
Alex Jones #conspiracy #homophobia youtube.com

(Transscript of video)
In the interval [?] the Pentagon just tested a gay bomb on Iraq, they considered it, they didnā€™t [?] consider using it, they used it on our troops, in Vietnam, they sprayed PCP on our troops - Jacobā€™s Ladder - ha - you think PCP - some horse tranquilizers or something? They got some stuff thatā€™ll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips in the troops. They give the troops special vaccines that really [?] nanotech that auto[?]-re-engineers their brains.
Now there is the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself, this is what do you think tap water is, itā€™s a gay bomb, baby.
And Iā€™m not saying people didnā€™t naturally have homosexual feelings, Iā€™m not even getting into it, quite frankly, give me a break. You think Iā€¦ Iā€™m, like, shocked by it [?] [incomprehensible] bashing it because I donā€™t like gay people. I DONā€™T LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! THEY TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY!
Do you understand that?
Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! [bangs paper on table]
Iā€™m sick of being socially engineered! Itā€™s not funny!

sv3rige #fundie youtube.com

You're mentally ill if you don't eat raw meat, OK. What excuse could you fucking possibly have for not eating your natural diet. If you see blood, liver and brain and don't find those foods appetizing then you're mentally ill. You have been indoctrinated. If you were brainwashed as a kid to eat other food then you're still mentally ill by definition.

What is actually available in nature? Not those cultivated man-made plants that you find in the shop. Fruit, for example, is mostly water with some sugar, almost no vitamins and a few minerals. Yet you see those shops everywhere that sell "vitamin bombs". What vitamins are those? Vitamin C? Where's everything else? Blood has every single vitamin. Fruit has fucking nothing. This is the retardation of today's society. The skin is toxic and so are the seeds. All of them have anti-nutrients. Absolutely fucking useless.

Paul D, Mr Wally, & Walteria Music #fundie youtube.com

[On a video about the evolution of human life]

Paul: Scientist find a few bones millions of years old and can give us its life story. Scientist find 3 months old body and cause of death unknown.?

George Constanza: (to Paul) Now that's a snappy little remark, Paul. You repeat it here, but notice how it doesn't work? You heard it on shows, religious or political, and it sounded great! But those were just shows. The lights go down, and the preachers and performers go home to their mansions. And leave you to look the fool, thinking you can smirk your way around reality like your TV heroes.?

Mr Wally: (to George Constanza) What difference does it make ...he said it where it makes sense. and in a timely manner. No body has to respect your scientists gods ...or Priest. How convenient that they can solve something millions of years ago, but not two weeks ago?

How is it they can explain the center of Earth ...but, haven't dug past 15 miles? How come scientists are concerned about life ...on Mar?

....BUT ABORTING LIFE ON EARTH??? DEVILS ...THATS WHY!!! Oh, Scientists don't believe in Devil's. Satan worshipping is just a religion ...for folk with no worries. But, believers of a God are for people with no brains.

=God Haters?

Walteria Music: You are correct Paul D..... All that the scientists (primarily the paleontologist) can give us regarding evolution are ASSUMPTIONS......... Only fools believe that a Transitional Species Change here on Earth has been found. Absolutely No Evidence of any Transitional Species Change here on Earth has been found....... This is the Cornerstone of Evolution, but with No Real Evidence ... None, But Yet, they keep talking Yang, Yang, because Talk is Cheap ! DNA PROVIDES COMPLEX INFORMATION AND COMPLEX INFORMATION COMES FROM INTELLIGENCE, Not Mud or Slime.... The Genetic Code is Identical in ALL LIVING THINGS. DIRECTED PANSPERMIA.........?

Kent Hovind #fundie youtube.com

Wait, wait, wait. "Apart from believing that the earth is only 6,000 years old"? Mr. Nelson, 6,000 is a long time. Long time. George Washington was president two hundred and, what, fifteen years ago? Columbus was driving around trying to find this place 500 years ago. The vikings were running around beating up on folks 1,000 years ago. What do you mean only 6,000? 6,000's a long time! Long time! Just because you believe in long ago and far away fairy tale millions of years stuff, that doesn't make it true. But stop saying only 6,000. Why don't you say, "God created the world 6,000 years ago! Whoa!"?

Kent Hovind #fundie youtube.com

There is nothing about science that has anything to do with evolution. Stop associating the two here. And improving our understanding of reality, I am in favor of that. Evolution is a hindrance to science. Evolution hasn't improved our understanding of reality in any branch of science. You don't need to know anything about Charlie Darwin to understand about physics and launch a rocket to the moon. You don't need to understand anything to learn about...

No doctor on the planet who does surgery thinks about evolution. He'd better know his muscles and his tendons and his bones and what to cut and what not to cut. I don't care if the heart surgeon understands, is a Christian. He should be. And many heart surgeons are Christians and say "Wow, God designed this amazing heart!"

Here you are. This is the false equivalency. You're trying to say, "If you don't believe in evolution, you're against the advancement of science." This is ridiculous, Mr. Nelson. Let me help you here.

Kent Hovind #fundie youtube.com

I would say I readily believe all of the claims in the Bible because I think hundreds of them have been documented, have been verified. Can you show me something that has been proven wrong from the Bible? Has an archaeologist proven anything wrong? They've discovered, like, the Hittite civilization. The Bible talked about the Hittites. Nobody heard of the Hittites for hundreds of years and all of a sudden, bing, they find evidence of the Hittites. Whoa!

I think the "improbable claims", all of the claims that I'm aware of in the Bible that can be verified have been verified. Some are yet still future. You'll see. Watch your knees. Next time you wash your knees, think "These things are gonna bow before Jesus Christ." Yes, they are.

Questionable sources; insufficient evidence? I think there's overwhelming evidence that the Bible is true. Now if you choose not to believe it (which is obviously what you've done), OK. I choose to believe it. But it's not questionable sources on insufficient evidence. You're the fool here.

Kent Hovind #fundie youtube.com

My "childish misunderstanding"? Uh, Mr. Nelson, I think I understand very well that frogs produce frogs and cows produce cows, and there are no exceptions. And I understand and make real clear to people, no fossil counts. No fossil counts for anything in a court of law, in an honest court of law. When you find a fossil in the ground, all you can prove is it died. None of the fossils I have seen (and we've got a huge collection of them here), none of them have a date stamped on them, none of them talk. You put interpretation on them, but your interpretation is not part of the fact. The fact is, this comes from a critter that died. That's the fact. Now if you want to add more to that, you're welcome to of course, but that's no longer science. So there are no fossils that would count in an honest court of law; every fossil would be thrown out. You can't say, "this is intermediate between these two"; you don't know that! You don't know if that fossil had any children at all. How could you possibly prove that? This is where you guys run off on imagination like Spongebob.

Kent Hovind #fundie youtube.com

Evolution is a religion that people believe in. Nobody's ever seen a frog produce a non-frog or a cow produce a non-cow. You can believe it if you want (and you obviously do), but I don't think you understand what evolution really teaches. I show every night for the last 60-some nights, right from the textbooks, there was a big bang where nothing exploded and then earth cooled down, developed a hard rocky crust, and it turned into soup from the rain, and the soup came alive. That is all part of the evolution theory.

Now in the last 10 years when you guys' feet have been held to the fire, you've tried to narrow evolution down to variations within different animals. There's a whole lot more to it than that. I give six definitions and you're gonna show it in a minute, and my six divisions of that slippery word "evolution" are correct. I think you don't know anything about evolution. I think you believe a lot of things. You have a great faith; it's an admirable faith. But you don't know anything about evolution.

Googlie Googlinkty #fundie youtube.com

ITS A BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY: Migrants are more profitable than drugs..Vicious and malicious MAFIA involved in under the table money nexus with politicians, lobbyists, refugee agencies, NGOs and Foundations..also payments being paid to media to drum up desperation conditions and staging RENT A CROWD PROTESTS..........

Storm Is Upon Us #conspiracy youtube.com


This is not fantasy. They just made us think it is. ALERT! Everything is a lie. We were about to go down the toilet and then were miraculously saved - all while we were focused on everything but what is the most transformative event in living history.

View on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KngFub...

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Thank you to our multi-lingual and international patriots who assisted.

Now that we know the truth, we have to help them get to the outcome quicker. We must not be asleep anymore, the more that wake up the quicker and easier we will get to the world prepared for us by these great soldiers of freedom.

RISE! Be The Plan! Know your ENEMY, because it is most definitely not WE THE PEOPLE! Where we go one, we go all.

Not affiliated with Trump, Q or any intel source other than what is publicly available here:

Also, I am NOT JFK Jnr. Not even close. Just an average Joe.

Disclaimer: I am not making accusations of guilt towards anyone featured in this video. That is Huber's job, and if they have done crimes, they will be exposed - if not, they won't.

Many people have asked permission to share. Listen up: SHARE IT. I don't care if you credit it or not. Download it locally, mirror it, put it up on your own channel, whatever you want. It's not like I filmed all that footage.

Others have asked to donate. NO. We work only for freedom. There are people taking bullets for the republic, the least we can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure their sacrifices are not in vain.

The good people of America, Left and Right, Democrat and Republican, White or of color, young and old, are witnessing the take-back of America from a large number of very powerful criminals who have been destroying society and the world for several decades, maybe longer. This is the greatest story of our time.

You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion when seeing events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q to understand the real story. These are people I trust to bring you the right information.

Look on Twitter for:
@StormIsUponUs (me)

There are many others you can find too. Don't be a sheep. They want you divided. They have been working to divide us forever. It's time to wake up and experience true freedom instead of the fake kind we have been living under.

Fellow Americans, and citizens of the world. Now its OUR turn to shine. Wherever we are, we will become the PLAN when we choose to reject what they called GLOBALISM. We recognize the words they used to bend us to their will, and we say no more.

Itā€™s time to turn off the media, follow your instincts, trust yourself and BE THE PLAN!

May God bless America, and the world.

(something my step-dad sent me, presumably thinking it will 'wake me up' to the 'truth', instead it just made me irritated at how full of nonsense this video had, I couldn't even begin to describe just how much bullshit this thing had)

A & O Productions #fundie youtube.com

The popularity of Halloween is growing exponentially. Americans spend over $5 billion dollars annually on Halloween, making it the countryā€™s second largest commercial holiday. In addition, a quarter of all annual candy sales occur during the Halloween season in the United States. What is it about Halloween that makes October 31 so popular? Perhaps it's the mystery--or just the candy? Perhaps the excitement of a new costume?

Whatever the draw, Halloween is here to stay. But what does the Bible say about it? Is Halloween wrong or evil? Are there any clues in the Bible as to whether a Christian should celebrate Halloween?

What Does the Bible Say About Halloween?
First of all, understand that Halloween is mostly a western custom and it has no direct reference in the Bible. However, there are Biblical principles that directly relate to the celebration of Halloween. Perhaps the best way to understand how Halloween relates to the Bible is to look at the meaning of Halloween and its history.

Letā€™s look at what the Bible adds to this topic in Ephesians 5:11, ā€œAnd have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.ā€ This text is calling us to not only have no association with any type of dark activity BUT ALSO to shed light upon this topic to those around us. As stated earlier in this article, Halloween was not exposed by the church for what it was, but rather was incorporated into church holy days. Are Christians responding in the same way today?

As you think about Halloweenā€”its origins and what it stands forā€”would it be best to spend time dwelling upon its themes or to shed light upon what lies below the surface of this holiday's celebration. God is calling humanity to follow Him and to "come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thingā€ (2 Corinthians 6:17).

Kanayo Easley #fundie youtube.com

It is quite appearing, to any who see with correct vision, NDE 98 percent are satanic deception. The intent is to provide you with a false sense of security concerning the afterlife. To turn you away from the idea of a supreme God who judges sin. Yes. This may not be comfortable for you. Satan deceives you while you live, and deceives after you pass thru, showing false light, false family. You come back and show great disdain toward the unenlighten ones who worship God. You get puffed up and feel special because of your experience.
You experience increased paranormal activity post NDE because Satan is reenforcing the lie. He is delighted for you to continue on thru life with this false hope. The 2 percent that are real, by real I mean that God revealed spiritual realities to them, they return and accept Jesus as Lord. Do not be deceived my friend.???

Floor-It-Duh & N #racist youtube.com

Floor-It-Duh: I could go on and on about the destruction of the church, the nuclear family, justice, and so many other things but I think it would be a moot point as I'm sure you and others here are already intimately familiar with these things.

The white man must learn of his history and be proud of it. Pride must be restored to shake off the shackles of slavery that have been carefully cast on us all. Only through information can that power be gained which is one of the reasons they are trying so hard to bring the internet under heel or discredit anyone who speaks the truth.

The war we are fighting is of heart and minds.?

N: Absolutely. We have nothing to be ashamed of, at all. But we have lots to be proud of. That's why they're pushing this absurd meme that "Whites have no culture." They're insane. And though they're certainly very powerful right now, I'll repeat, they're not invincible.?

If Only Even One (Todd) #fundie youtube.com

TODD (addressing abortion clinic escort volunteer): Did I just see that right? Did you just gently and nicely put a little worm on the ground and save its life? I have seen no end of amazing ironic things in this life, but that has to be the most hypocritical, hard-hearted, act I have ever seen. You just saved the life of an inconsequential bug! You just saved the life of a animal that has no consciousness. At all! And now to downplay the importance of life in an animal that was created to glorify God in its very existence, you just saved the life of a bug and you are escorting women in to murder their children! You just placed more value on the life of a bug than on the life of a human being! An animal that there are literally billions of in this area! Not in the world, billions just in this area alone! You just save the life of a bug over the life of a human being! You spared the life of an animal, to sacrifice the life of a child! Romans chapter one says that you are going to lift up the life of the creature over the Creator! You are worshipping animals over God! And he has given you over to such a sad state of affairs with your hard heart and your wicked mind that you value the life of a bug over that of a freeborn child! Do you understand, what that says about your heart and your mind, young lady? He is giving you over to your own hardness of heart! How can you do that!? How can you not see the, the futility and the vain reasoning of that where you will spare the life of a bug! You will allow children to be murdered and you will spare the life of a bug, and be rewarded with the praise of a heathen culture! You spare the life of a bug. I, I, I do not understand that. I never...

VOLUNTEER (comical voice): My heart!

TODD: Your hard heart? Your hardened heart? Your hardened heart? Your hardened heart found life in coffee. And now you're bragging about saving the life of a bug while you're congratulating yourselves about being complicit in the murder of children! You're bragging about sparing the life of a bug while you're congratulating yourselves about being complicit in the murder of unborn children. Are you a vegan, too?

sv3rige #conspiracy #quack youtube.com

People who are offended by black metal are depressed, and [making them listen to it] may actually help them, because they are repressing human nature. People are eating fucking garbage and taking pills, while the Enlightened Ones are breeding children for food. You're sitting in your fucking safe house in the evening with the TV on, being completely oblivious to what's going on out there. It makes me fucking sick, but I've gotta laugh about it, because of how retarded everybody is, and what can you do about it anyway? It's all ridiculous: they want you to eat plants, while they eat children. Just. Fucking. Wake. Up. You are slaves.

In Georgia, there was a case of an African-American seventeen-year-old kid who was found mysteriously dead at school. He died in the gym, they did an autopsy, and they buried him. His family, they weren't satisfied with the results because they still wanted to know what happened to their son.

They had the body exhumed, found out that his organs were missing and his body was stuffed with newspapers, and people are still trying to find answers. The officials down there in Georgia, they act like they don't know what's going on.

There's another case out here in California. Young African-American man was found dead in Death Valley. All his organs were missing: liver, heart, lungs, all gone.

There's a case in the UK, recently. A Somalian girl was brought over there for organ harvesting. They were going to harvest her organs, and they stopped that.

There's a case where a couple Asian couple went over to Africa. They adopted a black girl. Two weeks later, she was dead.

So these cases of organ harvesting are just going on all over the world. And people are being real quiet about it.

I should add that these children are not just kidnapped. They are in some cases bred by families as a cash crop. We have people in the United States of America that breed children in order to sell them, and when they are sold they come without birth certificates, which means it's easier to kill them and have no-one ask where they are.

We are also importing children by the planeload. Again, children who have no documentation. It's not just child slavery, or child sex abuse, it's also child torture, because you have adrenalised blood.

It turns out that drinking children's blood is an anti-aging device. It's a fact. It's a chemical fact. And if you drink adrenalized children's blood, which is to say you terrorize the child, not just with sodomy, but with torture and with other satanic ritual things, if you adrenalize the child's blood before you kill them and drink their blood, this is a doubly-effective anti-aging device.

You can also harvest children's bone marrow. So children are being killed for their bone marrow as an anti-aging device.

It's not as if me and the people who watch these videos are the only ones who got this figured out. There will always be enlightened people and their goal is to keep you away from nature, because then, there will always be a void. A few examples:

If you don't have children, then you will end up getting pet animals to take care of. Or overload yourself with other meaningless stuff just to fill the emptiness. None of it will ever help, of course, because all that you want are children.

How about overeating and binging on fake food. The root cause of all eating disorders is not eating raw meat. Your natural diet. Every eating disorder would be healed by drinking blood and eating raw meat. Only nature satisfies. What the fuck do you not understand?

KB GIREL #racist youtube.com

I have been watching both westerners and easterners choosing to live in the bush but differences I notice is that easterner meditate and seek an Enlightenment but westerners kill and eat and kill more. All about survival by conquering everything whereā€™s easterners try to conquer their emotional defilements. I think westerners also live in the bush to seek happiness but they focus too much on eating and survival rather than spiritual growth so they miss the propose
I think?

Shad Daley #fundie youtube.com

At the Impeach Trump March in Chicago 7/2/17. A group of protesters applaud a speech comprised almost entirely of Adolf Hitler quotes given by Shad Daley. This was 20 seconds after saying they need to fight fascism. After the speech, the organizing member of refusefascism.org was desperate to get Shad more involved. Another wonderful example of how the left doesn't understand their own hypocrisy and ignorance.

Speech Transcript:
Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation:
I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressive regime, and the repressive regime that constitutes capitalism as a whole.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it's unfair salaries, rights it's unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual... The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. This American Nation will always retain its right to control the owners of property... A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.

For there is one thing we must never forget... the majority can never replace the man.

Life is like a mirror, if you frown at it, it frowns back, if you smile it returns the greeting.

Donald Trump seems to think that if you tell a big enough lie, and tell it frequently enough, that it will be believed. Itā€™s not the truth that matters, but victory.

The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others.


Timcast #fundie youtube.com

The world, where the more of a victim you are, the more power you have. Everyone will make everythings about themselves specifically, and even insult themselves to gain more points. Take note, Kotaku: "How the 'NPC' Meme Tries to Dehumanize 'SJWs'".

Notice that they refer to themselves as 'SJWs'. Well, I'm told that "Social Justice Warrior" is a pejorative, though there are some people who actually embrace it because a warrior isn't necessarily a bad thing. They are using that term to refer to themselves in quotes because it's meant to be dehumanizing.

Now, you may be wondering what NPC meme? Well, if you're not familiar with it, then: awhile ago, people started spreading this idea -- I actually made a video on it awhile ago -- how there might only be some people who have souls. That's probably the easiest way to explain it. If you've ever played a video game, the easiest explanation I've given people is like the original Super Mario Bros. He runs around, and jumps, and does things. There are other characters on the screen who do things as well, but noone is playing the Goomba, noone is playing the Koopa (the little turtle guys). You are controlling Mario. The other people, there is no soul guiding them. That's a non-player character.

The idea is that there are people in this world who are not conscious. They don't think. There is an article saying that only about 20% of people have an internal voice. That's like when you think and you talk to yourself. I've talked to a lot of people and they've said, "Yeah. I don't think in words to myself." Well, that's weird, because I do.

So, then, what happens is that the people who do have an internal voice started to question about whether there are other people who are non-player characters, that is, they have no soul. The meme is not necessarily an attempt to dehumanize SJW's. It's just a philosophical idea.

This woman, Cellia D'Anastasio, thinks that this was grade-school religious nonsense. In fact, the idea of the NPC meme is related to solipsism and the philosophical zombie. The idea of the philosophical zombie has existed for a very, very long time. I don't know how long. Maybe hundreds of years? Humans thought of this concept long before video games existed. So, no, it's not an attempt to dehumanize SJWs.

lowone831 #conspiracy youtube.com

First of all MMS in not Clorox Bleach and any one with a basic knowledge of chemistry would know that! Bleach = Sodium hypochlorite NaOCl and MMS = Sodium chlorite NaClO2 which are chemically not the same. The real truth is that Big Pharma can not make big money on MMS so they don't want the public to know about it, because they will be loosing so much money. My nephew had really bad autism, he was given 7 immunization shots in one day at a pediatric clinic and had a really bad fever and pain for many days as a result of it. He was diagnosed with autism shortly after that, after much research we found out about MMS. My father used it first as a guinea pig, he was taking a bunch of meds at the time for high blood pressure and other things. After those 6 months he was able to stop taking those medications and his blood pressure has remained stable at normal. He then decided to give it to my nephew, they started him off with very light doses, and I was a skeptic myself, but wow as time passed by I did see a positive difference in my nephew, he understood more, behaved better, became more attentive. After a year or so he has improved very much and my father still takes MMS to this day, and he just turned 70 and feels better than a lot of people that are much younger than him. I seen it with my own eyes MMS works!!?

Quadronnn #fundie youtube.com

Any organization that lays claim to Marxism, yet has no qualms about throwing basic materialist analysis to the trashcan to pander to transgenderist ideology, is a joke. Like, good job, you've managed to alienate everyone who still adheres to actual Marxist tenets, all the while throwing half of your membership under the bus, and for what? To placate a bunch of narcissistic, autogynephilic men who can't get it up without everyone around them pretending they're a cute animu grill.

Throw in the orgies and the buying of prostitutes (it's not like pretty much every socialist nation that has ever existed saw prostitution as one of the greatest social ills and human rights violations in the history of humanity, and worked to abolish it entirely or anything, right?), and I can't fault any woman for getting the fuck out of there as fast as possible. There really is no two ways about this, everyone who claims to be a communist has to make a decision: either you stand with women, half of humanity and without whom no revolution can be possible, or you stand with these men in dresses, these pigs in wigs, these freaks who don't give a crap about anyone or anything but their personal gratification.

45superscott #fundie youtube.com

[on an adult grooming a child to be a sex partner]

I really don't see a problem with this. If he treated her with respect and it looks like she grew up normally just like everybody else and now shes 18, whats the big deal. She was groomed by him....so what? I could be groomed by a talking pig for all I care as long as the pig did not mentally or physically harm me in any way and i feel comfortable with it. The world nowadays is bounded by so many social stigmas and rules that anything unusual automatically is seen in a negative way. IF the guy truly loved her from the bottom of his heart and not just in a sexual creepy pedophilia way and the girl felt the same then I dont really give a fuck. From the looks of it the guy is a nice person and the girl grew up to be pretty normal. It does look weird on the eye but thats because we are conditioned by social norms and our brains are conditioned by society to think that way when if you really look at it no harm was done to either person

Andrew Lucero Jr. #sexist youtube.com

pedophilia and faggotry go hand in hand. both are worthy of death. when Jesus rules, fags will be killed by the state, women will lose the vote and people will be ruled over with a rod of iron. man is so stupid to think they know how to rule themselves.

Bloodmane1987 #racist youtube.com

Africans only respect ONE thing: A loaded gun in their face. I speak from experience as I tend to work in african countries regularly.
If you have africans in your country and are unarmed they see no reason to give you any respect.

Uri Berland #fundie youtube.com

[Translation and commentary is sourced from Reddit]

0:00 The existence of life after death has been scientifically proven by an Ural Federal University student. The young scientist has even created the corresponding mathematical formula.

0:09 "Life is a function of time. Thus, death is the limit of that function as time approaches infinity. The solution is a finite quantity, which means that a crisp, determinate perception awaits us after death. That proves that life after death exists."

0:29 Based on that mathematical formula, Yuri says that after the physical death of one's body, certain information persists that they had been perceiving during their lifetime. The student thinks that that substance is intangible.



Let L = f (t) where t - time L - life expressed as information

then D= Lim f(t),t -> +infinity, where D is information about death and ensuing events


0:42 Now the mathematician is planning to tell the scientific community about the discovery and even publish an article in a foreign journal. Furthermore, Yuri is nominated for the Youth Nobel Prize of one million rubles which will be awarded in Yekaterinburg at the sixth Eurasian Youth Economic Forum. By the way, Yuri has already planned his own afterlife.

1:05 "If Benjamin Franklin took lightning from the gods, that means I took away... life after death, because now I know what it depends on and can influence it. You just need to control your cognition. To put it simply, choose it. Since we can see that consciousness persists, that information persists, that means the ability to choose persists as well."

And here's his crowdfunding campaign, which contains gems like "According to biochemistry ... when we don't have a brain to think with, nothing is left" and "We can view life as a function of two variables: information and time" and also a 9/11 picture for some reason.

Swaaagquan #conspiracy youtube.com

May's a joke. The whole Skripal case was a giant hoax, like much of the war of terror. Trick people into handing over power to these idiots so they can screw us harder. Finally they go against a country, not some faceless "terror group" and it falls apart as they won't take it lying down. Keep on sticking it to them.?

hicm 1of12 #conspiracy youtube.com

The KGB hasn't existed since the early 90s! What is more, there is NO PRECEDENT WHATSOEVER for The KGB; FSB, or GRU sending out bungling amateurs in order to perform a successful hit! The FSB & GRU have more than enough top-notch PROFESSIONAL Hitmen who can carry out such a Mission! The suspect men in question have clearly been set up by The British Establishment in order to concoct a casus belli in their ongoing War against Putin & Russia for THWARTING the Anglo-American led CRUSADE for A NEW WORLD ORDER!!!

Even if Russia were to allow these men to be extradited to Britain (however improbable that is!), I very much doubt that the said men would ever see the light of day again >> a public courtroom >>> be allowed access to proper & fair legal representation! It is therefore ridiculous to talk about a Trial in anything other than a neutral country: with maximum security guaranteed! There is no jury in Britain who would ever be allowed to deliver a verdict besides GUILTY on all counts, or Judge who would acquit the accused Russians......lest the jury members, or Judge wanna wind up lying at the bottom of the Thames????

Kang of Wakanda #fundie youtube.com

Brothers.. Think about it this way. Very few democracies can withstand Marxist subversion from within. Even the once mighty US of A is on track to becoming a Communist state in the future given their indoctrinated youth, mass open border immigration from those who will vote Far Left and also who run their media. Then you have these Globalists (who are all fundamentally Marxist) who run their banks, who do not identify racially as white and do not see themselves as American in any real fundamental way.

Now knowing that this is true, and knowing that they, once in control will strip YOU of your freedoms and that of your childrenā€™s: which would you choose: cutting out the cancer (which can be uncomfortable) or allowing it to slowly spread and hope itā€™ll go away? Hope your democratic institutions (the states immune systems) is healthy enough to fight it off? What if the cancer keeps growing and you can predict where it will lead to, would you then be willing to let go of democracy in order to smash communism with the iron fist that is Fascism until democracies can be restored?

I would. Remember this: the fundamental difference between communism and Fascism is that Fascism restores the rule of law, the rule of nature, the idea that the state should serve the people and not the other way around and that the nation state is sacred. It also restores property rights which is why investment flourishes. The nation state under international Globalist Marxism is something to be hated. Which would you choose??

Mohd hussain para #conspiracy youtube.com

Thank u for biased analysis, all the massacre in middle east in the name of Islam is due to US and it's allies. The create and fund terrorist organisation for their own interests. It is only iran which do not allow US to gain what it want so US is trying at the best to tackle with iranian government. Now world is awear and people of Iran will not allow any regime change. Long live the govt of iran?

ZadfrackGlutz Zesozose #racist youtube.com

I am Swiss and I think Jews are Jealous of our country, because we make money, we are strong and we are beautiful and we don't have inbreeding depression. We're the complete package and I have no doubts Israel has several nukes ear-marked for us.?

aristochat3 #racist youtube.com

[A comment on a video entitled "Heidegger & the Seduction of Fascism"]

4 minutes in and nothing about the seduction of fascism. Just Jews giving their opinion on reality or Heidegger. They just canā€™t handle that the most influential and brilliant philosopher of our time loved uncle Adolf, which speaks volumes they donā€™t want to hear, so they obfuscate with solipsism. Communists died protesting, yes, some where students, but most of their organisers where Jews. Itā€™s as if they wished him to be a commie. (((Of course)))?

Rockwell's Pipe #fundie youtube.com

Rarely can you ever find a legitimate explanation of National Socialism, without it being colored by heavy handed propaganda. I showed this video to a normie friend, whose not especially political and this video blew their mind. They had never even considered that National Socialism wasnt just some cartoonishly evil dictatorship

John Tornado #fundie youtube.com

All those who reject God Most High and live a sinful life will end up in hell and being tortured by devils. This is true since I have had a vision of hell last year 2017. Hell should not be your last destination !!! listen to Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. He came to die for our sins. He shed His Blood so that we may have eternal life in heaven with him. My dear friends, life is short and fragile... turn away from sins and return to God. He loves you and He wants you to be saved. Do not listen to Satan , false gods, evil-doers... they lead you to hell with them... Go out and proclaim the Gospel to all nations ... heaven will be yours. Have a good day in Jesus Christ.,?

David'sSon #fundie youtube.com

In response to you saying human evolution is "beyond proven", here is why it's not. The history of so called Prehuman skulls is riddled with fraud. Sure, you see all these ancient skulls lined up before you, but what they don't tell you is sickening. Because many are modeled from a very small piece, some even a single tooth or jaw. Why is the fossil record full of all kinds of reptiles and animals but the number of human skulls is scant? Did you know from 1912 to 1949 the best example of a prehuman skull was called piltdown man, in 1949 the found it was a complete fraud. There are others. Today they marvel over Lucy, a 3' tall ape, yet like all their supposed examples they put faces to tell the story they want you to believe. Lucy was nothing more than a 3' tall ape. Do your own research, including what they are steering you away from, saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. It's your eternity, and it is truth you will find for those you love.

Vlaams Belang #racist youtube.com

This low country where Flemish live
From de Voere until the North sea coast
Belfort cathedral our beacons
For Thousands of years
This is our country

Never forget
This is Flemish territory
Let everyone know
This is Flemish territory
Through the times
This is Flemish territory
We will fight
This is Flemish territory

Brussels the capital of our Flanders
After centuries of Belgium it is dead
Despite alienation and Walloon chaos
Make of a Brussels something great again

Never forget
This is Flemish territory
Let everyone know
This is Flemish territory
Through the times
This is Flemish territory
We will fight
This is Flemish territory

In the mosques in front of our schools
Ports even if it's in front of our grave
But they have to know what is there
This is our country thus abolish it

We will vote so you have a choice
Lions or sheeps in politics
They will not tame him is the right choice
Long live a Flemish republic

Never forget
This is Flemish territory
Let everyone know
This is Flemish territory
Through the times
This is Flemish territory
We will fight
This is Flemish territory

Original Dutch:

Dit lage land waar Vlamingen leven
Van de voere tot het Noordzeestrand
Belfortenkathedraal onze bakens
Duizend jaar lang
Dit is ons land

Nooit vergeten
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Laat iedereen weten
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Doorheen de tijden
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Wij zullen strijden
Dit is Vlaamse grond

Brussel hoofdstad van ons Vlaanderen
Na eeuwen Belgiƫ zo goed als dood
Ondanks vervreemding en Waalse chaos
Maakt van een Brussel ooit weer groot

Nooit vergeten
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Laat iedereen weten
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Doorheen de tijden
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Wij zullen strijden
Dit is Vlaamse grond

In moskeeƫn voor ons scholen
Haventje al is het voor ons graf
Maar ze moeten weten wat er hier kan klauwen
Dit is ons land en dus bol het af

Wij gaan stemmen dus je hebt een keuze
Leeuwen of schapen in de politiek
Ze zullen hem niet temmen is de juiste keuze
Leve een Vlaamse republiek

Nooit vergeten
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Laat iedereen weten
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Doorheen de tijden
Dit is Vlaamse grond
Wij zullen strijden
Dit is Vlaamse grond

Paul Gallimore #fundie youtube.com

If we going to ā€œunlearn the liesā€ then lets not start with a lie: People try to discredit the rapture theory by saying that Darby invented it. Whether this is through ignorance or to discredit it, it is simply untrue. You cannot say that ā€œno one and I say no oneā€ talked about the rapture prior to Edwards and Darby.

Look at a few scholars from the 1st century onwards who held the belief in a rapture:

The Pre- Trib Rapture view goes back to very early beginnings of Christianity and the church. Obviously writings of Paul also epistles of Barnabas, also Irenaeus (2nd century), Hippolytus, Justin Martyr (2nd century). Ephraem of Nisibis (the Syrian) (4th century). Others from 1686 Pierre Jurieu, John Asgill, Phillip Doddridge, James McKnight, Morgan Edwards and others.

Remember that the medieval church could not preach a doctrine of wrath been poured out on the very ā€œkingsā€ and rulers that paid their salaries. Hence one of the main reasons for an a-millennial view by the majority of denominational churches.

Rev 3:10 says specifically that the church of Philadelphia (missionary church) will not go through the tribulation. Also that some will go through unless they repent. How will they not go through if they repent?

Do not confuse the coming of Jesus for His saints (and the dead) in the rapture with the events that happen when he comes to judge the world and fight for Israel.

1 Th 4:16 and 1 Cor 15:51


He Comes for His own He comes with His own
He comes in the air He comes in the earth
Only His own will see Him All will see Him
Great Trib begins Millennium rule begins
Saints Ascend to heaven Saints come to earth
Earth not Judged Earth Judged
Imminent (anytime) Predictable ā€“ many prophecies , Psalms Daniels prophecies?

Andrew Christopher #sexist youtube.com

Women do not solve difficult problems, especially problems relating to proper behavior and discipline. This insanity is the product of feminism, which puts empathy for the perpetrator over responsibility and the necessity for everyone following rules of respect and decency. Women need to call men back to running institutions, and let them do the hard work, make the difficult decisions, and go through the physical confrontations of fixing the deteriorating attitudes of certain sub-groups within young America. This country was built by men, not women. Women create life, men create society. It has always been that way, and now that women are abandoning their part and usurping that of men, they are making a right hash of it. But of course, it's shameful to criticize women, so we must all find other reasons to blame for these horrible developments. Feminism is destroying the West. The choice is clear -- to be made by women as well as men: let those who can do the job best do it. That is men.?

sv3rige #fundie youtube.com

Being anti-social is a guarantee that you're saved. If you agree with society, which is a man-made anti-nature construct, then you're insane. When there's a serial killer around everybody panics and tries to find him/her. These are beings who follow their natural vampire instincts.

Maybe they're malnourished and that's why they break the man-made rules and drink blood and eat humans, We call them cannibals and monsters but nothing they do is in any way wrong because there's no such thing. Nature actually celebrates their actions. Everything is incredibly twisted.

Subliminal Frequency Hypnosis Wizard Binaural Beats #conspiracy youtube.com

Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Targets the DRMT1 - Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis

Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis
Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis
Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis

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This is only for the SERIOUS MTF Individual. This works to Change the XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes really assisting you with your MTF Transformation (per User Request). This targets the DRMT1 and addresses FOXL2 dominance-- WARNING: Do not listen o this if your not 100% serious as results are permanent.

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You Can Multi-task while listening. Downloading The Audio will cause the audio to be ineffective (WIll not produce results)

Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis
Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis
Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis

Listen daily until you achieve desired results!
Listen at a minimum of 2 weeks for a difference.
Results will vary. 2 weeks to 6 months.

You can meditate with your eyes open, and focus on a candle or an object to help focus your mind; or, you can meditate with eyes closed, and focus solely on the music. Experiment with both to see what works best. Beginners usually find eyes-closed meditation to be easier because there are less distractions.

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This is a very powerful formula and should not be taken lightly.

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Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis
Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis
Change XY Chromosomes to XX Chromosomes Fast! Transgender Subliminals Frequencies Hypnosis

swcomer #conspiracy youtube.com

(They're referring to the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting)

Adam 'no motive' Lanza. First grade was sooo traumatic that at 23 he just had to kill 6 years old - not find his own teacher and ice her, oh no, he had to kill strangers. Original news reports said he went to the school to kill his mother who worked at the school as a full time teacher, then went berserk and killed the others. But that lie wasn't working; so it changed to - he went to kill his mother who was a part-time kindergarten teacher's aide.

But that lie didn't work; so it was changed to - the mother was killed hours before and miles away at home and adam just decided for no reason and no motive to go to the school. Parents of the victims were okay with identifying their children from photos, one of which was a child who lived in florida and whose mother said hey that's my daughter and she is ok, not shot. We're told that the parents were not allowed to go to the school and see their children and that they were okay with not seeing their children that day. No Children taken to the hospital; no doctor(s) ever declared them dead; the coroner said he left the bodies on the floor where they died until he could examine them the next day.

Two years later, a bbc reporter spotted noah pozner's photo as a victim of a school killing in pakistan; same exact photo, same background and everything; with a mom holding the pic saying this is my child and he was shot in pakistan. That's not mentioning the happy parents (Which was taken to mean they were paid off and were so happy about all the money and that children didn't die.); that older versions of each child sang at a ball game (Which was said to mean that the photos we were shown were old school pics of the children and that the public was so dumb they'd be duped by that); plus no interviews of Papa Lanza. These aren't the only reasons for not believing that this was a hoax, but just a few to get you started in realizing that this was a staged event for the purpose of banning private ownership of arms.?

Blunt Man #fundie youtube.com

(He's referring to the Unabomber)

It's interesting how ahead of his time Ted really was, I'm just starting to see the negative side of technology but Ted saw the negative impact in the late 60's a in the 70's. He was even able to predict the loss of individual freedoms that technology would bring about, it was just a prediction when he made it, now it's a reality. God bless Ted, he was fighting for the first amendment long before anyone even knew it was going to be jeopardized in the future, it's unfortunate he got caught...?

Footsoldier #fundie youtube.com

On the vegetable police:

Now, he's saying, "Oh no. I haven't got better. I've got to do the carnivore diet. I'm going to eat a diet comprised exclusively of the corpses of torture victims. That is my diet now. I'll wake up in the morning and I'm going to eat carcass. That's what I'm going to eat. I'm going to eat somebody's tortured corpse for every meal of the day. Every day, I'm going to eat nothing exclusively but corpse. Sod my ethics, sod all of that, I'm just going to eat meat from now on, because my health.", but this is the ridiculous thing. If you haven't seen this, GojiMan recently made a video saying "Bro, I know what's wrong with your intestinal issues. You've got this, this, this and you could probably cure it if you got this test arm to find out what you need to do and you can probably do this thing and that thing and then you'll probably be fine. So, your microbiome is basically trash, then you need to take a test to find out in which way it's trashed and then we can work together and come up with a solution and then you'll be doing great and you'll be absolutely doing really well", but instead of doing this, instead of taking that offer, he was "Oh no.". He just decided: "I don't care about any of that. I don't want to try. I don't want to put any effort in. I don't want to lift a finger or pay for any test. I'll spend loads of money on this, eh, new audio interface from audient I've bought and I've got this expensive camera here and I've got thios flute in Malaysia or wherever you've gone recently. Oh, don't worry about spending your money on that or spend any money on tests. Oh no. I'm just going to eat the carnivore diet. I don't care about the animals. I don't care about the environment. Oh, I don't care about any of that. I'm just going to do the carnivore diet because I don't give a shit. " That is what he's doing now. After GojiMan was like, "Not only I'm going to help you. I'm going to do it for free." and now he's made a video saying "Not only I'm going to help you and do it for free. Invest my time to help you for free. I'm also going to pay partially towards your test with all the money I've made from my YouTube channel. I'm going to give you that money to do the test. To see what's wrong with you and help you and walk you along every step of the way and we can get to the bottom of this together. I'm going to help you out and do all this. Not only all of that. He's going to do a GoFundMe to raise the additional money for Kasey. ". But no, he doesn't care about that, does he? No, he's too difficult. He doesn't want to do any of that. He just wants to do the carnivore diet. Why? Because he's just a bandwagon jumping cuck who doesn't actually care about the animals and he's never cared about the animals. He has only cared about his own health and just what's trendy and just doing the latest fad, gimmick bullshit, because he's hooked into any crap that people write on the internet because he has zero clue about nutrition and he's a spineless cuck.

The thing is that he was quite funny when he came out as a holocaust denying neo-nazi blame the jews all of the world's problems. That was the sort of funny, the sort of "Oh, what you're doing now" case. That was sort of funny, but now this. This just crossed the line. Just crossed the line. Lost all respect for Kasey now. Just what is he doing? He's just basically floating about, doesn't know what he's doing. The only reason why his channel is good and why anyone watches it is because he's somewhat entertaining. Now, he's not even vegan anymore. He's gone a 190 just eating murder victims. He's just eating corpses. He's demanding the death of innocent beings. I can't watch this guy anymore. He's just profoundly confused, lost all direction and just doesn't have a clue. But not only am I disappointed, it's so stupid, because he thinks he's going to heal his gut bacteria by eating the very food that inflames, eh, inflames intestines. Think of all those ulsters in his intestines. All of the damage, inflammation. How trashed his intestines are going to look compared to a normal person. He's got a disease. He's got gut disease. How trashed are his intestines going to look inside. Oh wait, in 48 hours, bam, it's all cured, so we got Shawn bacon, we've got milk jar saying: "Hey look. Meat heals, because in 48 hours he's gone from having gut issues to completely cured in 48 hours." Is that the case? Is that what's really happening here? No, it's not. What's happening is that he can't prabably eat oxalates or it's probably his gut flora because it's trashed. He can't ingest those things because it's getting a reaction to those oxalates or histamines or whateve GojiMan was talking about. He knows more about this than I do. Because not only that, he's actually been through this himself. So he's saying that when he eats vegetables and especially certain vegetables as high in oxalates, they're going to create a rotten reaction in his gut and he's going to get problems. You might get pain, indigestion, might run into the bathroom or something and that's because his microwaved bacteria, his gut flora, the microbiome is trashed currently and he needs to sort it out. But instead of sorting that out because he's getting reactions to certain copounds with implants which are obviously very healthy, but he just can't digest them properly because his microbiome is trashed. Instead of working on that so he can digest the healthiest foods on the planet which are plants. Instead of doing that he's just stopping eating plants entirely and he's going to eat the very food which causes inflammation of the intestines, causes cancer, causes Alzheimer's disease, causes diabetes. A whole myriad like Shaun Baker. He's got diabetes. His blood work shows he's got diabetes. So he's going to develop all these horrible things and then the second he starts eating normal food again he's going to be in a whole world of pain in a whole world of shit and if he doesn't jump off the bandwagon and of this meat carnival diet and start eating normal food again. Well, at some point, when is he going to get cancer? When is he going to get some sort of debilitating disease. It's only so long until he's going to get profoundly ill from eating nothing but flesh. Who eats nothing but flesh long term. That's not sustainable. Not for the environment and definitely not for his health. So long term, at one point or another, if he doesn't jump off the bandwagon at some point he's probably going to get cancer or some horrible debilitating disease. But if he decides at some points then decide in a few months or maybe even in a few weeks to start real food again and healthy food like plants then his gut is going to be even more inflamed and even worse than it is now. So he's just going down the rabbit hole and it's going to get worse and worse and worse until something really bad happens. So right now he might be symptomless, because he's not eating plants, the healthiest foods in the world, because he's bypassing that to mask symptoms or doesn't get the symptoms because he's not ingesting those foods, but the second he does ingest those foods againā€” What? You think his gut is going to heal by eating nothing but meat when its inflammatory and causes disease? At what planet is he on? He's just going down further down the rabbit hole and at some point he's going to get profoundly sick and it's just going to get worse and worse and worse from here.

* To know what the vegetable police actually wanted to do, check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-3zVslk-xg
* GojiMan's answer is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BruGrSWz6to&t=253s
* The response by Vegetable Police: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAcZwj1cYdI

Emuna Bee #fundie youtube.com

My formerly raised vegetarian/vegan brother was convinced by his otherwise brilliant, kind, compassionate (young, yet old school, from a machismo culture) doctor - with my brother having absolutely no physical, mental, psychological issues - that there's no reason for him to stay away from eating animal products, that they're good for him, that they're healthy. There was no reason given for why my brother, specifically, should have it, only the doctor didn't know a reason to stay away. My brother, who used to be a compassionate, logical, learning, thinking, researching young man, went on and off about vegetarianism/veganism. He and his girlfriend, both doctors - she's a pediatrician, older than he is, tells him what's what, feeds her children organic whole milk, demands my parents have it for her, thinking it's healthy, she feeds the children regular chicken, regular meat, lots of fruits and vegetables, too, sure, she knows that much, she accepts cakes plus all desserts from all grandparents she thinks she's doing favors to or accepts money and gifts from - this simple girl doctor who cut her work to three days a week, who didn't even want her first child to have a cupcake or bite of cake for birthday number one because it's not healthy, yet she's financially supported by several generations of family on all sides...I don't get it... she makes sure the mother in law buys it all for her, she's constantly given anything she wants or doesn't want but accepts, feeds to the children, to my family, as my big brother, formerly healthy in mind, body, soul, is a new medical resident, has had fewer hours of nutrition in medical school than I've studied in high school honors with projects, extra credit etc. I'm worried about my brother - the animal eating, the being manipulated, the quick shift, the weight gain, the lack of sleep from 24-36 hour shifts, the stress, the heart palpitations from stress since the girlfriend, job, children...the no time to think, rethink, take time...it's so frightening...he's become worse since getting with a pediatrician, going to medical school. These are the really smart ones, too. The ones who went into this not for money or a title, the ones who care. What can be done? It's terrifying. They're going to influence a generation or more. Also, I'd like my true brother back.?

YOYOYO meneayem #sexist youtube.com

First of all women have been given the same rights as men in modern society. But the problem is they can't handle responsibility. When something doesn't go right women blame the patriarchy. But it was men that gave the vote to you. You'll never accept that women are inferiour. If we gave planet earth to women and all men left to mars or colonised some planet in the future, the would probably go back to stone age. I'm not joking. Where are all the scientist women?? If you continue this disrespect of man's achievements you only strengthen our arguments for why we need to make women obsolete using technology. (ie automation)?

It's illegal for women to abort without PERMISSION from the FATHER where I live :). I love how you think getting pregnant means women invented physics LOL, btw you carry the baby but the DNA is half of the man's who impregnates the woman. So nice fucking try. I bet you think men should have to pay for half of the abortion when you think it's all the woman's choice and body? Do you have any capacity to understand philosophy or is that part of your brain taken up by shoes and makeup??

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