
RHJunior #homophobia rhjunior.livejournal.com

[Ashleigh Ball, voice actor of the MLP characters Rainbow Dash and Applejack, posted a picture of those two characters kissing each other in appreciation of World Pride Day.]

Ashleigh Ball burns her pinch of incense to the Emperor and posts a lesbian shipping picture of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Homosexuals everywhere rejoice as another cultural icon is torn down and whored out for their aggrandizement. I'm sure Hasbro deeply appreciates her lezzing out two of their characters so she can score suckup points with GLAAD.

Ashleigh Ball is who? The voice actor. She's not the characters. She's not the writer, creator, director, or producer, she's just the hired help that reads the lines. So sorry to disappoint you, kids, she doesn't get to say who Rainbow Dash or Applejack want to sex up. I hope to God someone in Hasbro has the brains and common sense to rake her over the coals for pulling a stunt like that.

Remember, kids, there's more than one way to be a girl-- unless you're a tomboy, or someone wants to score points with militant homosexuals, in which case you're just obviously a lesbian. No no, don't deny it... any contrary notions just mean you haven't explored your feelings enough yet. Preferably while another girl explores your genitalia. If you feel offended or violated or, God help you, if you protest, then you're a dirty filthy homophobe.

Remember, you and the rest of society exist just to prop up the tissue-paper self-esteem of two percent of the population obsessed with screwing their own gender!

The mane six are het. Why? Because that's the default setting. It's normal, it's healthy, and stamp your widdle feet all you like, it's how its supposed to be. You don't even need a passing grade in Biology 101 to figure that out. The "Cis-gendered" are not the deviation, GLBT crowd, YOU are, and deep down you know that. You are already obscenely over-represented. You want "tolerance?" You got tolerance already. You're demanding UNIVERSAL VALIDATION, which no matter how many pop-culture figures you turn into lesbians or trannies, you're not going to get. Hitch up your big girl panties and COPE. If you can't deal with being a rare abnormality without surrounding yourself with pretend lesbian characters, then maybe you've chosen the wrong "lifestyle" for you.

neyland_tarr #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

I've long felt that a lot of the force behind many Atheist's professed Lack of Faith is a desperate need to duck out of any post-mortem reckoning. So many of the swine spend their lives actively promoting urban poverty (by dumbing down urban schools), sexual incontinence, terrorism, oppression, slavery, and mass murder, that they must pray every night that there is no God .... because if there is, they are in BIG TROUBLE.

RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

[do you defend Young Earth or Old Earth Creationism?]

I believe the Bible, I believe in "young" Earth creationism because that model matches the evidence-- as you would know if you actually read the columns at that website instead of bothering ME every five minutes to heroically defend your worldview.

"Young" Earth. How muddle brained do you have to be to view thousands upon thousands of years as "young"....

RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

[transsexualism is just a craze?]

Okay, GMAFB.
If there is any medical justification in brain chemistry for transsexualism, then the appropriate response is to medically treat the imbalance in the brain, not to hack their God-given body up and sew it back together backwards like Dr. Frankenstein--- or should I say Frank. N. Furter?

And I wouldn't trust that "research" as far as I could throw it. The field of neuroscience is one of few established beach-heads and vast, unexplored jungles of frightening ignorance. And medical practitioners--- yes, the "mainstream, established" ones--- have a long and lush history of propagating whatever neuromedical model is the most convenient and profitable (do a little research into the history of lobotomies and the treatment of 'female hysteria' for further enlightenment.)

Telling someone that they're suffering from dysmorphia, not from being in the wrong body, isn't as popular or profitable as telling patients what they want to hear and putting them through thousands of dollars in surgery and a lifetime of hormone injections.

ristin #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

I wonder if this is one of the 'environmental factors' that leads to children growing up to be homosexual?

If females are constantly portrayed as superiour, and males as brutish stupid and violent...are we surprised that a lot of young girls grow up to be lesbian women?
If they are taught not to like, respect or admire males...how can they?

If females are constantly portrayed as hostile and condescending to males, and an immense legal danger to interact with ...are we surprised that a lot of young boys grow up to be homosexual?
With males getting shafted in any sexual-crime case, custody case or divorce case...prone to presumption-of-guilt if a female accuses them of any sexual crime, is it surprising some males don't see the appeal of a relationship with a woman? If every show and sitcom and opera episode pumps out anti-male-stereotypes, is it any surprise that males expect real-world females to treat them like the women in sitcoms treat their husbands?

RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

[On AnsersInGenesis.org]

The point of AiG is not to supplement or replace the bible. Its purpose is to demonstrate that the claims of the anticreationists--- that believing the bible is anti-scientific,that creationism has been "debunked"-- are false.
We believe, regardless. But we are commanded to always have an answer. It is not a sin to use the mind that God gave you to reason with those who reject God's word, and to encourage the brethren who are battered daily by the deceitful and scornful.

WE are told to give a witness. A witness is a personal account of what one has experienced. Are not the things that these God-fearing scientists studied and discovered--- that they have had revealed to them-- part of their personal experience?

And if "Nobody has ever been persuaded by a scientific argument" is true, then why are atheists absolutely driven to fits of spitting rage and fear by the very existence of AiG?
Answer: because alternative worldviews, presented scientifically, are a mortal threat to their hegemony. And they know it, right down to the core of their coal-black little hearts.

So God bless the AiG, and more power to them. May their testimony shake the pillars of the earth.

RHJunior #sexist rhjunior.livejournal.com

Back when the fight for women to get the vote was underway, it was met with considerable hostility... as the caricatures above illustrate. Those for the women's vote had an ethical point: any person who bore the responsibilities of citizenship (paying taxes, serving jury duty, otherwise demonstrating civic responsibility) ought to also have the rights of citizenship (voting, etc.)
But those opposed to it had some arguments of their own. Firstly that women and men had different natural roles in society, and that it went poorly for society when women tried to take over a man's duties (and voting was seen as a man's duty.) Secondly they argued women would pursue irrational political behavior-- voting based not on objective national interests but on feminine, maternal and emotional desires, and would be unwilling to make the harder decisions often required of those in politics.
Not merely that they would make poor voting decisions, but that they would use the suffrage movement as a toe in the door... that once they had the vote, then the more radical elements that had already begun associating themselves with the Women's Rights movement in general would move in. The demands would come more frequently, more strident, and more onerous-- that men would be pushed aside from their role as providers, breadwinners and heads of their households, that women would use their political influence to henpeck and legally subjugate men, that the family unit would be turned amuck or even torn asunder as women "went off the rails."
Such arguments were finally overruled, and women in America were given the vote in 1920.

Now, though, comes the question none dare ask. Look around and ask yourself: Were they wrong?

From the moment feminists got the vote, the demands indeed have come hard and fast. Women in America have every single right that men do, **and more.** They enjoy legal protections and privileges that men would never dare dream of, and are excused from the obligatory responsibilities that men are still expected to bear-- for instance supporting and raising a child, or serving on average twice the sentence for the same crime, or being drafted and dying in a war... yet the demands never ceased. They only grow louder, and shriller, and more frequent, and more insane.

Not one year past we had an entire political movement built by feminists around getting one of the crookedest, dirtiest, most bigoted and reprehensible politicians in America elected to the highest office in the land, SOLELY BECAUSE IT WAS FEMALE. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of men serving prison sentences right now for sex crimes they never committed, solely on the word of a woman--- every other week is a new story where a man has to be let out of jail after years or decades because they caught the woman out in a lie. Reproductive rights? A woman can flush the pills and poke a hole in the condom, get pregnant, and the courts will force him to pay either for child care or for the abortion-- and the decision of which is solely and entirely HERS. He gets no say. Prenuptuals? She can get those overthrown at the drop of a hat with a sympathetic divorce judge-- and they're all sympathetic. And still these feminists have the audacity to say, over and over, that they are OPPRESSED. We've had women-- teachers!-- going online and proclaiming that mathematics is inherently sexist. They're out there in the streets DRESSED AS VAGINAS, complaining that it's sexist that their women's studies doesn't get them jobs as astronauts. The feminist movement seems completely dedicated to proving beyond a shadow of a possible doubt that the men who passed the 19th amendment were out of their damned minds, and nothing I've read has even hinted that this is something NEW. The only difference is that what was the fringe element of the suffragettes in 1917 has become the entire body politic of the feminist movement 100 years later.

And to judge by feminist shenanigans in Canada, England, France, etc. it's not a uniquely American proposition either.

So let's ask the question that none dare ask, that none dare answer, and even if they did would not be overheard against the background of autistic women screeching: If the anti-suffragists were wrong about the feminist movement then why in every western country, did it end up like this?

RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

[Crusader logic from a fundamental Christian]

...I take the long, cynical view. We are doing well, but sooner or later we will be faced with a choice to either remove the REAL source of terrorism-- Islam--- or turn around and go home, merely pretending that the enemy is completely defeated.
Have you been 'reaching the masses?' Making friends? Making allies?

Are they still Muslim? Well then, you're still an infidel-- and you failed. They'll forget your kindness within a generation of your departure, if it takes them that long; that's just human nature, and an ingratitude that Islam exploits quite readily.

We want to defeat Hitler's armies, and leave his propagandist in charge when we leave. Guess how effective that's going to be.

Sooner or later, we will finally be at total war with Islam. Because whether or not we want to declare it, it has already been declared on us. Repeatedly. Daily. In every mosque on earth, from the very first Muslim himself. And we won't escape from it by pretending we're not at war.

rhjunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

Liberals who would drop dead before admitting that Darwin and Marx slaughtered millions in the last century, and puddin-headed tube babies who think that if we would all just adopt St. Darwin like good little Vulcans, we'd all be living on the Starship Enterprise by now.... all in a quivery, cheeto-and-sweatstained rage because the bigotry, arrogance, ignorance, fascism, and dogmatic stupidity of their anti-Church have been put on public display.

I've seen lemmings, lab rats and roosters with less predictable responses.

RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

Ah, the invisible gardener/invisible purple dragon/flying spaghetti monster argument. I've heard variants.

See, this is what should properly be called a straw man. An inaccurate portrayal of someone else's arguments or beliefs, propped up for easy knocking down. Those who accuse Christians of "invisible gardener" arguments have never, in my experience, ever listened to a theologian's actual apologetics and instead insert this little parable to describe what they imagine are the Christian's beliefs. Accusing the Christian of goal-post moving... even as they hurriedly move their own goalposts backwards as fast as they can run.

But you can't prove anything to a fool.

We have submitted our beliefs over and over again to the ultimate testing lab-- the real world. Again and again, we have been proven right. We have, in fact, submitted the core of our faith to the ultimate falsifiability at Golgotha. There were two possible outcomes at Calvary: either everything Christ said about Himself and His Father was true, and His tomb would be empty... or he was just a lunatic and a liar and his corpse would be dragged before the people of the world, and his cult would die then and there. The material evidence-- his body-- was secured by the authorities, overseen by hostile witnesses, sealed in a tomb with a boulder and a legal seal that was a death sentence to break, and placed under guard by roman legionnaires for three days. The power and authority of an entire Empire was set in place to prove His claims false. By their own reasoning, debunking Christianity and everything connected with it should have been a slam dunk. A thousand times easier than taking candy from a baby. It was the perfect set up.

And yet, three days later... the body was gone. Two thousand years later, and all the enemies of Christianity combined, including the most powerful Empires the earth has ever known, have STILL not brought out the body.

But you can't prove anything to a fool.

What's more, every witness of the things Jesus did and said, dozens of them, died UNDER TORTURE, swearing that it was true, that they had seen it... with no possible reward for their insistence but slow, gruesome and hideous death, no possible punishment for their reneging but freedom and life. A single one of his apostles recanting would have shattered the growing Christian community. Yet none, not ONE, of those eyewitnesses recanted.

But you can't prove anything to a fool.

Christianity's own strongest evidence is its own existence. It is a belief system that, by its own parameters, should not and could not exist if even a microscopic portion of it were false. And yet here we are.

But you can't prove anything to a fool.

Invisible gardeners? Flying spaghetti monsters? I believe the bible for the simple fact that I cannot stand there getting whacked in the face with the absolute truth and not inevitably break down and believe it. Let these fools chase their Piltdown men and their pigs' teeth and their sketches of the World that Never Was, and sit around sweatily reassuring each other that their latest batch of ImagionationLand just-so stories are the truth. You can't teach a fool the truth anymore than you can teach a pig to whistle.

Poetsong #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

[Oh shiny, shiny mirror on the wall...]

I think what we have to remember about Islam is that unlike Christianity we are looking at a religion that has been spreading mostly by procreation. Most people who are Muslims are not Muslims because they choose to be, they are Muslims because are forced to be. You take away a nations ability to force Islam and Islam will weaken and fall apart on its own.

RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com

Women are, by nature, overcautious nurturers. They react with visceral negativity to aggression, risk-taking and competitiveness--- which is why men are the heads of households. If women ran the world the way their hormones dictate, we'd all still be wearing leaves and eating our food raw because the womenfolk didn't want the younguns playing with that nasty, dangerous fire and getting sooty fingerprints all over the cave walls.

RHJunior #fundie rhjunior.livejournal.com


...Why, because a black man got elected? SO WHAT? They were electing black politicians in the deep south in the 1860s and 70s! And call it a hunch, I suspect it was because they were QUALIFIED, and not because they were BLACK.

It's not a historic triumph, but a historic tragedy, that America elected a president almost entirely because of the color of his skin and in spite of the content of his character. He got there by milking racial division and by attacking and silencing anyone who questioned his past or his politics by accusing them of racism. This isn't a glorious step forward, it's Jesse Jackson race-baiting politics-as-usual.

"It's a historic moment!" .... yeah, so was the Reichstag fire.