
Alex Jones #conspiracy #homophobia youtube.com

(Transscript of video)
In the interval [?] the Pentagon just tested a gay bomb on Iraq, they considered it, they didnā€™t [?] consider using it, they used it on our troops, in Vietnam, they sprayed PCP on our troops - Jacobā€™s Ladder - ha - you think PCP - some horse tranquilizers or something? They got some stuff thatā€™ll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips in the troops. They give the troops special vaccines that really [?] nanotech that auto[?]-re-engineers their brains.
Now there is the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself, this is what do you think tap water is, itā€™s a gay bomb, baby.
And Iā€™m not saying people didnā€™t naturally have homosexual feelings, Iā€™m not even getting into it, quite frankly, give me a break. You think Iā€¦ Iā€™m, like, shocked by it [?] [incomprehensible] bashing it because I donā€™t like gay people. I DONā€™T LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! THEY TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY!
Do you understand that?
Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! [bangs paper on table]
Iā€™m sick of being socially engineered! Itā€™s not funny!

sv3rige #fundie youtube.com

You're mentally ill if you don't eat raw meat, OK. What excuse could you fucking possibly have for not eating your natural diet. If you see blood, liver and brain and don't find those foods appetizing then you're mentally ill. You have been indoctrinated. If you were brainwashed as a kid to eat other food then you're still mentally ill by definition.

What is actually available in nature? Not those cultivated man-made plants that you find in the shop. Fruit, for example, is mostly water with some sugar, almost no vitamins and a few minerals. Yet you see those shops everywhere that sell "vitamin bombs". What vitamins are those? Vitamin C? Where's everything else? Blood has every single vitamin. Fruit has fucking nothing. This is the retardation of today's society. The skin is toxic and so are the seeds. All of them have anti-nutrients. Absolutely fucking useless.

Nick Nack #fundie youtube.com

(in the comments of a YouTube video where Alex Jones is roaring abuse at restaurant customers, who are laughing at him)

Alex is arguing with the same morons who said: Brexit wouldn't happen. Trump wouldn't be president. The Kavanaugh accusers were telling the truth. Elizabeth Warren is a Native American. The Coventry High School kids harassed a Native American. Jussie Smollett was telling the truth, and of course (drum roll please)... Trump was colluding with Russia. I don't watch InfoWars but leftists in the democratic party have shown time and again they are Hyper-Emotional, Manic, Self-Important, Nonfactual, Liars. If the Dunce Cap fits, leftists...

[CHUCK U FARLEY: They're also laughing at the psycho who believes aliens are reotoids shapeshifters that have infiltrated the government...]

He never gave out a single address. Google before you speak. More FUD. He believed it was staged, which is wrong but his opinion he is FREE to express. He was de-platformed for his opinions and for helping Trump get elected... a sore spot to this day with pansy, immature leftists. #1A

[CHUCK U FARLEY: Trump had nothing to do with him being deplatformed that's just crazy talk. Guess what the company's that deplatformed Alex are private companies so they have all the right to kick you to the curb if you break their guidelines.]

Your sad little political party is on suicide watch. The whore "Stormy Daniels" attorney, Michael Avenatti has just been arrested on multiple charges that carry 5-20 year sentences! Can't stump the Trump! Sad trombone playing for you. AhhhhhHAHAHAHAA! Get help.https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/michael-avenatti-charged/index.html

[CHUCK U FARLEY: You assume I'm a Democrat just because I see through Jones's craziness is retarded. You have no bullshit detector so you cling to an idiot that spouts off nutty conspiracies.]

Tell that to your wife's boyfriend. He'll love it. Cuck. I don't watch InfoWars, but pussified men like you are cancer to a free society and free exchange of thought, right or wrong. Freedom of speech is the most basic of human rights. Applauding the shutting down someone because you don't care for the sounds they make with their mouth makes you a fascist little tyrant. Emphasis on "little" (you're wife talks....).

John Baugh #fundie youtube.com

Rontow: I just want to correct you on one thing, as a Jew who read the entirety of the Tanach, Gehenna is not hell, it is a physical location called "guy Ben hinom" ("guy" meaning "valley", the "valley of the son of hinom") where Canaanite pagans (and heretic Jews at times) sacrificed their first born. There's no hell in the old testament (and Judaism), Gehenna is a physical location you can visit, though it is believed to be cursed (from the whole sacrificing thing)?

John Baugh: It was used by Jesus as a metaphor for Hell. And the Old Testament is full of the reality of Hell. With all due respect, Rabbinical Judaism of today is descended largely from the teaching of the Pharisees, and is a far cry from the sacrificial system under Abraham, and then Moses, instituted by God. Many (most?) Jews today do not acknowledgement an actual Hell, nor an actual Satan, and most I've spoken with don't acknowledge an actual Heaven or afterlife either. This is entirely contradictory of the teaching in the Tanakh (which I've also read many times.)?

?skylander king: I'm Jewish and the way I heard of Hell is as just a midpoint between being reincarnated if you didn't make it into Heaven the first few times. A boiling swamp where your soul would be tortured 6 days a week and only let out on Shabbat. I'm not sure how long this torture lasts for, only that it's not eternity.?

John Baugh: Well, the interpretation involving reincarnation is not consistent with the teachings in what we Christians refer to as the Old Testament (The Hebrew Bible, Tanakh.) Reincarnation is more of a pagan/far eastern/new age philosophy (probably introduced into Judaism by some sort of Kabbalah tradition.) Some of the confusion is because the New Testament uses terms that would have been more familiar to the Greek world (e.g., Hades, Tartarus), and then when English translations came about, the Nordic influence into English was clear, since the word "Hell" is from Germanic/Nordic tradition. But this doesn't mean the CONCEPTS were "borrowed" from the pagans. It's that that terms they could at least have some concept of could be used and clarified when needed. It is true that our knowledge of Hell is limited, but the souls definitely went to Sheol, sometimes also called "Mot" (although that is also a term borrowed from neighboring/conquered civilizations like the Canaanites for clarification.) I'd say that it's quite clear God says He was have vengeance and judgment upon sinners, and that this is a permanent state, if one makes a careful reading of Scripture a priority. (Isaiah 2:12; 13:6, 9; Ezekiel 13:5, 30:3; Joel 1:15, 2:1,11,31; 3:14; Amos 5:18,20; Obadiah 15; Zephaniah 1:7,14; Zechariah 14:1; Malachi. 4:5 are all decent references) Also, throughout history, God revealed Himself and how the universe works over time, so the earliest Jews didn't have all the information - there was a lot of mystery. For example, Jews then (and even still don't) didn't understand exactly who the Messiah would be. They assumed it would be a political figure that would save them from tyranny. This is why the Jews (Pharisees primarily) during the time of Jesus were assuming the Messiah would be someone to throw off the Roman conquerors, but in the same respect, they didn't want to rock the boat because Rome gave them quite a bit of autonomy. But, the prophecies about the Messiah throughout the OT says that He would be "bruised for our transgressions" and the "punishment that brought us peace was upon Him" (Isaiah 53 - which is CLEARLY NOT about anyone other than someone whose punishment can pay for your sins.) Furthermore, an enormous portion of the Old Testament/Tanakh points to Jesus as Messiah. And although this group gets a lot of hate from orthodox and non-Messianic Jews, I'd recommend they are a group to at least consider, as far as the points they have to make:

steve disgustipate #fundie youtube.com

(This person is mocking critics of the metal band Arghoslent, who are talented musicians, but have lyrics glorifying slavery.)

eww....but eeewww...their lyrics aren't socially neutered and haven't been filtered thru the zionic stratagem....ewww...I cant like this band...im an indoctrinated spineless weasel millennial twerp.....

Tom Knight #fundie youtube.com

ItsAmandaWan: I'm not a sinner Tom. Thanks, have a great day!?

Tom Knight: Amanda, I was a bit busy the other night so I couldn't write much, but I appreciate your kind reply. What I share with people I share in love, but I usually receive hate in return. That's OK, I don't take it personally. I'm only the messenger. Anyway, as the Bible says in Psalm 51 that we were all born into sin. So we all have a sin nature. Satan loves to deceive people and put a different color wrapping on sin, and it works especially well when society applauds any kind of sin. We have to ask for God's help out of sin every day. And repent when we do sin. I never realized the urgency of accepting Christ as Lord and Savior until I looked people in the eyes who had NDE's. You can tell that what they experienced in Hell was not a bad dream or a hallucination, it forever changed their lives. For someone to say that what they experienced there they wouldn't wish on their worst enemy, or even Hitler. It must have been traumatic. So I share this truth with precious people. What they do with it is their decision. Even most churches today don't talk about sin because people don't want to hear about it. And less money will come in if they do tell people about their sin. But the only way to escape the fires of Hell is to repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. I pray you can do that.
Anyway, darling, I have to go now. My sexy Asian wife is out in SF, she's a highly-payed Medical Professional and I'm here in Pensacola Beach Florida (with the sugary white sand beaches) getting some beach properties. So I'll see her soon. But she's amazing, she honored her father's request to not get involved with any men until after Med School. So at 27 she was still a virgin, so I won the bank! As an Ex Playboy Military Pilot/ Airline Pilot I did well my dear! But God honored me when I made my decision for Christ as Lord and Savior. We waited and honored the No Wed/ No Bed plan of God. So our first time was honeymoon night. But she's is a Lady of dignity and self-respect and not a dog in heat looking to scratch an itch or satisfy an "urge!" And my gosh did it pay off! Big time! Anyway love, please consider accepting Christ as Lord and Savior of your life! He is the only way to escape the fires of Hell. I see the emptiness in your eyes. God knows you are truly searching. Please don't live in the gutter of Satan having any sex before marriage. And the bisexual mess will definitely lead you to the fires of Hell, so get that out of your life quick and wait for God's man for life so you don't spend an eternity in regret.
You don't have to write back my love, only think of what I've said to you because it's said in love to you, and not hate or judgment.
Anyway, have a good night my sweetheart and live a Godly life!
Tommy boy!?

Tom Knight #fundie youtube.com

OK my dear, since it is abundantly clear that everybody is completely deceived on this entire subject let the old Colonel, Military Pilot/ Airline Pilot come in pull some of your beautiful rear-ends out of the flames of Hell. What I say is said in love and never hate or judgment. As you are all precious to God. And none of this is about "religion" or my opinions, so don't allow Satan to con you into believing that one. After watching a few minutes of this girl's video I can see that she's so steeped in Satan's deception, it's absolutely mind-boggling!
So buckle your seatbelts because it's time to perform some high-speed "airstrikes" on some of Satans most prized territory.

I saw a video the other day that a girl did on the bisexual spectrum. There is no bisexual spectrum, there is only a "sin spectrum" and it includes homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, adultery, fornication-need I mention any others? I think you have the point. They are all weapons that Satan employs to drag you to an eternal Hell with him. No folks, Hell is not a joke or a myth. It is a real place where the fire is never quenched, the torment never ends, and the worm dies not. I've looked in the eyes of people who have had NDE's and you can tell what they describe of Hell wasn't a bad dream or a hallucination. It forever changed their lives. And it eagerly awaits those who leave this life without having repented and accepting Christ into their hearts. Tens of thousand find that out the "hard way" every single day that are dropping into Hell. Satan deceived them into thinking that they could live their lives any way they "dang-well-pleased" but they found out quickly when that last breath departed from their body that God didn't feel the same way. And God takes no pleasure in people ending up in that place of eternal misery. And Jesus weeps.

Jesus Christ loves all of you and He died on an old rugged cross for your sins. He is the only one who can save from the fires of an eternal Hell. But you have to accept Him as an act of your will. Please accept Him today as Lord and Savior of your life. He gave you the gift of a free will, so He will never force His way into your life. But should you take your last breath without having repented and accepting Christ, you will wish to God that He did force His way into your life. This life is a vapor that appears for a moment and vanishes, eternity never ends. So don't play games with your eternity.
Pray this prayer:

Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.
Love in Christ?

Restore The Earth #conspiracy youtube.com

Animals know to run before an earthquake even hits. Only a few humans do.
Animals also sometimes try to remove microchips embedded in another animal's neck. They can sense the microchip causes cancer and does not belong there.
We got a mare from a kill pen( where equines are sent before shipping to Mexico to slaughter) . She happened to be pregnant. Her foal was 8 weeks old when he started trying to bite the microchip out of his mother's neck. Now some countries are planning to microchip people. It causes cancer that metastasizes usually within a year or two.?

Tom Knight #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

("A Youtuber reveals her new girlfriend")

As usual, this is said in love and not hate or judgment. As you are precious to God. So I will not give a thumbs down, as that's sneaky, but I will give the truth. And pray God you will listen.

This video looks like a Bible movie that is titled: In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Wouldn't you say? Yes, I thought so! I've tried everything to stop these perverted videos from coming in but they keep stalking. So, once again, I guess God wants to have a talk with you. No, don't confuse this with "hate", as they say, so don't let Satan con you into believing that lie. Because real hate would be people in the comment section applauding this sin. It's sad how deceived an entire generation is. To the point that they have no clue that the lives they are living are an abomination to God. And when the "Boss" calls something an abomination, we had better pay close attention. What they fantasize as "freedom" is nothing but a display of the bondage that they are in. Jesus, forgive us. You beautiful people have to wrap your 3lbs of brains around the meaning of eternity and where you will spend it. Jesus desperately wants you with Him in Heaven and not in that place of eternal torment. And I want you in Heaven, also!

God loved the people of Sodom and Gomorrah but after years of constant warning to them about their sin of homosexuality, sex outside of marriage and other sins, He ended up annihilating every man, woman, and child. Even their animals! So you can clearly see that God has a limit. Yes, as the Bible says He is long-suffering towards us but His patience has a limit. To mock that is only to mock yourself and no one else. I share this in love to all of you. And you all know I'm not sharing in love because I do care about you. And I'm only the messenger. I will attach an account of Marilyn Monroe on the bottom of this comment. And where she is this moment as you read this.

Satan never plays fair, do not be on the receiving end of His deception. Your soul is worth beyond all the kingdoms of the world, and Satan knows it, and he hates you for it. So whatever it takes to drag you with him into his eternal destination, the Lake of Fire, he will gladly do. Whether it's the deception of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, reincarnation, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, tattoos and piercings, or being transgender, whatever it takes.

The only way to escape the fires of Hell is to repent and accept Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. Please do that now and repeat the prayer at the bottom. Millions screaming in the fires and torture of Hell today would give all their treasures or riches they had on earth for one opportunity to come back and pray the sinner's prayer and accept Christ into their heart. You have an opportunity, they don't.

Pray this prayer:

Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead on the third day. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Love in Christ

So let's quickly look at Marilyn Monroe. At the apex of her fame in Hollywood, Billy Graham was moved by God to go and speak to her about her life and to tell her of God's love and the Saving power of Jesus Christ. He mentioned that he felt an urgency about her. When he finally sat down to speak with her, she laughed hysterically at him and said, "I don't need your Jesus!" She had no clue that death would end up surprising her only a few days later. And NDE after NDE confirms the fact that she is currently screaming and burning in the fires of Hell. Many have said the demons take sheer delight in mutilating her and throwing spears through her and throwing her into the fire. They said that her screams were unbearable to listen to. And it was very, very real. And none were telling a lie.

Your life is a gift from God to you and what you do with that life is your gift back to Him. And in the backdrop of eternity, you are only here on earth for a few seconds. So please, let's live our lives the way God wants us to live them. Nothing on this earth is worth missing Heaven for. From the few accounts of people who were taken to Heaven (via NDEs), it is a place that you do not want to miss! The streets are pure Gold. And the Gold is so pure that it's transparent! People said they saw their grandparents while they were there and they were young again (20's/30's) and beautiful! People even saw pets there that they had as children that had died decades prior! So you can clearly see that what's important to you is important to God. Please, accept Christ today and make Heaven your home!?

Tom Knight #fundie youtube.com

Tom Knight: Hi dream queen. Thanks for not attacking like most do in their first few sentences, my friend. So many church denominations are so far away from Christ and the Truth of God's Word that it's difficult to find a church that actually preaches about sin and the realities of Heaven and Hell. Most are about competing with the church across the street and having huge memberships and making lots of money. You can see it in the extravagant lifestyle of some of the pastors of these churches. But I came up Catholic and would say I"m closer to possibly Baptist now. But whoever has a passion for the lost (those without Christ) and hurting that's who I agree with. These are all God's precious kids, including this lovely girl and her lovely mother (mum, as they say over there). I care immensely for them and that's why I don't sugar coat the truth. As tomorrow is not a guarantee for anybody. And if you end up in this place, you will never get out. You might not have had the opportunity of looking in the eyes of people who have had NDE's, I have. And what they described of Hell was not a bad dream or a hallucination. It forever changed their lives. And most will not talk about it. I'm one voice that can stand alone and strom the Gates of Hell because you are all worth having the right to know the truth. What people do with that eternal truth is their decision. All I know is that Jesus weeps because He doesn't want any of you to end up in that very real place of eternal suffering. But He will never come against your gift of a free will. So you have ot accept Him as an act of your will. I will attach a prayer here.
Pray this prayer:
Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Mieke deM: Hi there! Let me start of by saying I'm born and raised Christian and I am a child of God. Then, how sad that you choose the word "fascinating" to describe the supposed work of Satan and then proceed to claim you care. Further more, how dare you speak for God by saying it's "too late for them" when His message is that it's NEVER too late to choose to follow Him. Lastly, God wants nothing more than for His children to be happy and thriving, who are you to say that they are living their lives wrong? Who are you to say they aren't children of God. Please, if you choose to represent Christians, then don't give us such an awful name as you just have. These people are brave in the face of adversity, they teach people to love themselves and live life fully. THAT is closer to teaching us the ways of the Lord than condemning people you don't even know to hell. Than judging. God teaches us not to judge, only He can judge, and yet here you are thinking you can do his job for Him. He teaches us to love, so spread the love He shows us, don't spread hate and use Christianity as an excuse to do it... I don't mean to be rude at all sir, but spreading love and the true word of the Lord is important, but shoving it down people's throats and claiming they're going to hell is not the right way....?

Tom Knight #fundie youtube.com

It's truly fascinating how far down into the sewer and gutter of depravity, indecency, and immorality that Satan has dragged the women of this nation (and obviously other nations also) In a nation that God has blessed beyond measure and this seems to be the way we thank Him. How sad. Parents no longer have a clue about how to bring their children up with the Fear of God. No maturity whatsoever. It's like babies having babies! Everything goes! It is a sick world now. It proves emphatically that Satan really is the father of lies and the original author of Confusion. God holds these parents accountable and responsible for how they raise their children that He gave them. Let's wake up mom's (or mum's) from your slumber and take some responsibility in the rearing of your children.

Jesus Christ loves you and He died on an old rugged cross for your sins. Hell is real my lovie-dovies! It is not a joke or a myth. It is a place where the fire is never quenched, the torment never ends, and the worm dies not. Tens of thousands find that out the hard way every single day that are dropping into Hell. Satan deceived them into fantasizing that they could live their lives any way they "dang-well-pleased", but, they quickly found out after the last breath departed from their body that God didn't feel the same way. And God takes no pleasure in people ending up in Hell. Only Jesus can save from the fires of Hell. It's sad that an Ex Playboy Military Pilot/ Airline Pilot has to lecture "girls" on how to actually grow up and become ladies! Here's a quick hint for you both. If you one day wake up and discover you are BI, as you say, your next step is to fall on your face before a Righteous God and ask Him to forgive you and to set you free from a Satanically inspired lifestyle! Any questions? I didn't think so!

Now I will leave you with a true story of a Hell experience that someone had that died and had an NDE. This person had never repented of their sins and accepted Christ as Lord and Savior, so after their last breath, they were dragged by demons to the fires of Hell. While in Hell they witnessed a mother and her two children that had been killed in a car accident weeks before. The mother was standing in the center and her two children on either side. All were being mutilated and were on fire with their skin flaking off. The two children were screaming in the mother's ears these words, "Why didn't you ever tell us about Jesus! Why didn't you ever take us to church! Why did you do this to us! We are here because of you!"

Apparently, the scene was extremely horrific to watch. It took this person years to even be able to talk about what they saw in Hell. To mock this is only to mock yourself. Let's wise up slumbering parents out there. You are accountable to God for eternity for your children.

That family's opportunity at Salvation is passed. It is a place that has no door out. That mother's selfishness and narcissism dragged her children to Hell with her. So they don't have an opportunity, you do. Please don't play games with your eternity.

Pray this prayer:

Dear Lord God, I realize that I am a sinner and that I'm in need of a savior. Please forgive me, I'm sorry for my sins. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place paying the penalty for my sins. Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life and I accept You now Lord Jesus. Lord God, I believe in my heart that you raised Jesus from the dead. According to the Bible, I'm now saved, and Born Again. Show me how to live the rest of my life for you, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Love in Christ?

Tyrant Fashister #racist youtube.com

(Parody of "We Three Kings")

We wuz kangs while y'all wuz in caves
We ruled Earth and whites wuz our slaves
Traffic lights and spaceship flights
And dinners in microwaves

When Yakub, with oversized head
Made the whites, selectively bred
They burned our cities, acted shitty
We became slaves instead

O, kill the crackas, kill the whites
Loot myself some shit tonight
Food stamp needing, never reading
We will win this ancient fight

We wuz magic, knew how to fly
We wuz immortal, we'd never die
Now we're aping, killing, raping
Cooking a side of fries

O, kill the crackas, kill the whites
Loot myself some shit tonight
Food stamp needing, never reading
We will win this ancient fight

Did I mention we wuz the Jews?
And we wuz Egyptians, too
Pharaoh's plagues were crack and AIDS
For stepping on someone's shoe

O, kill the crackas, kill the whites
Loot myself some shit tonight
Food stamp needing, never reading
We will win this ancient fight

Rabbi Snatchshekelstein #racist youtube.com

'200 years together' by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

An absolute must read if you are fed up of hearing about the holoho holocaust 24 times a day and wish to learn about the (((communist))) bolsheviks, where 80-90% of the government/gulag/police force positions were held by jews,something which is never spoken about. The same bolshevik jews who were ultimately responsible for the inhumane and barbaric deaths of somewhere between 60-120 million (majority Christian) people between 1917-1957.

(((coincidently))) not many english translations available.

Darth Bane #fundie youtube.com

They always have been deceptions.

Not once in the bible was their a page where someone had a nde went to Heaven talked too God and then sent back too Earth to talk about their dream.

Not once.

Pixie and LC #fundie youtube.com

(=Video title "Is it possible Near death experiences are demonic deceptions, designed to discredit what the Bible?"=)

Pixi: Yes this is something I have come to realise, that the enemy can indeed give a false nde to an unsaved person. Because some people claim to see an 'Angel' that tells them things that I know for a fact a true Angel of God would never say. Telling them it's ok to be a practicing homosexual indulging in sodomy for example.. It's actually terrifying when you think about it.. Because these poor people believe it. I don't understand why God allows the fallen ones to do this.. I've been praying he stops them. Remember, Satan has no creative powers of his own and has a sloppy counterfeit for everything God does.?

L C: Pixi can u give me the link??

Pixi: @L C Hello. It wasn't in a video that particular thing, it was in a book about ndes and obes from gay and lesbian people. I stopped reading it after the part when a man said his 'angel' told him hell didn't exist and that God made gay people and was happy he was gay.?

L C: Pixi then can u give me the book *laughing emoji

Pixi: @L C I had to go do a little research as I couldn't recall the name, but it's "Crossing over and coming home" by Liz Dale. But remember, it's largely a deception.?

L C: Pixi donā€™t worry i will read it with caution thx anyway *smiley emoji*

Nah Fam #sexist youtube.com

Lucah, I donā€™t want to say that your a outlier when it comes to modern standard of women but...

Teenage girls of the modern day are 100% more slutty and enjoy getting drunk and objectified more then you think. And they choose to make it the guys fault despite them not being taught to value themselves or being disciplined to know how to act properly.

NebuchadnezzarII #racist youtube.com

Greets to Poland! We also support your struggle against the Zionist-Wahhabi scum who control your country. The global Jewish banking cartels want to destroy every trace of ethnic heritage and culture on the planet.

There are no bombs falling on Poland, but the Jewish bankers are working hard to destroy Poland in a different way. Israel, NATO, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the Jew.S.A. are working together to turn the whole world into a type of mono-cultural hell, all controlled by Jewish finance. That way, they can sell us the same products and create disgusting homosexual, perverted societies where people forget their native roots.

Keep fighting, brother!

From an Assyrian friend

nickyiil #sexist youtube.com

(Paragraph breaks added for ease of reading)

You people are insane ! literally insane. You spend the last thousand years aping the Romans, as you believed them to be, morphing your men into rage filled emotional cripples, then you bitch and moan.

Yes men have emotions other than rage but, a 1000+ years of conditioning prevents the majority of publicly expressing them.

After so many generations i would not be surprised if it is part of the male genetic code by now.

Women clearly do not choose the soft emotional type to reproduce with, so.. men fake it till they make it.

You chose that type of man for your society. Tf are you bitching?


if not for the moral busybodies that stick their noses in to my entertainment, i would not give a fuck about feminism and feminists.

I begun studying them out of intellectual curiosity, nothing more. After 30+years i probably know shit about feminism its origins and its masks that most feminist have forgotten, or were never told.

That and a genuine out rage at the unacceptable violation of the" All equal under the law" principle makes me one of their deadliest opponents.

Again idid not go out seeking battle i have better things to do than wasting time trying to convince a bunch of intellectual blind people of the obvious they refuse to see.

You cannot reason with religious zealots, it can not be done. Tried and failed ,several times, since that moron Akenaten tried to convert the priesthood of Egypt to montheists.

Religious zealots bow only to superior force. You think the Roman emperors enjoyed sending troops to settle religious rebellions?

They knew there was no other way.

Anyone convinced they are morally right 10% and there can be no opposing view can not be reasoned with. They will make life not worth living for the whole of their society eventually to match the mental picture they have that is ever shifting.

Wake the fuck up and smell the bullshit.

The grievance industry is undermining even the hard sciences now. the law has become a toy in their insane whims.

There never was another way. history proves the right and sanity of what i propose. You want your children to be born slaves to some insane cretins that keep changing their minds every time they move their heads?

Men's rights are human rights . Yeah right !Human rights that keep getting violated daily yet you still refuse to do what is needed to free yourselves.

You and creationist will be the death of my presence on line.

Soon i wil chose my personal peace of mind ,say screw it ,and .. delete this account.

You don't want to listen and i am getting frustrated of banging my head against a wall. Enjoy you mutilation at the hands of some unwashed fundie from bum fuck nowhere.

It wil happen. See you all after the collapse if you survive , maybe.

BrainStorm #fundie youtube.com

Gays are an invite to cultural subversion, regardless of the baseless talking points in favor of... Gay culture is counterproductive to the process & advancement of human life, & only productive for gays. Gays, u are abnormal outcasts, so start owning up to your roles in society & stop force feeding the world your perspective slant when you're the antithesis of the archetype for mankind. If u think not, you're either gay or a fool. Spare me from the contrasting insight of postmodern ingrates & foppish hacks

Cheryl Clarke #fundie youtube.com

So manyyyyy are having ā€˜dreamsā€ of diabolical events to happen...we ALL MUST PRAY for Gods mercy as events are ramping up at an unbelievable speed as evil is rife and after daily issues eg NYC legislating FULL TERM ABORTIONS one can draw no other conclusion that the world needs cleansing... folks, vital we ALL MUST pray in earnest

Edana Estenes #fundie youtube.com

We are required to pray for our leaders in government. Governor Cuomo who demanded this abortion law be passed is deceived by satan. We should be praying for his salvation. And we should be praying the law be overturned. Listen, I know Jesus said it was going to get really bad. And we see it is. The last ten years this country has become very evil. Part of the reason why everything is like it is - the body of Christ never opens their mouths. They don't do anything, so evil has been creeping in slowly until it takes over completely. The other reason is we are living in the last of the last days. As in the days of Noah. I am not a dominionist. I think I know what that is. I have nothing against them. They are trying to stop evil or at least slow it down. I do not see anything wrong with that. I don't think Jesus would object to that. He does object to a lukewarm church.?

SEASONOF THEWITCH #fundie youtube.com

(*Comment on "Dire Warning for New York City")

I felt this shift. I've never felt this particular evil energy before. My ears were ringing, literally. Deafening. At the same time, I looked at the newsfeed on my phone. I was thunderstruck. I said out loud, to myself, The gates of hell have been opened-God help us. The words came out of my mouth, the warning came from my soul. That's as well as I can explain it. I was meant to see your video. It calmed my being.Thank you and God bless you.?

Mark Murchison #fundie youtube.com

(*Video description regarding Abortion*)

Dire warning for New York City..

Dream I had within this past year. Also word of knowledge from the Holy Spirit concerning late term abortion. Please repent and turn to Christ soon..

Paul D, Mr Wally, & Walteria Music #fundie youtube.com

[On a video about the evolution of human life]

Paul: Scientist find a few bones millions of years old and can give us its life story. Scientist find 3 months old body and cause of death unknown.?

George Constanza: (to Paul) Now that's a snappy little remark, Paul. You repeat it here, but notice how it doesn't work? You heard it on shows, religious or political, and it sounded great! But those were just shows. The lights go down, and the preachers and performers go home to their mansions. And leave you to look the fool, thinking you can smirk your way around reality like your TV heroes.?

Mr Wally: (to George Constanza) What difference does it make ...he said it where it makes sense. and in a timely manner. No body has to respect your scientists gods ...or Priest. How convenient that they can solve something millions of years ago, but not two weeks ago?

How is it they can explain the center of Earth ...but, haven't dug past 15 miles? How come scientists are concerned about life ...on Mar?

....BUT ABORTING LIFE ON EARTH??? DEVILS ...THATS WHY!!! Oh, Scientists don't believe in Devil's. Satan worshipping is just a religion ...for folk with no worries. But, believers of a God are for people with no brains.

=God Haters?

Walteria Music: You are correct Paul D..... All that the scientists (primarily the paleontologist) can give us regarding evolution are ASSUMPTIONS......... Only fools believe that a Transitional Species Change here on Earth has been found. Absolutely No Evidence of any Transitional Species Change here on Earth has been found....... This is the Cornerstone of Evolution, but with No Real Evidence ... None, But Yet, they keep talking Yang, Yang, because Talk is Cheap ! DNA PROVIDES COMPLEX INFORMATION AND COMPLEX INFORMATION COMES FROM INTELLIGENCE, Not Mud or Slime.... The Genetic Code is Identical in ALL LIVING THINGS. DIRECTED PANSPERMIA.........?

Pastor Adam Fannin #fundie youtube.com

You know, the Bible has several standards for clothing, for hair, for music, the men and the women's roles, the place of a child (a child should not be ruling the house), for pastors. You know, pastors have a requirement. You know, there's a bunch of churches around here like that one I was talking about where they get divorced, and the wife stays, and she says, "We'll, I'll just become the pastor. I've been here since the beginning." Uh, OK, we'll the Bible's very clear that a woman should not usurp authority over a man. A woman should not be preaching across the pulpit. Ladies can teach children. Ladies can teach other ladies, and we'll look at that. But ladies don't teach men. Men need to teach in the church.

And there's a requirement to be a pastor of the church. You can't be divorced. You have to have multiple children. And the fake churches will not obey God's standard. No divorced pastor is blameless. The husband of one wife. The husband of one wife. "So, Brother Fannin, I'm divorced, does that mean I can't preach?" No, it doesn't. It means you can't be the shepherd. It means you can't be the pastor. It means you can't hold the office of a deacon. But everything else in here is something you can do. There are things in here you can do, and the pastor's not the only position. There's a lot of work to be done here. There's a lot of people that need help with things. There's men jumping up to get the door. "Oh hey, somebody needs a Bible. Hey, somebody needs to start printing a bulletin in here." [Gesturing to someone in the congregation] This man has a full plate. He needs some help. Some people need to stand up and say, "I'll help. What can I do to help? I want this church to last, and I don't want you to get burned out." He is here in Pastor Romero's stead right now, and he is doing everything he can to make sure this church works, but you guys need to get in on it also. He needs some help; he needs some support; his family needs some prayer. It's up to you guys whether this church makes it or not. It really is; it's up to the people, and we're old-fashioned, and we're gonna do it God's way. Blameless, husband of one wife.

Vigilant! "Oh, you're a homo? Sorry, not welcome here. Take a hike."

Sober! Sober! No drunkenness in the church! Church correction! The bible says if somebody's in drunkenness, they should be kicked out of the church. The bible says if somebody's in fornication, they should be kicked out of the church. We're gonna do it God's way. Don't just justify drunkenness like all the other fake churches, and woe unto them for doing that. Woe unto them for doing that.

It says one that ruleth well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity. He's saying you must have children to be a pastor. There's that other big church in town here. "Well, it's all right. He's done the work for years. He can just be a pastor." Uh, but what about what God said? Are you trying to bring the curse of God on this church? There's believers in the church! And they're gonna elevate a man that doesn't meet the requirements of a pastor? God's not gonna bless that. And of course, what's he gonna do? "Well, maybe the King James isn't so important. It's OK if the dykes come in and the homos come in. We're gonna have a little rock and roll. Let's get more buses, you know, and less hard preaching. No more soul-winning; that doesn't work." Yeah, the guy's probably not even saved. For if a man not know how to rule his own house, how should he take care of the church of God?

You know, the hair standards in I Corinthians chapter 11; it says a man ought to have short hair, and a woman ought to have long hair. That's God's standard. You tell that to somebody, "Oh, you're being hateful." Well, I'm just telling you what God said. I'm just telling you what God said. And you shouldn't hate me for saying it, but unfortunately, the world doesn't understand that. We in here are without excuse. We in here are without excuse. Honestly, if there were a man in here that understood these principles and he had his hair down to his butt, I'd say, "Dude, why are you living in sin?" If there was a woman in here that said, "Well, I can do whatever... all my friends, they chopped it up to here [gesturing to the top of his head], and they made it this purple-silverish color. I'm gonna do that." I'd say, "Why are you in rebellion? You know what God's commanded! I Corinthians 11, read it!"

The clothing! You know, the Bible says that your thigh is your nakedness. The Bible also says your chest is your nakedness. The Bible's teaching that from your neck to your knee should be covered up, and only shared with your husband or wife. That goes for men too. Men, you shouldn't be swimming with your shirt off. Ladies, you need to cover your nakedness. That's God's commandment. Don't break his commandment! That's the way it oughta be. "Well, that's old-fashioned". Hey, amen! Yeah it is! It's a sin to show it off; it doesn't belong to anybody else but your husband. And men, it's the same way. Don't wear shorts that show your thigh. That's wicked. That's not right with God.

Look here in Deuteronomy 22. Look at verse number 5. "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." Do you hear what that says? Listen, I bring this up for a reason, because I grew up IFB, and I rarely heard this verse. I grew up IFB, seeing families that grew up conservative, and the ladies dress like ladies, and the men dress like gentlemen, and then, they got tired of church, and they fell out of church, and they started dressing like the world. And they didn't know this verse. Their principle, their foundation, was not on the word of God. We're reading this verse because we're gonna have a foundation based on the word of God. God says here that if a man comes walking in in a skirt, that's an abomination. "What are you wearing? That's disgusting!" "Well, what about the Irish?" Let's not talk about that. Let's not go... what the kilts and all, I mean there was some bad things there anyway. Go to Titus chapter 2. But he says, "A woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man." "Are you telling me that my wife needs to wear skirts all the time?" No, I'm not. God is! God is! God says a woman oughta dress like a woman, and she ought to be a lady. And if she has a problem in her heart with that, that is rebellion against God's commandment. "Boy, that's so old-fashioned; you're not gonna get people around here." Well, I'm not trying to get people. I'm trying to lay a foundation that will last forever. And it's not pretty sometimes. Dresses and skirts on ladies please God. But rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. "Well, what about all my friends? They all wear yoga pants all the time." That's wicked as hell! You oughta tell them it's wicked! You oughta tell them it's obscene! "What if my family thinks I'm weird because now I just wear dresses and skirts?" Hey, dresses and skirts are classy. That makes a lady look classy. Don't look trashy, like you just came from the yoga gym. "What if my family thinks I'm weird?" Hey, what about the father in heaven that commanded you; don't you wanna please him? Don't you wanna do what he said? Don't think about your family; don't think about your friends; don't think about your investment in your closet. Think about breaking God's law. Think about having a rebellious heart against what God has said. Get your heart right. That's God's commandments. He gave it to you for a reason. Do not disobey.

God wants the gender roles to be separated. God wants it to be distinguishable what a lady is and what a man is. He wants it to be clear. He came to bring division for our own good, and we don't get that some time. He's commanded men to work. In I Timothy 5, he says, "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." Worse than an infidel! Dad, if you sit at home, and you don't work, and you send mom off, you're a bum! You're a deadbeat! Your worse than an infidel! You act worse than the heathen! You're breaking God's law! He's not happy with that. The flipside of the coin, here in Titus chapter 2. Titus chapter 2. Look at verse number 4: "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children," verse 5, "To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good," listen to this, "obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Mom, if you're rebellious, you might as well cuss at the Bible, because God said for you to obey your husband. God said, "Mom, you should stay home and take care of the kids. Dad, you need to go to work." That's his perfect plan. Dad, don't act like an infidel. Mom, don't make the word of God blasphemed by being disobedient.

[All throughout this talk, members (mostly male) of the congregation can be heard voicing their agreement.]

Pastor Adam Fannin #fundie youtube.com

And in trying to warn their son about the perverts out there... "Well, public school's good enough, and he can train himself, and I don't have time; I'm busy working all the time."

And I used the word "fag", and it offended them.

"*gasp* We don't use the F-word".

"Well, you sure do use the other F-word a whole lot around your son!" And I can't warn them about the molesters? Talk about a double standard! If I were using the other F-Word they wouldn't have had any problem with it! They would've been right there with me!

"Oh, you're calling out the queers, *gasp*! I have friends, I have coworkers!"

"Well, that's not my problem! I don't hang out with molesters."

XtremeRealityCheck #conspiracy youtube.com

Nancy Pelosi has ALZHEIMERs? Dimentia Patients should NOT be running the country

Clearly Nancy Pelosi has dementia. Now, a Washington DC pharmacist comes forward and claims he has been filling prescriptions for Alzheimers medication for members of congress.

Mike Kim, owner of Grubb's Pharmacy founded in 1867, sends as many as 100 prescriptions a day to Capital Hill.

Representatives like Nancy Pelosi with mental illness need to be removed from duty if they refuse to resign on their own. Likewise, John McCain should not be making decisions for an entire nation, blocking reform, just days after having a brain tumor removed.

At some point, we need to ask for term limits on Congress, since these power hungry individuals will never step down, even when they can't physically function.


Pastor Adam Fannin #fundie youtube.com

There's this church down the road, and even before this church was planted here in Oklahoma City, this church came up as a recommended livestream for me down in Florida: Beth Haven Baptist Church. I don't know anything about this guy; he comes up as a recommended livestream... Well, who's this? Let's click on this guy. "Oh, if you just repent of all your sins and make him the lord of your life, you can be saved." I'm like, "That's lordship salvation! This guy's a heretic! He's a devil!" This guy Rick Carter preaches a false gospel; he's right down the road from you. "Oh, but he's Baptist, brother. He's conservative; he's one of us." No he isn't! Look, we're surrounded by churches that are Baptist in name only. We are an old-fashioned Baptist church because we believe what God said, that salvation is a free gift. It's by the grace of God; he's given us the opportunity to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior, as our God, and then now that you're saved, yes, you oughta get the sin outta your life. This Rick Carter, this heretic, preaches that you have to repent of your sins to be saved. He is not saved. And they got the building program, and they're blowing up. Hey, curse that church. God is not part of it.

[Many members of the congregation can be heard voicing strong agreement throughout this spiel]

Pastor Adam Fannin #fundie youtube.com

[On a video titled "How to Avoid a Gay Waiter"]

If I ever go to a restaurant, you sit down, and then here comes this flamin' foo-foo, fruit loop, right, and you're like "Oh great". I'm here to have date night, enjoy some time with my wife, and I can't, because of the lisps, I can't even, you know. My recommendation (if you don't just get up and leave), my recommendation is just, don't order anything. "Well here, let me get you a drink." No, just wait. Just wait. And you sit there patiently and you look around. And you will find a lady that looks like a mom that looks like a very diligent worker; you will find somebody that you notice that's busy that's doing stuff. You say, "Yeah, that's the one right there." You walk up to 'em, and you say, "Hey, what's your name? Have we had you before? Can we get you over here?" Now look, don't lie. Don't say, "Oh, we've had you! You're great! I know you're the best", right? Just say, "What's your name? Have we had you before? Can we get you over here?" And I guarantee it always works. "Oh yeah, no problem, I'll get the manager, I'll get the hostess to move me around." And then you can enjoy your dinner, and hey, you better tip her well. Let that foo-foo know what he missed out on. [Several congregation members laughing and saying things like "Yeah!" and "Amen!"]

Follow the Bakri #fundie youtube.com

Kabeer Kabeer: We don't want statues, we want hospitals , sewage treatment plants, toilets and better government schools

Follow the Bakri: what abot over 350000 plus Moskes and ur still praying on streets parks private land !! Hospital and toilet in 57 moslem countries r very few, sand desert will help u relive ur crap ?

John Piper #fundie youtube.com

When the planes flew into the towers in New York, and I was interviewed, and people would ask me, "Where was God in this?" and I said, "Well, God could've very easily blown those planes off-course by a little puff of wind, and he didn't do it. Therefore, God was right there, ordaining that this happen, because he could've stopped it just like that", and everybody who believes in God should say that because that's how powerful he is, and Jesus said the wind obeys him, and so just a simple wind by the command of Jesus would've blown those planes away, and they would've crashed, and 60 people would've died instead of thousands of people. But he didn't do that.

Why is it comforting to believe that? And the answer is, because there are 10,000 orphans who wonder if they have a future. Will they have a future if God isn't powerful for them? I'm coming to those families, and I'm saying, when they ask me, "Do you think God ordained the death of my daddy?" I'd say "Yes. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. But the very power by which God governs all evils enables him to govern your life, and he has total authority to turn this and every other evil in your life for your everlasting good, and that's your only hope in this world and in the next, and therefore, if you sacrifice the sovereignty of God in order to get him off the hook in the death of your daddy, you sacrifice everything. You don't want to go there."

The sovereignty of God, while creating problems for his involvement in sin and evil, is the very rock-solid foundation that enables us to carry on in life. Where would we turn if we didn't have a God to help us deal with the very evils that he has ordained come into our lives? So yes, absolutely, I believe in the sovereignty of God, and I believe in its comforting effects.

James Powers #fundie youtube.com

Sorry atheist fool, but I'm a 58 year old retired doctor that's studied these topics for almost 50 years. That means my education dwarfs yours. My facts can't be debunked: Existence of God? Creation? The best example of Godā€™s existence is his best creation: The human being. Mankind is BY FAR the most intelligent, resourceful and powerful entity in the universe, and we don't have a clue as to how to design/create the high-complexity/high function as that found in the human being, and create it from NOTHING. So whoever did design/create the human being, has intelligence, resources and power FAR BEYOND that of mankind. Only a brilliant divine God could design/create the high-complexity/high function found in the ready-to-reproduce human being, which has all the co-existent bodily systems (circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, pulmonic, digestive, skeletal, muscular, nervous, body (skin), etc., etc.) intertwined in symmetry and order that only a DIVINE MIND could produce. And we certainly didnā€™t come from the non-existent MINDLESS UNGUIDED processes of atheism (big bang, abiogenesis, evolution) that CANā€™T
EVEN THINK. Also, the lies of atheism (big bang, abiogenesis, evolution) have no LIFE, INTELLIGENCE or MORALITY to give, so itā€™s IMPOSSIBLE that the lies of atheism (big bang, abiogenesis, evolution) are the source for LIFE, INTELLIGENCE & MORALITY. The ONLY OPTION of the source of life, intelligence and morality, is from our living, intelligent moral God. Itā€™s not even a conversation. Atheism = shallow thinking rebellious stupidity.

NEVER has there been a KIND of animal that has produced a new anatomical feature or function to begin a new KIND of animal (evolution). "Dogs" remain "dogs" no matter how far back you go. Same with bacteria. Richard Lenski of Michigan has been breeding ecoli strains for thirty years now, he and his lab, have generated 66,000 generations of ecoli and none have changed to anything but ecoli. No lab on the planet earth has observed one bacterium, one insect or animal morphing into anything else. And not even beginning to, w/ no anatomical change whatsoever. Atheism and it's religion of evolution is easily debunked... obviously.?

None; reader is "Argent" #homophobia youtube.com

(=Context: I am not sure if this really belongs on here, but the following is a reading of an article. I am not sure I can take anything from Argent's actual commentary as their views are fairly vague, so we're sticking with the reading; it should be noted the video is entitled "ELECTRIC SHOCK THERAPY TO CURE HOMOSEXUALITY MAKE... CHINA ECONOMY STRONG!!!" so make of that as you will=)

Undercover video shows horrific reality of China's gay shock therapy - where young men are pumped with electricity to try and 'cure' them of their homosexuality

Gay shock therapy uncovered in Chinese hospitals

15 years since homosexuality was considered a 'mental illness' in China
Electric shock therapy and nausea-inducing drugs cost $800 per session
Hospitals in Tianjin and Huashan are exposed by undercover patients
Barbaric treatment is secretly filmed but activists face prison

Chinaā€™s Gay Shock Therapy story on Tuesdayā€™s Dateline at 9.30pm on SBS
They are horrific images of young Chinese men with electrodes placed near their genitals and on their head before being subjected to huge doses of electric voltage to try and rid them of their homosexuality.

It's been revealed that men are still regularly subjected to gay electric shock therapy in China, 15 years after it was no longer classified a 'mental illness'.

Hospitals across the country continue to offer the brutal treatment, saying they can 'cure homosexuality'. Their barbaric methods are exposed by the Dateline program.

Electric shock therapy being used to 'cure' homosexuality in China

An undercover 'patient' is subjected to gay electric shock therapy inside a Chinese hospital. Leading psychotherapist Johnny Li said 'the damage can be long-term' +9

An undercover 'patient' is subjected to gay electric shock therapy inside a Chinese hospital. Leading psychotherapist Johnny Li said 'the damage can be long-term'

In one scene a young man posing as a 'patient' appears to have electrodes placed near his genitalia before the shock treatment begins and tells the nervous 'I'm nervous' +9

In one scene a young man posing as a 'patient' appears to have electrodes placed near his genitalia before the shock treatment begins and tells the nervous 'I'm nervous'

The program charts the process of finding a hospital which offers the treatment right through to the therapy +9

The program charts the process of finding a hospital which offers the treatment right through to the therapy

Secret filming by 'patients' uncovers the gay shock therapy still used in some Chinese hospitals +9

Secret filming by 'patients' uncovers the gay shock therapy still used in some Chinese hospitals

Activist John Shen is filmed making enquiries at Chinese hospitals about treatment for homosexuality. He is pictured with reporter Shaunagh Connaire +9

Activist John Shen is filmed making enquiries at Chinese hospitals about treatment for homosexuality. He is pictured with reporter Shaunagh Connaire

Viewers are taken inside medical facilities like the Tianjin Mental Health Hospital where undercover activist, John Shen, is told he can be prescribed drugs and shock therapy.

'Itā€™s a small electric rod, when you have these urges, you shock yourself with the rod, then you know you should avoid these urges,' a psychiatrist tells Mr Shen.

In one particularly confronting image it appears a nurse even places electrodes near the man's genitalia as he calls out that 'I'm nervous'.

China outlawed the classification more than 15 years ago but that hasn't stopped the shocking practice taking place in medical facilities.

The SBS program also reveals how he is told his current 'condition reflex' makes him feel love for the same sex.

'Now what I want to make you to feel is scared,' the clinician tells him as she sends the charge through his body.

Activist John Chen breaks down as the Dateline crew leaves the hospital, revealing that he can be jailed if he makes complains about the gay shock treatment to authorities +9

Activist John Chen breaks down as the Dateline crew leaves the hospital, revealing that he can be jailed if he makes complains about the gay shock treatment to authorities

Activists against the Chinese shock treatment reveal they are regularly threatened with jail +9

Activists against the Chinese shock treatment reveal they are regularly threatened with jail

Another 'patient' went ahead with the treatment at the Huashan Hospital to secretly recorded the process.

'When these urges arise, you can take a cold shower or go jogging to release the excess hormones,ā€ a psychiatrist suggested to him before offering the electric shock treatment.

He is told it costs $800 each time and that several appointments will be required for him to be 'cured'..

Electrodes are attached to the man's head, which goes numb as the voltage is turned up.

'Heā€™s told it will rebalance his nervous system.'

Despite the law change, police closely monitor any public dissent and reporter Shaunagh Connaire is told opponents are threatened with jail.

'I think aversion therapy can hurt anyone, especially gay people,ā€ psychotherapist Johnny Li said.

'Aversion therapy reinforces their lack of self-identity and their feelings of rejection, the damage can be long-term or even last a lifetime.'

Nadem & Trebor Marshall #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

(=Comments on The Death of the Episcopal Church and Liberal Christianity in General=)

nadem: "The sin of Sodom was a failure to take care of the poor" *Three laughing to the point of tears emoji's*

Trebor Marshall: And homosexuality which God calls an abomination.. other words possibly close might be detestable, sickening, rotten, horrible, terrible, worse than garbage..?

Homosexuality is close to child molestation and beastiality. Prob why child molestation and homosexuality have both been called sodomy?

John Paul Thomas & Maria Tereza Ferreira #fundie youtube.com

John Paul Thomas: I quit celebrating Christmas for the first time this year, after 33 years. I tried to explain to family and friends that Christmas is NOT Christian but they all look at me like I'm nuts. However it's good to know that there are still some true Christians out there who take biblical scripture seriously. "...Let GOD be true and every man a liar..."(Romans 3:4). Its high time we unlearn the lies and seek the truth as satan is the father of all lies, and only the truth can set us free.?

Maria Tereza Ferreira: John Paul Thomas unfortunately my Christian friends prefer to go along with Satan's numerous lies too. I've told them over & over that they are not worshipping God by celebrating Xmas but they too prefer to look the other way. I will not be part of these rituals because that is what it is. God bless you for sticking to the truth?

Jane Dough #fundie youtube.com

Perhaps you haven't read Leviticus - where God tells us about how He destroyed Aaron's two sons for doing the exact same thing you are doing every Dec. 25. God says they offered Him "strange fire" - and says it was something that He "commanded them not". So for that He sent fire from Heaven and killed them both on the spot - for trying to worship Him in a way that He had not commanded them to.
As well .....
Okay - let's look at this in truth and spirit:
God makes it clear that no liar shall enter Heaven. He also makes clear that anyone who brings harm to one of His precious children, it would be better for a millstone to be hung around their neck and tossed into the sea.
Okay - with that in mind - what is the very first lie told to an infant/child? The "santa/xmas" lie, correct? And who is the one who tells that child that very first lie? Their parents.
So do you think that God is okay with a "tradition" of ours that is responsible for the very first LIE told to one of His precious children?
Those children get older - they find out - or are told - that their parents have lied to them the moment they were born - then when that same parent tries to tell them about Jesus and God's Holy Written Word - do you not think that the child will doubt/question whether their parent is lying to them again?
Do you honestly believe that God is up there thinking "Hmmm - well, I know what I said about the whole "lying" thing - and about not bringing harm to one of my precious children .... but - okay, I get it - yall are lying to one of my precious children to keep them happy - to make them smiles with all sorts of goodies up under a tree - I know I mentioned in my Word that I didn't want yall cutting down a tree and decking it in silver and gold, yeah, I said that didn't I - but hey, since it's all for the kiddies - and their happiness ... I guess I can let that lying thing slide - and the tree part too- and the bringing harm to my precious children."
So see - that is exactly how Satan has successfully gotten his foothold in from the very beginning of these babies/children's little minds - AND created division between that parent and child - right from the start.
As well - xmas supports, causes or advocates for just about every single SIN mentioned in God's Holy Word. Do you think He is okay with xmas now?
Sexual sin
Blasphemy (against Him)
Drinking excessively/drunkeness
Depression (not a sin but still not a good thing)
Sadness (not a sin but still not a good thing)
Stirring up family fights
Proud eyes
Sorcery (magic reindeer, santa, etc)
Disobedience to God
Sowing discord
Not being content with what you have
Defrauding others
Flattering for gain
Graven images
Rioting (Black Friday mayhem)
Quick tempered

Mike A #fundie youtube.com

(=This is an example of Anti Christmas fundies =)
You know when something is wrong when the world celebrate what is supposed to be a Christian celebration. The world do not want anything to do with Christ?

Kent Hovind #fundie youtube.com

Wait, wait, wait. "Apart from believing that the earth is only 6,000 years old"? Mr. Nelson, 6,000 is a long time. Long time. George Washington was president two hundred and, what, fifteen years ago? Columbus was driving around trying to find this place 500 years ago. The vikings were running around beating up on folks 1,000 years ago. What do you mean only 6,000? 6,000's a long time! Long time! Just because you believe in long ago and far away fairy tale millions of years stuff, that doesn't make it true. But stop saying only 6,000. Why don't you say, "God created the world 6,000 years ago! Whoa!"?

Kent Hovind #fundie youtube.com

There is nothing about science that has anything to do with evolution. Stop associating the two here. And improving our understanding of reality, I am in favor of that. Evolution is a hindrance to science. Evolution hasn't improved our understanding of reality in any branch of science. You don't need to know anything about Charlie Darwin to understand about physics and launch a rocket to the moon. You don't need to understand anything to learn about...

No doctor on the planet who does surgery thinks about evolution. He'd better know his muscles and his tendons and his bones and what to cut and what not to cut. I don't care if the heart surgeon understands, is a Christian. He should be. And many heart surgeons are Christians and say "Wow, God designed this amazing heart!"

Here you are. This is the false equivalency. You're trying to say, "If you don't believe in evolution, you're against the advancement of science." This is ridiculous, Mr. Nelson. Let me help you here.

SMGJohn #fundie youtube.com

Note: The title of the video is: Throwback Friday: 15th of December 1990 DFF1 Final closedown and Startup of ARD

This is one of the worst disasters in human history, the collapse of Socialism.
What is German and Russia today? Nothing but Capitalist bootlickers who adhere to consumer life style with no goal in their life but to work to their death.?

He Was Right #racist youtube.com

[lyrics to "Prey for Europe"]

They pour in by the fucking millions
Through our borders and the cracks in the walls
They bring with them a vile spirit
A filthy desert cult of death
They sink their rotten teeth deep into our flesh
Their loathsome culture boroughs into our homeland
Their revolting ways of life imposed upon our people
And we sit back and watch them violate us all

Our instincts weakened by the leftist propaganda
Our love for our people given to those who hate us
We sit in the wastelands of our once prosperous nation
Yes, good goyim, wait and lay as the prey of Europe
Pray, good goyim
Pray, good goyim
Just keep praying till its your turn to die
Refugees welcome
I hope they fucking kill you all

Let these Jewish Muslims replace you in your homeland
Dont be Islamaphobic let them rape your wife & children
Not all the migrants are terrorists
Its all just a coincidence
Well just wait a few more hours
Till the next attack

Then well pray for Europe again
Its time to turn these tables show these Jews who the fuck we are
Sink the ships they send our way
No invader gone unslain
We will drown your migrant children
Desecrate your filthy prophet
Take another step onto our soil
You will be the prey of Europe
Prey for Europe
Prey for yourself
Traitorous goyim politicians hang from the trees
Face the Mediterranean
Greet the refugees

Its time to turn these tables show these Jews who the fuck we are
Sink the ships they send our way
No invader gone unslain
We will drown your migrant children
Desecrate your filthy prophet
Take another step onto our soil
You will be the prey of Europe

Sheri Chiri #fundie youtube.com

The fact that children will grow up and question the reality of God is truth. It happened to my own child. I had been like most Christians and was ignorant of the many falsehoods of Christmas as well as so called other Christian days that are celebrated. Because I had lied to my child about the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Santa when she got older and discovered these fairy tales were false, she questioned my truthfulness of God. I wish I had been smarter in my decisions. So I would say to parents of children: Stop lying to them, it will hurt their relationship with God.

Martin Yirrell #fundie youtube.com

(=Disclaimer: Yes. Martin Yirrell and Martin from Premier are the same person=)

Martin Yirrell: Homosexuality goes against God's decree that sex is restricted to a married man and woman, incest doesn't.

Alexander V Carsonjr: Martin, I doubt Gods exists that little rule was likely made by sick men whose God reflects them.

Martin Yirrell: On what basis is incest harmful, apart from the dangers of genetic load ?

Alexander V Carsonjr: you mean besides the fact it's fucking sick ? Also you proved my point that 2 people can't populate the earth.


Martin Yirrell: You know God exists you just pretend you don't.

Alexander V Carsonjr: Why do you assume that ? Is it that foreign to you that there are those who just don't share your beliefs ?

Martin Yirrell: No assumptions, just plain unadorned facts.

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