw them and started losing their shiat... and the rednex were taunting them. Check the woman at the end of the video, for example, absolutely hysterical.
I really don't care anymore, packs of blacks beating down some random white chick or dude on the street while yelling slurs is an everyday occurrence now, you can see it on any local news.... but they won't run those stories in the mainstream media for obvious reasons. We noticed the shift back when those wannabe Black Panthers were permitted to station their thugs at polling stations waving nightsticks around and threatening/intimidating white people. Both sides - the black racists and the white racists - are the same breed of idiot. It's just that nowadays black racists or folks who denigrate white people are looked up to and imitated, it's the latest hip thing... like this decade's version of hippies or vegetarians.

tony41454 #fundie fark.com

The God the of the Universe said homosexuality was unnatural. (Paul may have written this passage, but "for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." (2 Peter 1:21) You can't find a higher authority than that.

You see, it doesn't matter what man thinks, it's what God thinks. God isn't going to change His mind just because a group of people demand it, or even if ALL people demand it. God's Kingdom is not a democracy. You can live by YOUR rules all your life, but when you stand before Him on judgment day, HIS rules will be in effect.

And animals? You're saying it's okay because ANIMALS do it? Animals kill and eat one another. Should we do that, too? Just because animals do it, should we? Aren't be better than animals?

Stinkyy #fundie fark.com

Godless society isn't doing so great, it's giving rise to miserable myopic f*cks like you that want to bring decent society crashing down. You are beyond pathetic, and moreover, frightening. Science will bring back a sense of meaning, purpose and "good" to the hood? Enjoy your shiatty petri dish clinical existence.

Giblet #fundie fark.com

[So as a former poor person, I thank you for perpetuating the cycle that left me living under a tarp for several years. If I were eligible for welfare or charity, I would have spent a much longer time living on your tax dollar, instead of the one year of government-subsidized luxury, with a whole one meal per day while living out of a hundred year old shack with only a wood stove for heat.

Really, thank you. The "fark you I got mine" attitude of you and your ilk has enabled me to experience poor life without the help of welfare or charity, so I got to see exactly what kind of real and lasting damage that attitude is causing to the country.]

Back before minimum wage laws, back before minimum health insurance coverage, back before unemployment insurance requirements, ANYone could have/would have taken you in, given you a warm, dry place to sleep, clothed you, given you three square meals, and a stipend, and in return you'd have to repair fences, feed livestock, iron clothes, make beds, etc.

Even a serious dredge of a 16 yo can handle that.

Your ilk's attitude destroyed that. You MUST be paid $7.25/hr in any employment arrangement, even if you can't fart without help. If you work more than 30/hrs a week, you MUST have this insurance, that insurance, and a guarantee that you'll never be sad. (Maybe that last bit hasn't passed the Senate yet)

You created this system with your inability to think or solve problems.

Take your lumps, muppet.

SkinnyHead #fundie fark.com

I propose that anything with an information content in excess of 1 VEB unit is probably the product of intelligent design. A VEB unit is defined as the quantum of information equal to the amount of information found in one volume of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

If you can find something that contains that much information (i.e., an amount equal to or greater than 1 VEB unit), it will probably be the product of intelligent design.

[heypete: Please provide details of how this survey would be conducted, specifically how one would "determine whether they were the product of intelligent design or random, unguided processes."]

A good place to look for things that contain a quantum of information in excess of 1 VEB unit is the pubic library. That's a good place to conduct the study because most of those things identify an author.

In my studies, all library books containing over 1 VEB unit of information that I have examined were found to be the product of intelligent agency. I have yet to find one that was written by unguided, random processes.

According to Dawkins, the nucleus of each cell "...contains a digitally coded database larger, in information content, than all 30 volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica put together." That's over 30 VEB units!

Because a living cell has more than 30 VEB units of information, I can safely conclude with a high degree of scientific confidence that it is highly probable that a living cell is intelligently designed.

Hunter Worthington #fundie fark.com

Don't you ever get tired of making the same false parallel in argument over argument. The problem with preventing interraccial marriage is that it was impossible to enforce, and had no basis in biology. Now, the problems with preventing legal recognition of the homosexual "union" is just the opposite: the homosexual relationship, by its very nature, is unstable and unnatural. It is in the best interest of the state and nation to prevent that sort of "union" from being recognized, and indeed it is in the interest of the state and nation to make it as difficult as possible for those poor mentally handicapped individuals from at the very least flaunting their mental disorders in public, to say nothing of spreading it.

Not an Alt #fundie fark.com

[Regarding the recent decision by the Supreme Court to allow a cross-shaped war memorial to remain on Federal land in California]

They were right to make this decision. We are a christian nation, founded by christians, and most of our laws are based on laws from the bible and the ten commandments. the only people that seem to have a problem with this are either immigrants from other cultures or atheists. Here's a newsflash: THIS IS A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY, WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO OUR RELIGION AND YOU CAN'T TAKE IT AWAY. IF YOU WANT TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE OTHER CULTURES CAN JUST FORCE THEIR RELIGION ON YOU OR TAKE AWAY YOUR RIGHTS, MOVE BACK TO THE shiatHOLE YOU LIVED IN.

k1j2b3 #fundie fark.com

Waiting for the day when Christians will be considered 'bigots' for not accepting gay marriage, even when it goes against their 2000+ year old religious beliefs. When people can no longer speak against gay marriage for fear of being labeled a 'hate mongerer' or someone 'against human rights.' This is the ultimate goal...to tear apart Christianity and destroy one of the greatest liberties given to us in this country...to practice our religion freely without fear of government control.

I don't believe in gay marriage, and it is my right as a Christian to believe this.

The goal should be to get government out of the marriage business entirely. All tax breaks and benefits that are given to married couples should be removed. Gay marriage should be decided by states alone. Those who don't accept gay marriage should be free to exercise their beliefs without fear of reprisal.

Daxxenos #fundie fark.com

[Discussing tolerance of atheism and secular society]

You're quite right. Let's junk all this religious dogma that keeps interfering with what we want to do. I personally feel we should get rid of all these religious laws that slop over from this whole God thing. I mean, really, "Thou shalt not kill?" That's the first one I'd get rid of. Democrats should be used as targets. Along with their wives, children and pets. Morality is a phoney, religious construct. I should be able to rape, torture and steal to my own satisfaction. Atheists would be the first to agree. Right?

CanisNoir #fundie fark.com

If you throw all the ingredients for what could be the greatest soup the world has ever tasted, a *one time only* combination of stuff in the pot, then five minutes on the burner, turn and heave it out the window, there's gonna be people biatching about the lost opportunity, the absolute waste of the potential and the food in general. They aren't waging a war on cooks. We're talking about human life, not just a meal, so the passion is far stronger and it's no more a war on women than the previous was a war against cooks and it didn't matter that the soup was made or just mixed in a pot.

Daxxenos #fundie fark.com

Liberals don't read the details. All those words makes their brains hurt, and besides, they only read what they have been told to read. Anything else is "right wing propaganda" that might make them think, and we are back to their heads hurting.It's why they like Islam. The Imam tells them what to believe, and what to hate, in the name of love, and they can shut down the forebrain and go back to humping little boys.

walkingtall #fundie fark.com

DNA, there is NO scientific answer for random processes to create DNA. In my journey through life I always wondered why pretty much every science fiction series or books always seemed to have in it that life on earth was seeded by aliens. It was a very common theme throughout science fiction. I was curious as to why. If it was settled that DNA evolved from nothing then why all the stories about aliens? Even as a young man it didn't make sense to me. As I got older and started asking questions and studying science it became clear there is nothing natural about DNA. There is no process in nature that could create a code like DNA. Random chance processes? Really? It seems completely silly. And it dawned on me that despite being an acolyte of the cult of science and intractable that the very idea that DNA came from nothing is hard to justify for anyone that is smart enough to write or truly appreciate good science fiction. So all the stories about the earth being seeded from space. It has come into the mainstream a little bit despite there being ZERO evidence DNA started in space or was seeded by aliens.

So that is a major one that science has no good answer for. There are hopes and dreams and wishes but no hard science that suggests you can take a rocky earth 4 billion years ago and from natural processes at work end up with DNA.

Little.Alex #fundie fark.com

["If the Nazi party is the national socialist party, why is it considered right wing?"

"Where a party lies on the political spectrum comes from actions, not names."]


To answer the question: Nazis are considered right wing, because the Left wants to re-write history. In the 1930s: the Left loved the Fascist and the Nazis. Time Magazine fawned over Hitler, and made him Man of the Year twice. Now they want to disown them, so they claim they're right wing.

The Nazis wanted a government without constitutional limitations, redistributing income, and with a set of special privileges for the preferred race: exactly like American Democrats today.

Read "Mein Kampf". Putting aside the militarism; Hitler's politics are mainstream Lefty. -all about class envy, hating the rich/educated and income redistribution.

shotglass #conspiracy fark.com

[Stupid people deriding science. Swell. It's actually amazing to me we ever got ourselves out of the Dark Ages. More assholes like this troll, and we never would have.]

No, stupid, I'm deriding the government throwing taxpayer dollars away on stupid things, and laundering our money through garbage 'studies' that pass out millions of my dollars only to have it turn right around and go into the campaign accounts of liberal Democrats. It's a scheme we're all aware of, but you libs won't admit.

tiggis #fundie fark.com

Islam is not the devil.

The devil is a personal entity.

Islam is the anti-christ and possibly the one world religion that will stand against GOD in the last days.

But Islam is not the devil.

Although Muslims could be devil worshipers.

JSTACAT #fundie fark.com

(On Indiana's constitutional same-sex marriage ban)

I am very, very , extremely happy bout this Ace move by Indiana.
This wisdom will spread, since each state would like to reduce the possibility of their state getting the Judgment of God, before others do.

You see, a lot of folks, believers or not, simply do not want to tempt God in any possible way, when we already face world destructive events.

When the leadership begins to support, aid and abet iniquity, that is when God allows the judgment to occur.
Read the books of Chronicals, Kings etc to see the deeper details how kingdoms rise and fall.

See why States leaders might want to "clean up"

Daxxenos #racist fark.com

One day there will be oceans of blood, and it will be payback time, and all those "reactionaries" are actually going to react. We will blockade and starve out your union run cities, obliterate your power crazed federal agencies, and take OUR country back. The worst is what we are going to have to deal with when you are all gone. But, that's our worry. Remember, Neos [neonazis] are the ones who developed and perfected industrial grade murder of civilians. Are you SURE you want to poke at us?