
Sen. John Milkovich #fundie rawstory.com

Louisiana state Sen. John Milkovich appears to be the kind of Democrat who has been seen for quite a while — since William Jennings Bryan at the Scopes Monkey Trial — arguing at a meeting Tuesday night of the state Senate Education Committee for the scientific teaching and accuracy of the Bible over evolution.

The measure was brought forward by Republican state Sen. Dan Claitor, as part of an overall effort on his part to have the state clean up its law books by repealing various acts that have been found unconstitutional.

But as The Times-Picayune reports, the committee voted 4-2 to keep the state’s unenforceable “Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science Act,” which was passed in 1981 and stuck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1987 case Edwards v. Aguillard.

And during that hearing, Milkovich was the most passionate advocate for creationism. At one point, he asked Claitor, “if you are equipped to acknowledge this, or have the background that in fact, scientific research and developments and advances in the last hundred years — particularly the last 50, 20, ten years — have validated the Biblical story of creation,” through archaeology of ancient civilizations, and even the discovery of Noah’s Ark on a mountaintop.

Milkovich also added that “the notion of instantaneous creation has been validated by the scientific study of heliocentric circles in rocks.”

(Note: On that last point, Milkovich might have been referring to radiohalos in rocks, a phenomenon that is often seized upon by creationists to insist that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. The word “heliocentric” refers to the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun — but maybe it’s just good to have an indication that he accepts that, and not ask any further questions.)

Claitor was clearly incensed at somebody questioning his religious faith and morals

“I have faith in God, and you will never know exactly what’s in my heart. That’s not what I’m here asking you to do. I’m asking you to repeal what has been found unconstitutional,” Claitor said. “And I’m also pointing out that you have an alternative that remains on the books that hasn’t been repealed. That’s what I’m asking you to do.

“I’m not looking here to engage with you in a debate on what my religious beliefs are, and how many times I go to confession in a week — which, probably, during session I ought to go more often than what I do.”

Also during the hearing, Milkovich said it was a violation of academic freedom to not teach creationism, calling it a “skewed, one-dimensional” approach.

And in a later discussion of a completely separate bill, Milkovich circled back to creationism by linking an alleged decline of morality in children to taking God and the Bible out of schools.

Milkovich, who was elected last November in an upset in a heavily-Republican district, seems like an odd fit for a modern Democrat. On his official Web page at the state Senate, he declares: “My priorities this term include strengthening our Second Amendment protections; defending traditional marriage; fighting abortion; working to get rid of Common Core; protecting the right of citizens, including principals, teachers and coaches, to express their faith.”

Sen. Jenifer Branning #fundie rawstory.com

The state legislature in Mississippi has now passed a bill to allow both public employees and private businesses to refuse to take part in gay marriages — but a whole lot of heterosexual people might be surprised at what’s in the written text here.

The bill repeatedly states that “the state government shall not take any discriminatory action” against a person or religious organization for refusing to take part in objectionable marriages, adoptions, or certain other services (more on that later).

The bill’s usage of the phrase “discriminatory action,” however, is more like what laws in most states would describe as an action under anti-discrimination laws, such as “Impose, levy, or assess a monetary fine, fee, penalty or injunction,” as well as other issues involving tax statuses, professional licenses, and state contracts.

But as this bill is actually written, though, a whole lot of people in Mississippi besides sexual minorities could face discrimination, too — like the vast numbers of people who have had sex outside of marriage.

Not to worry, though — they say they’re really just thinking about the gays.

As reported in the Jackson Clarion-Ledger: “Opponents of the bill say the bill could allow discrimination of those in the LGBT community and possibly single mothers, but [state Sen. Jenifer Branning, the lead Senate sponsor] said the bill deals only with same-sex marriage.”

In addition to social services such as marriage and adoption, the bill protects any private business who refuses to provide “services, accommodations, facilities, goods, or privileges for a purpose related to the solemnization, formation, celebration, or recognition of any marriage, based upon or in a manner consistent with a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction described in Section 2 of this act.”

So what is Section 2, and what are its ramifications? The actual text of the bill states:

“SECTION 2. The sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions protected by this act are the belief or conviction that:
“(a) Marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman;
“(b) Sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage; and
“(c) Male (man) or female (woman) refer to an individual’s immutable biological sex as objectively determined by anatomy and genetics at time of birth.”

And from here, so much mischief could be done. Because while the bill specifies numerous social services provided by either state employees or private religious organizations — marriage and adoption, mainly — in all cases an employer or organization is broadly protected for having “a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction described in Section 2 of this act.”

As written, despite the sponsor’s statement that the bill deals only with same-sex marriage, a government employee could refuse to grant a marriage license to a couple who have had premarital sex — and who knows, they might even be able to ask the question, too.

So why include a section for people who believe that sex is reserved only for marriage? Most likely, that clause might have been intended to relate to other sections of the bill involving adoption and foster care services, as well as fertility services. But the key point here is that as written, any person could be refused a marriage from a government employee on any or all of the bases under Section 2.

And in other areas, when the bill here also specifies “psychological, counseling, or fertility services based upon a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction described in Section 2 of this act,” a therapist might even potentially refuse counseling to a person whose personal morality does not measure up to the standard set under Section 2.

Some people even think that this bill could even authorize that “a corporation could fire a woman for wearing pants.” But this author respectfully disagrees, based on the full legal context of the relevant language.

What the act actually says is:

“The state government shall not take any discriminatory action against a person wholly or partially on the basis that the person establishes sex-specific standards or policies concerning employee or student dress or grooming, or concerning access to restrooms, spas, baths, showers, dressing rooms, locker rooms, or other intimate facilities or settings, based upon or in a manner consistent with a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction described in Section 2 of this act.”

Since sex-specific dress codes at a business are discussed here in relation to Section 2, what this actually refers to is forbidding a transgender person from dressing according to their internal identity — not just any old matter of a woman wearing pants. (After all, a person’s mode of dress has nothing directly to do with marriage or sexuality — thus leaving gender identity as the only category left from the section.)

The law also forbids “discriminatory action” by the state against a person who “declines to participate in the provision of treatments, counseling, or surgeries related to sex reassignment or gender identity transitioning” — but on the bright side, a clause soon afterward says that this shall not be construed to allow the denial of emergency medical services for sickness or injury.

So a transgender person who gets a broken leg is still to be provided medical care — at least on paper.

Larry Dawson #fundie rawstory.com

The man who allegedly pulled a gun on officers on Monday was identified by multiple outlets as a Tennessee man who caused a disturbance at the House of Representatives, the Associated Press reported.

The suspect, 66-year-old Larry Dawson, interrupted a House session last October and yelled that he was a “Prophet of God” from the balcony. Authorities said he was “known to police.”

Dawson was captured on Monday after drawing his weapon at the Capitol Visitors Center and shooting an officer. The suspect was shot and later transported to a hospital. The incident is being investigated as a “criminal act,” but not one linked to terrorism.

Safya Roe Yassin #fundie rawstory.com

Facebook and Twitter posting of Missouri woman who was arrested in February for threatening the lives of FBI agents in the name of ISIS reveal a woman with a penchant for conspiracy theories including chemtrails and a belief that childhood vaccinations are linked to autism.

Safya Roe Yassin, 38, was taken into custody in late February after she made multiple threats against President Barack Obama, published names and addresses of military members and threatened two FBI agents with the message “Wanted to kill.”

According to The Daily Beast, Yassin had an extensive presence on social media with 97 Twitter accounts — many using a variation of the name “Muslimah” (a Muslim woman) — and a Facebook page with thousands of followers.

Despite that, neighbors and friends say that Yassin is a Christian, may have never met a Muslim in her life and is likely a lonely single mother looking for attention.

“She believes in Jesus Christ as her personal savior,” explained one of Yassin’s cousins. “I gave her her first Bible, and she still has that.”

According to an arrest affidavit, Yassin declared her allegiance to ISIS online, while tweeting, “The day is near when the #IslamicState uses the Jets & Weapons from the Kuffar against them. Insha’Allah,” under one of her aliases.

“The disbelievers used to be called ‘barbarians’ and described as ‘uncivilized’ — they can still be called barbarians, they are just dressed in nicer/cleaner clothes is all, and have modern day tools to act like uncivilized beasts and barbarians,” her last Facebook post reads. “What they see as backwards is worshiping Allah, women being modest and covering, shariah law and even Halal food is backwards to these barbarians.”

Before taking up the cause of ISIS, Yassin’s Facebook account showed she was enamored with online communities discussing “vaccine damage” awareness, providing a link to a discredited report that stated there was a 20,000 percent increase in autism over the past 20 years. Additionally she worried about chemtrails — a conspiracy theory positing that chemicals are pumped into the atmosphere by the government in order to control the populace.

According to family and neighbors, Yassin has a son with autism who she homeschooled after pulling him from a local school — thereby increasing her isolation and plunging her into anti-vaccination speculation.

Family members also say her flirtation with ISIS may have stemmed from feeling ostracized after being told she looked like a Muslim — born to a white mother and an Arab father who immigrated to the U.S. from Jerusalem.

“The real story is, she’s not a terrorist,” explained her aunt, Sandra Mick. “She retweeted and reposted what other people had posted, that’s the story. She’s never been outside this country. I doubt she’s even met a real Muslim.”

In fact, Yassin convinced a friend to convert to Islam and that same friend notified authorities when her Facebook posting became more extreme.

Speaking with The Daily Beast, Audrey Alexander, a researcher at George Washington University’s Program on Extremism, noted that Yassin’s postings might be confusing to other ISIS supporters due to her originality.

“She is questioning whether ISIL is the end of times army,” Alexander said. “That’s something that a lot of the community doesn’t necessarily latch onto, which is why we believe her views are quite well informed.”

She added, “I think this is one of the steps they had to take in the legal system to take her case farther and see if she’s a big threat. You can be sort of a nobody, and rise to a certain height online.”

Stephen Miller #racist rawstory.com

Trump campaign spokesperson Stephen Miller shocked a CNN panel on Sunday by deflecting sexism charges against his boss with warnings about genital mutilations in the United States.

On CNN’s State of the Union, host Jake Tapper asked Miller if Trump’s “my wife is hotter than your wife” attack on Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was “presidential.”

Miller, however, tried to change the topic to crimes perpetrated undocumented immigrants.

“We get wrong what we’re mad about in America!” the Trump advisor exclaimed. “We don’t get mad when Americans are murdered by illegal immigrants. We don’t get mad when people have their jobs taken by cheaper foreign workers her on visa programs. We don’t get mad when entire cities are crushed by our trade policies that send jobs overseas.”

“I understand why you want to change the subject,” Tapper interrupted, pointing out that Trump “chose” to attack Cruz’s wife using Twitter instead of choosing to discuss immigration.

“The political class in D.C. works itself up into a feigned indignation over things that don’t really affect the lives of people,” Miller charged.

“There’s nothing feigned here,” former RNC Communications Director Doug Heye shot back, reminding Miller that CNN’s Kate Baldwin had slammed him last week for refusing to condemn the “sexism” in Trump’s tweets.

“You want to get into an argument? Then we’ll get into an argument!” Miller yelled. “He just accused me of standing up for sexism, and that is absolutely inappropriate!”

“I said in that interview that it is a trivial issue to be debating retweets [attacking Cruz’s wife] when it is a fact you have Americans dying every single day as a result of immigration policies!” Miller continued. “Americans all over this country see their communities destroyed by uncontrolled migration.”

As others on the panel tried to chime in, Miller continued to shout: “This is not a joke!”

“You want to talk about women’s issues here?” he said. “Here’s something we should be talking about. It is a fact, as a result of uncontrolled migration into this country — you can look this up, this is statistics from Equality Now — half a million girls in this country are at risk of female genital mutilation.”

“Oh my god,” Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden gasped. “If we actually want to fight sexism in America— the wrong way to go is Donald Trump, who judges women on their looks, who says terrible things about women in every way he could possibly do.”

A Center for Disease Control report warned earlier this year that 513,000 women and girls in the U.S. could be at risk for genital mutilation based on 2012 data. In 2014, The Obama administration confirmed that U.S. Department of Health and Human Services planned to carry out a study to measure the extent of the problem in the U.S.

Oregon man #fundie rawstory.com

Oregon man smashes Buddhist monk’s head into a car while screaming about Muslims

A Buddhist monk was assaulted in Oregon by a man who mistook him for a Muslim, KATU reports.

Kozen Sampson, 66, told the station he was visiting Hood River on Monday when he heard a man yelling at him.

“I pulled over, someone ran up and yelled. I turned around, they kicked the door, hit me in the side of the face and knocked my head into the frame of the car,” Sampson told KATU. “I do remember [him yelling] an F bomb [about] Muslims, and that was it.”

But Sampson said he is trying to spread a message of tolerance and love — and it seems to be working.

“I don’t know the Islamic faith well, but I do know that Muslims are our brothers and sisters and I would encourage everyone to just take a hard look at how supportive are you of all God’s children,” Sampson told the station.

He said he pitied the man.

“I was thinking, ‘That poor man.’ Can you imagine living your life in fear and anger? Can you imagine wanting to do something that you had to hurt somebody?” he told KATU.

Donald Trump #fundie rawstory.com

One of the things I’m gonna do, and this is only gonna make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m gonna do if I win— is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re gonna open up those libel laws.

With me, they’re not protected, because I’m not like other people— We’re gonna open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re gonna have people sue you like you never get sued before.

Kory Langhofer #fundie rawstory.com

Anti-government attorney Kory Langhofer argued over the weekend that the Supreme Court could continue to decide cases 5-4 in favor of conservatives after the death of Antonin Scalia because the deceased justice could effectively cast votes from the grave.

“There’s no Ouija board required to figure out how Justice Scalia would vote on these things, he’s already voted,” Langhofer told KPNX during a panel discussion on Sunday. “We’re at the second-to-last step in how these cases unfold when Justice Scalia died.”

“We know exactly what he thought,” Langhofer continued. “And it’s not unprincipled to say we should give affect to that.”

Attorney Thomas Ryan pointed out, however, that Langhofer’s theory was only wishful thinking.

“Justices, after they do the conferences can also change their minds,” he explained, recalling Chief Justice John Roberts’ last minute decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act.

“The general rule is dead justices don’t vote,” Ryan said. “I mean, that sounds cruel, but that’s it.”

Langhofer insisted that it is “incredibly speculative” to suggest that Scalia might have voted against his conservative ideology.

“They virtually never change their minds,” Langhofer opined. “It almost never happens.”

Glenn Beck #fundie rawstory.com

Glenn Beck: God had to kill Antonin Scalia to help put Ted Cruz in the White House

“I just woke the American people up,” Beck said, pretending to be the mind of God. “I took them out of the game show moment and woke enough of them up to say, ‘look at how close your liberty is to being lost. You now have lost your liberty. You replace one guy and you now have 5-4 decisions in the other direction. Just with this one guy, you’ve lost your liberty so you’d better elect somebody that is going to be somebody on [the court] because for the next 30 years, if you don’t, the Constitution as you know it [is gone].'”

“The Constitution is hanging by a thread!” he proclaimed, repeating a line he has used on the stump. “That thread has just been cut and the only way that we survive now is if we have a true constitutionalist.”

Pat Robertson #fundie rawstory.com

On the Thursday edition of The 700 Club, Robertson asked co-host Wendy Griffith why women would want to serve in combat roles even after the military announced plans to remove gender restrictions.

“The feminists have gotten to a point where women are going to be drafted and put into combat units,” Robertson remarked. “Why would any woman in her right mind want that?”

Griffith pointed out that “there are women warriors.”

“The Amazons!” Robertson snarked. “You’re living in trenches and eating K-rations and there’s mud and all the rest. Why would anybody want that?”

“I would go if I could take my makeup,” Griffith explained. “I’m not a good candidate, but I think there are some women that feel that call.”

“Maybe there’s a masochistic thing they want,” the TV preacher opined. “That’s bondage, that’s ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ squared.”

“You’re looking at somebody that’s been there, done that,” he concluded. “It ain’t something for a woman.”

Debbie Allen #fundie rawstory.com

A Gilmer County deputy county clerk had a lesbian couple in tears after calling their union an “abomination” on what was supposed to be a happy day.

Samantha Brookover and Amanda Abramovich went last week to get married, according to the Charleston Gazette-Mail. The couple had loved ones and cameras in tow.

The West Virginia couple said Debbie Allen, the deputy clerk who processed their marriage license, gave them a biblical earful. They say Allen huffed and puffed, slammed things around then yelled at them for two or three minutes about her views that what they were doing was wrong in her eyes and God’s.

Brookover told the Gazette-Mail they were “flabbergasted and hurt and angry like you wouldn’t believe.”

It wasn’t the first time the women have been attacked for their sexual orientation, “But to have a complete stranger — someone that doesn’t know me — scream like that, it really cut down to the bone,” Abramovich said.

Allen doesn’t deny she told the couple that God would judge them but says she “talked nicely to them.”

“I just told them my opinion,” she told the paper. “I just felt led to do that. I believe God was standing with me and that’s just my religious belief.”

She added she “didn’t care to make eye contact with them.”

Brookover’s mother, Jill Goff, said she was sad when her daughter came out because she knew she would be treated differently.

“I love her with all my heart no matter what she does,” she told the paper. “What I said to her was I hate the way people are going to treat you. That makes me sad because for the rest of your life, you’re going to have to pay a price for this.”

The newlyweds believe that Allen didn’t properly do her job.

“Someone at McDonald’s can’t refuse to give someone a cheeseburger because they’re a heart attack risk,” Abramovich told the Gazette-Mail. “You’ve got to do your job. You can’t just scream at people.”

David Manning #fundie rawstory.com

An anti-gay Harlem pastor fired back on Monday after an LGBT group began raising money to buy his Atlah Worldwide Church at a foreclosure auction.

During a Monday broadcast, Manning said that he had a warning “for all the sodomites that think that you’re going to purchase this church in a foreclosure sale.”

“This ain’t no bathhouse, this ain’t no f*g house, this is the Lord’s house!” he exclaimed. “And before you can ever own this property, hook or crook— men who are f*gs with testicles will be carrying babies in their testicles and giving birth to them through their anus.”

“That’s how impossible it is for you to get this house,” Manning continued. “When you start carrying a baby in your bags and birthing that baby through your ass, then you can own this house. But until I see you pull a baby out your ass, you ain’t going to pull this church out from underneath us. And boom shakalaka goes right there.”

“And all you f*gs can go to hell! And do it now.”

Tom Patton & Rob Frost #fundie rawstory.com

The head of the Cuyahoga County Republicans jumped to the defense of the state senate majority leader after he made condescending remarks about his GOP opponent, calling her “sweetie” and saying she shouldn’t be running for political office because she’s a young mother.

Senate Majority Leader Tom Patton was blasted on Thursday after comments he made about fellow Republican Jennifer Herold, reports Cleveland.com.

In a radio interview, Patton said, “The gal that’s running against me is a 30-year-old, you know, mom, mother of two infants. And I don’t know if anybody explained to her we’ve got to spend three nights a week in Columbus. So, how does that work out for you? I waited until I was 48 and my kids were raised, and at least adults, before we took the opportunity to try.”

Patton also referred to Herold as a “young gal” and added: “I want to tell her, ‘Hey Sweetie, I just got 27 percent of the pie in just my district, which is nine times what should have been done.'”

Faced with criticism over the condescending comments, GOP county chair Rob Frost defended Patton, saying, “These are not sexist or out-of-line comments.”

Pastor Donnie Romero #fundie rawstory.com

During a December interview with TMZ, MMA fighter Conor McGregor bragged that not even the Son of God could defeat him in the octagon.

“There’s not a man alive that could beat me,” McGregor explained. “But Jesus isn’t alive so maybe he could come back from the dead, I don’t know. I’d still whoop his ass.”

That didn’t sit well with Pastor Romero, who revealed during a sermon last week that he would be praying for God to strike down McGregor.

“He said if Jesus Christ was in the ring with me, I’d knock him out!” Romero explained to his congregation. “The guy is a UFC fighter. That guy is nothing.”

The pastor argued that MMA fights were popular because of “wickedness” in the world.

“That guy, I’m going to pray that God strikes him down with a lightning bolt!” Romero exclaimed. “So everybody in the world believes that the Bible even a little bit will know that it was God, it was Jesus that struck him down.”

“He can just look down and with his little finger just say, ‘So, boom!'” he added. “Some catastrophic event because he’s a wicked person. And if you watch him and you’re a fan of his and you call yourself a Christian, shame on you! You’re not right with God! It’s wicked as hell.”

Judge Vance Day #racist rawstory.com

A state commission recommended the removal of an Oregon judge whose actions, they believe, are so unethical they might actually be criminal.

The Oregon Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability filed a 48-page report urging the state Supreme Court to remove Judge Vance Day from the bench, reported The Oregonian.

The nine-member panel made the rare recommendation after determining in a two-week hearing that Day had undermined public trust by refusing to marry same-sex couples, hanging a portrait of Adolph Hitler, communicating improperly with a felon and allowing another felon to illegally handle a firearm.

“Judge Day shows no outward sign of comprehending the extent or nature of his ethical violations,” the commission wrote. “His misconduct is of such a nature as to impugn his honesty and integrity.”

The judge made news last year by urging his staff to postpone the scheduling of wedding ceremonies so they could investigate whether the couples were gay — which the commission said violated a federal court order overturning Oregon’s ban on same-sex marriage.

Day also made national news after including a portrait of Hitler in a “Hall of Heroes” gallery he set up at the Marion County Courthouse.

The county’s presiding judge ordered Day to remove the portrait of the Nazi leader, but he warned her not “to go there because some very influential people in this town want it up,” the commission found.

Day finally agreed to remove the Hitler portrait, but the commission found that he was reimbursed twice by taxpayers for the $879 he spent having it matted.

The commission found that Day hired defendants whose probation he was overseeing to help with home projects, and they also found the judge “relentlessly” texted a felon who was on probation.

That felon was a Navy SEAL, and the commission found that Day brought him to a wedding to “show him off” and asked the man to introduce him to other Navy SEALs.

The commission also faulted the judge for allowing a felon to illegally handle a gun while helping Day’s son prepare for military service.

Day, who disputed the commission’s findings, has suggested the ethics investigation was an unfair attack on his religious beliefs — but the commission said those claims were false and intentionally deceptive.

“Judge Day has engaged in a pattern of dishonesty,” the commission wrote. “Although the goal of much of his disingenuousness appears to be covering up misconduct, some of this conduct seems to have other independent objectives.”

Kent Hovind #fundie rawstory.com

Young Earth creationism evangelist Kent Hovind asserted this week that God had purposefully put contradictions in the Bible to “weed out” non-believers.

In a YouTube video posted on Monday, the Christian fundamentalist responds to a follower who is troubled by a contradiction in the book of Acts.

“If I was God,” Hovind explains, “I would write the book in such a way that those who don’t want to believe in me anyway would think they found something. ‘Aha, here’s why I don’t believe.'”

“And then they could go on with their own life because they don’t want to believe God anyways,” he continues. “I would put things in there that would appear without digging to be contradictions. I don’t think that’s deceptive, I think that’s wise for the Heavenly Father to weed out those who are really serious.”

Hovind says that he made a choice to “believe the Bible until it’s proven wrong.”

“I know others who have decided, ‘I’m not going to believe it until you prove everything is right,'” he notes. “Okay, you do whatever you want to do, but I made the opposite decision.”

Jerry Falwell, Jr. #fundie rawstory.com

The president of a Christian university encouraged his students to get concealed firearm permits so they could prevent the next mass shooting from happening there.

Jerry Falwell, Jr., head of Liberty University, a Christian school in Virginia, invoked the mass shooting this week at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. Fourteen people were killed and 21 were injured in the attack, which was carried out by a husband and wife who claimed loyalty to the Islamic State.

Falwell criticized President Obama for urging gun control in the wake of recent shootings, and made it clear he was armed during his speech at a convocation Friday night.

“It just blows my mind when I see the President of the United States say that the answer to [San Bernardino] is more gun control,” Falwell said. “If some of those people in that community center had had what I’ve got in my back pocket right now—”

He encouraged people to carry guns so they could ” end those Muslims before they walk in and kill us,” Falwell said.

He then said the university offers a free course to help get a concealed carry permit.

“I just wanted to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to get your permit. We offer a free course. Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here,” he said.

Robert Louis Dear #fundie rawstory.com

Robert Louis Dear — the right-wing Christian terrorist who attacked a Planned Parenthood location in Colorado Springs — was a violent, woman-hating serial offender with a history of sexual assault and domestic violence. An ex-wife said in court documents that the 57-year-old believes that “as long as he’s saved” by Jesus Christ, “he can do whatever he pleases.”

According to the Charleston Post and Courier, Dear was arrested in 1992 for the rape of a woman he accosted at her job at a Charleston mall. When she declined his advances, he stalked her to her home and reportedly raped her at knife-point.

In divorce documents from 1993, one of Dear’s three ex-wives described the killer as controlling, abusive and serially unfaithful. He routinely gambled away the family’s money, she said, but was ever reluctant to provide for his wife and children financially.

Hot-tempered and unstable, he “erupts into fury in a matter of seconds,” said Dear’s second wife Barbara Mescher to attorneys. In her time with Dear, she testified, she continually “lived in fear and dread of his emotional and physical abuse.”

“He claims to be a Christian and is extremely evangelistic, but does not follow the Bible in his actions,” Mescher said. “He says that as long as he believes he will be saved, he can do whatever he pleases. He is obsessed with the world coming to an end.”

Dear was apprehended on Friday after killing three and injuring nine others during a five-hour rampage. Witnesses said that he was ranting about “baby parts” when taken into custody, an anti-Planned Parenthood talking point spawned by anti-choice extremists and parroted by Republican presidential candidates and conservative media.

Jeff Crawford #fundie rawstory.com

Arkansas pastor Jeff Crawford argued over the weekend that a woman has no “right over her own body” because it is owned by God.

During a Sunday sermon at Crosschurch about the dangers of pornography, Crawford likened the issue to abortion rights.

“We have bought into what I want to call this morning theological dualism,” the pastor opined. “This is the idea that you can separate what goes on with our bodies with what goes on soul and spirit.”

According to Crawford, the Bible contradicted the belief that people had a right to control their own bodies.

“This idea that you hear about in the abortion debate that it’s a woman’s right to choose and she has the right over her own body, no, that’s not true!” he exclaimed. “What that means is that your arms and your legs and your head, it all belongs to God.”

Christine Weick #fundie rawstory.com

Christians in Spring, Texas, appear to be trying to run the Church of Lucifer out of town, ABC13 reports.

The Luciferians officially opened their doors on Friday, with their first meeting scheduled for Saturday. But they were greeted by a vocal group of Christians after having their building vandalized this week. Video taken by ABC13 Friday evening shows protesters upset with the organization’s presence gathered outside, with a law enforcement presence needed to keep the peace.

“This is what we get when we have freedom of religion,” protester Christine Weick told ABC13 angrily. “We ought to be filling up the whole street here, that they have to pass through us to get into that church.”

White continued to say that God loves the Luciferians “enough to say, ‘you either bow now, or you will be forced to bow later,’ and then it’s too late.”

The church had been vandalized ahead of its opening. Someone with a chainsaw hacked off a large tree branch and sent it crashing into the building’s roof, KHOU reports.

“We have an absolute right to be here, legally,” Greater Church of Lucifer co-president Michael Ford told RT. “I always feel sorry for so-called Christians who feel so insecure in their belief that they have to come out here and waste their time when they’re not going to change our mind, and we’re not going to change theirs.”

Ford said the organization is philosophical and their “services” are more of a meeting of minds. There is no devil worship or animal sacrifice that takes place, and they have no intention of converting anyone.

“They just believe that that’s what happens. That’s what they spew,” he told ABC13.

One sign held by protesters read, “Mary Queen of the Angels crush Lucifer’s head!” Another read, “We are one nation under God and Satanism is NOT an American value.” A woman bellows that, “Jesus is calling on your today!”

Despite the less-than-warm welcome, the organization said on its Facebook page that its opening was successful with plans to hold its first meeting still scheduled for Saturday.

“I have to say that we as a group lead by example,” church member Jacob No wrote. “We [were] the ones who handled all adversity at hand with perfection and respect.”

It’s not the first time people following the philosophical, historical and literary figure of what Christians believe to be the fallen angel Lucifer have faced violence.

In July, the Satanic Temple had to move the unveiling of its Baphomet statue to a secret location in Detroit after Christians there made threats that they would blow it up.

Both the Church of Lucifer and Satanic Temple do not worship a supernatural devil figure, but instead follow tenets that resemble those of humanism.

Ben Carson #fundie rawstory.com

The way the earth rotates on its axis, how far away it is from the sun. These are all very complex things,” Carson said in response to a question from the audience. “Gravity, where did it come from? I mean, there are so many things. So I don’t denigrate the people who say ‘Eh, eh, whatever, somehow it happened.’ I don’t denigrate them. I just don’t have that much faith

Mike George #fundie rawstory.com

PA Supreme Court candidate suggested lesbians provoke men into shooting them by ‘fondling each other’

A Republican lawyer’s candidacy for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court is under scrutiny after an examination of his record showed that he promoted a “gay-panic defense” in the case of a man who shot two lesbians.

The Philadelphia Daily News reported on Monday the state Supreme Court candidate Mike George’s defense of Stephen Roy Carr suggested that the two lesbians “might’ve brought the shooting on themselves.”

After Carr killed 28-year-old Rebecca Wight and shot her girlfriend, Claudia Brenner, in 1988, George set out to “get the local folks talking more about the lesbianism than the murder.”

“That’s why we had to get all the steamy facts of what had happened up on South Mountain out before the public. Sort of let what happened simmer in the public’s imagination,” the attorney later told Harold Pohlman, the author of the book The Whole Truth? A Case of Murder on the Appalachian Trail.

“That meant a full story as to how many times the women were naked and how many times they engaged in lesbian sex. I wanted the graphic details. All of them,” George said. “I wanted it to look like these two women were bold with their lesbianism. That they didn’t hide their lesbianism from anybody, including my client.”

“The more sexually reckless the women appeared, the better for Carr— The one thing that I could not get out of my mind was that the local people did not think much of homosexuals.”

Following Carr’s conviction on a first-degree murder charge, George claimed in a court motion that the two women had provoked his client because they “partook in oral sex” and “put on what the defendant perceived to be a show.”

Roy Keefer, who was serving as District Attorney at the time, accused George of “nothing more than a ruse in order to slander the victims.”

But Keefer told the Philadelphia Daily News that he didn’t have “any qualms” about voting for George because attorneys had a responsibility to provide a robust defense for their clients.

“I can understand why Claudia has her feelings and I certainly don’t minimize those, but I’ve seen a whole lot more than that one case,” Keefer explained.

Equality Pennsylvania Executive Director Ted Martin pointed out that George would be in a position to rule on nondiscrimination legislation if he were elected to the state’s highest court.

“He’s proven in the past that he is willing to use questionable and very negative tactics that revolve around a person’s sexual orientation to make his case, and I think that’s wrong,” Martin observed. “It calls into question his ability to be fair and really understand all the sides.”

“Frankly, what Michael George did to Claudia Brenner is repulsive.”

The American Bar Association has called on states to ban the use of the “gay-panic defense.” California became the first state to do so in 2014.

Jim Bakker et al #fundie rawstory.com

Pastor Jim Bakker and the guests on his show asserted this week that Satanic worship services were taking place in some Planned Parenthood clinics, which were being used a legal cover for the ritual sacrifice of children...

“It’s a pile of babies almost 70 million babies tall, mountains and mountains and mountains of babies,” Jim Bakker said. “This is why God’s judgement is coming.”

The pastor noted that creationism had to be true because “there are no accidental babies.”

“You are sitting here talking about this and I think you have — your eyes are there,” Jim Bakker said, pointing at Wiles. “They’re not below your mouth. Your mouth didn’t somehow land up [on your forehead]. If this was all accidental, you know, you’d have an ear there.”

Wiles said that a former Satanist told him that he “performed 164 Satanic rituals inside of abortion clinics.”

“Absolutely!” Lori Bakker chimed in. “I can’t prove it because I wasn’t there— I will tell you, especially on Halloween, that many many many many Satanic rituals — abortion rituals — are performed. It’s the truth.”

“I’ve had women sit as close as Jim is to me, as you are to me, crying, screaming from their innermost being because they were in those Satanic rituals where their babies were aborted,” she insisted.

Wiles claimed that his former Satanist friend said that “sacrificing a human life is the greatest thing that they can do for Lucifer.”

“Because murder is illegal, they have to find a way to have a sacrifice that are human,” Wiles continued. “And so because America has abortion, therefore, their doing these human sacrifices in an abortion clinic because it gives them a legal covering.”

“The anti-christ spirit is loose,” Jim Bakker declared. “You know, I believe the first horse of the apocalypse is the Satanic — the white horse, this apocalyptic being is the spirit of anti-christ. And it is riding, this spirit is here.”

Ted Cruz #fundie rawstory.com

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) vowed to tear up the Iran nuclear deal on his first day in office and threatened to kill the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, if he’s elected president.

The religious conservative crowd at the Values Voters summit lustily cheered his bloodthirsty comments during his appearance Friday morning at the annual event.

Cruz said he would “rip to shreds” the agreement approved by Congress, and he threatened to kill Iran’s leader if he did not give up his nuclear ambitions.

“If the ayatollah doesn’t understand that, we may have to help introduce him to the 72 virgins,” Cruz said, as the audience cheered loudly.

The GOP presidential candidate also said if a jihadist tried to enter a U.S.military recruiting station, he would be greeted by the gun barrels of “a dozen Marines.”

The conservative Christian audience again cheered enthusiastically.

Cruz opened his speech with a teleprompter joke and referred to President Barack Obama as “the world’s most powerful communist.”

He also suggested the Democratic debates should be held at the Leavenworth prison and joked that Obama should be incarcerated.

“If they can project a rainbow on the White House, maybe they can put bars on the windows,” Cruz said.

Westboro Baptist Church #fundie rawstory.com

Proving that there is no limit to fundamentalist Christian extremism, the ultra-conservative Westboro Baptist church has launched a crusade against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis despite all parties being against same-sex marriage.

While Davis is sitting in jail on contempt charges for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, members of the extremist Westboro Baptist church in Topeka are threatening to go to Kentucky to protest against Davis for being an adulteress –due to having been married four times — and for causing “F*g marriage” because of her sinfulness.

Davis, who converted to Christianity four years ago maintains that she cannot issue licenses to gay couples on religious grounds, calling it a “Heaven or Hell decision.” Despite that, members of the Topeka church have launched a Twitter jihad on Davis saying she is a “phony divorced/remarried traitor to God,” and “#NotChristian.”

Addressing Davis, who has been married four times –twice to the same man — and reportedly had twins out of wedlock, Westboro tweeted: “‘Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me.’ -The LORD”

A sampling of Westboro’s less than Christian charity towards Davis below.

Now that #KimDavis is in jail, time to criminalize homosexuality, adultery, fag marriage & fornication, and book 'em Danno! #FollowGodsLaw

What if a clerk denied #KimDavis a license for her 2nd/3rd/4th marriage because Christ calls it adultery?

#KimDavis & her "Christian" ilk have contributed as much to fag marriage as @HRC @TheAdvocateMag & other militants.

It's time to pack this sign and visit Kentucky -- land of the phony divorced/remarried traitors to God. #NotChristian

KY clerk Kim Davis would NOT feel at home at Westboro Baptist. She a fake (hence her 3 husbands!), @MattMurph24 >>

If Kim Davis has any real fear of God she'll resign and move out of the house from the man she lives w/ in adultery!

Kim can't keep living/sleeping with a man not her husband & say she's repented. Any more than "gay Christians" can. https://twitter.com/attitudemag/status/640149018186809344

Christ: “Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: ...
Luke 16:18 https://twitter.com/wbcsaysrepent/status/639617003221749760

Timothy Butler #fundie rawstory.com

Timothy Butler, 54, is accused of molesting two children and providing them “harmful materials” between 2008 and 2011, Good4Utah reports. One of the alleged victims was a then-5-year-old girl.

According to the Standard Examiner, Butler allegedly watched pornography with the child present. His charges include two counts of sodomy of a child and two counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, which are felonies. He also faces charges of drug possession.

Butler told the judge that “the Bible did not set limits on the ages between two partners, and that God will set the truth free.”

...Butler’s brother, Tom Butler, said he is not guilty.

“He knows he’s not guilty,” his brother said. “People that know him know that he’s not that kind of guy,” then added, “He’s a great guy. He’s kind of a little crazy.”

Jennifer LeClaire #fundie rawstory.com

Comedian and host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight John Oliver slammed televangelists on Sunday for their greed and extortion as they enjoy mass wealth as a result. To mock the government’s absence of regulation, Oliver started his own church, called “Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption,” naming himself “megapstor” and CEO.

Looks like Oliver struck a nerve. On Wednesday, Christian minister Jennifer LeClaire said Oliver shouldn’t “mock what you don’t understand,” calling him a “false reverend.”

LeClaire, who operates the Awakening House of Prayer, admitted there are abusive churches. But she does believe in the concept of “seed faith” — the idea that giving money to a church will result in returns for the giver.

“[W]e have to be careful not to paint everyone who believes for an airplane or sows a seed to get out of debt as a heretic,” she writes.

Oliver’s segment hilariously skewered preachers whose fantastic displays of wealth come at a large cost to parishioners who they compel to donate what little money they have. They tend to believe in the conveniently self-serving idea of prosperity as a sign of God’s favor.

“I do believe in supernatural debt cancellation,” LeClaire writes. “And I don’t believe we should mock so-called prosperity preachers, even if we don’t believe they hear from God. Nor do I believe we should insinuate that God is cursing at them, as Oliver did.”

These preachers, like Robert Tilton, Mike Murdock, Todd Coontz, Henry Fernandez and Creflo Dollar, live in multi-million dollar houses, take lavish vacations and own private jets while they instruct followers to go beyond their financial means to give them donations.

In a seven-month correspondence with Robert Tilton, Oliver was able to reveal that the church was basically a predatory financial scam.

Cheryl Burns, anonymous Alabama Residents #racist rawstory.com

GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump took his road show to Alabama Friday night, appearing at Ladd–Peebles Stadium before a crowd estimated at 20,000, many of whom matter-of-factly shared their racist views with visiting reporters.

As Trump spoke to to his assembled fans and curiosity seekers, one man could be heard yelling “white power!” (see video below) in between breaks in Trump’s stump speech.

Wearing what is becoming his trademark campaign speech golf hat reading “Make America great again,” Trump hit many of his familiar themes, including bashing “illegals” whom he says are are destroying the U.S.

Trump again pitched building a wall between Mexico and the U.S. saying, “we’re going to build it” while stating Congress could end the guarantee of citizenship for children born to immigrants in the U.S.

“The 14th Amendment — I was right on it. You can do something with it, and you can do something fast,” Trump said. “In the case of other countries, including Mexcio, they don’t do that. It doesn’t work that way. — We’re the only place just about that’s stupid enough to do it.”

Trumps comments found favor with many in the cheering crowd with one local man, Jim Sherotta, 53, telling a reporter from AL.com, he’d like to see bounties placed upon the heads of undocumented workers coming over the border.

“Hopefully, he’s going to sit there and say, ‘When I become elected president, what we’re going to do is we’re going to make the border a vacation spot, it’s going to cost you $25 for a permit, and then you get $50 for every confirmed kill,'” Sherota explained. “That’d be one nice thing.”

Sherrota later stated that he was just kidding.

Speaking with the Washington Post, Cheryl Burns — who was visiting from California — told reporters she left behind a devastated state and that Trump is telling the truth about undocumented workers ravaging the country.

“There is no more California,” Burns said. “It’s now international, lawless territory. Everything is up for grabs. Illegal aliens are murdering people there. People are being raped. Trump isn’t lying about anything — the rest of the country just hasn’t found out yet.”

Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel, who is shadowing the campaign sarcastically noted this morning that his interviews with citizens of Alabama are “going well so far,” with a local farmer telling him: “You probably think we’re prejudiced, but my whole life we had n****rs work for us in the field. And they were n****rs. My daddy called them n****rs. I’m not ignorant. That’s just the way I was raised. There’s black people and there’s n****rs. You live around here, you know the difference.”

Jan Mickelson #fundie rawstory.com

“If you are here without our permission, and we have given you two months to leave, and you’re still here, and we find that you’re still here after we we’ve given you the deadline to leave, then you become property of the State of Iowa,” he argued. “And we have a job for you. And we start using compelled labor, the people who are here illegally would therefore be owned by the state and become an asset of the state rather than a liability and we start inventing jobs for them to do.”

Mickelson insisted his idea was justified even after a caller said it “sounds an awful lot like slavery.”

“Well, what’s wrong with slavery?” he asked the caller.

“Well we know what’s wrong with slavery,” the caller replied.

“Apparently we don’t because when we allow millions of people to come into the country who aren’t here legally and then people who are here are indentured to those people to pay their bills, their education of their kids, pay for their food, their food stamps, their medical bills, [in] some cases even subsidize their housing,” Mickelson said. “And somehow the people who own the country, who pay the bills, pay the taxes, they get indentured to the new people who are not even supposed to be here. Isn’t that a lot like slavery?”


“Put up a tent village, we feed and water these new assets, we give them minimal shelter, minimal nutrition, and offer them the opportunity to work for the benefit of the taxpayers of the state of Iowa,” Mickelson argued. “All they have to do to avoid servitude is to leave.”

Ben Bailey #fundie rawstory.com

“He has a definite standard and it is not the liberal mindset that we see today,” Bailey opined. “This book [the Bible] does not condone things like women preaching— Paul said I do not let a woman preach of be in authority over a man, that’s not according to the Bible. If I’m out to please God, we don’t find things like that in the Bible.”

“God does not approve of homosexuality or gay marriage,” he insisted. “The scripture says— that is vile, unnatural and deserving of a penalty— It’s an abomination that under the Old Testament deserved stoning.”

“And so, is our God, the God of Bible, wanting us to go somewhere where it’s liberal, relaxed views and anything goes. No, that’s the effect of a very liberal society. And we need to make sure that such is not the idea or the mindset of God.”

Anonymous IHOP customer #racist rawstory.com

In a video posted to Facebook, an elderly white woman went on a racist and oddly ahistorical tirade about the Nazis and the Russians after hearing another woman speaking in Spanish at an IHOP.

In the video, posted by Carlos Steven Baez, the woman can be seen criticizing Baez’s mother for speaking Spanish, saying “We speak English here,” before telling her “Go back to Spain.”

After Baez’s mother passionately explains that she speaks English too, saying “I speak English, maybe not good,” Baez jumps in telling the woman “You can’t be doing that, that’s racist.”

The woman then launches into a tirade, linking bilingualism to the Nazis and the Russians.

“You want the Russians over here telling you what to do? You want the Nazis telling you what to do?” she excitedly asks, as Baez tells her, “That’s what you’re doing to my mom. You’re telling her what to do. She speaks English. She’s not perfect, but she speaks English.”

“We want English in the United States,” the woman replies. “We have freedom of speech, you’re the proof of it. We want that freedom.”

Following Baez once again telling her she can’t tell his mother what to do, the woman replies, “Yes. We want English. We don’t want the Nazis back. We don’t want fascists back. We don’t want Castro back.”

Baez then tells her, “I m not telling you what to do. I’m not telling you to learn Spanish,” to which the woman replies, “I don’t want Spanish. I’ve been to Spain, I bet you haven’t been to Spain and I have.”

After telling her he has been to Spain, Baez then baits the woman saying, “No for Donald Trump.”

While most commenters on Baez’s Facebook page were supportive of him and his mother, Glenn Price wrote (verbatim), “This is America. I have to go attempt to find translators for many differnent language speakers. I your going to live here, you should either have an interpretor know English. This customer was not treated wrong.”

- Avatar Ted R. Weiland #fundie rawstory.com

Under biblical government, jail time is not a judgment for any crime. Prisons are superfluous when a justice system is established upon Yahweh's commandments, statutes, and judgments.

Convicted capital criminals are put to death expeditiously (Ecclesiastes 8:11).

Non-capital criminals are required to pay two to five times restitution (depending upon the nature of their crime) to their VICTIMS (Exodus 22:1ff, etc.). If a thief is unable to pay the required restitution, he's to be sold into indentured servitude until his debt is paid to his victim (Exodus 22:3). If he refuses to pay restitution, his contempt of court (Yahweh) is a capital crime (Deuteronomy 17:9-13) for which he's to be put to death expeditiously.

Perfect! Just like King David declared it was in Psalm 19:7-11.

Under such criminal JUSTICE system, crime would be all but unheard of and there would be no need for tax-paid prisons paid for by innocent people.

For more on how Yahweh's triune moral law applies and should be implemented today, see free online book "Law and Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant" at (edited by moderator for TOS violation)

Carroll Mitchem #fundie rawstory.com

The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners had always opened government meetings with Christian prayer. About two months ago, officials decided that in order to avoid legal trouble, they’d have to let everyone participate.

That didn’t last long.

On Monday, commission chairman Carrol Mitchem, who had previously announced he wouldn’t “bow to minorities” and that he “ain’t gonna have no new religion or pray to Allah” at board meetings, held true to his word and walked out on the first person to address the North Carolina government meeting with a Muslim prayer, the Lincoln Times-News reports.

“That was very upsetting. It was upsetting,” Dustin Barto of the Foothills Interfaith Assembly, who had led the Muslim prayer, told WSCOTV.

By the end of the meeting, all prayer was banned at board meetings and will be replaced with a moment of silence. Commissioner Alex Patton initiated the motion which was easily voted into effect.

“To me, the final straw was when our chairman got up and walked out,” Patton told WSCOTV, adding that the commission needs to focus on pressing matters like the economy and education.

The issue of prayer at the meetings had generated months of controversy, the station reported.

Previously, Mitchem had vowed to keep Christian-only prayers at the meetings.

“I don’t believe we need to be bowing to the minorities,” Mitchem had told WBTV. “The U.S. and the Constitution were founded on Christianity. This is what the majority of people believe in, and it’s what I’m standing up for.”

The issue came up after nearby Rowan County was ordered by a federal judge to stop opening public meetings with sectarian prayer because it violated the Constitution.

“I don’t need no Arab or Muslim or whoever telling me what to do or us here in the county what to do about praying. If they don’t like it, stay the hell away,” Mitchem had responded. “We’re fighting Muslims every day. I’m not saying they’re all bad. They believe in a different God than I do. If that’s what they want to do, that’s fine. But, they don’t need to be telling us, as Christians, what we need to be doing. They don’t need to be rubbing our faces in it.”

Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions and does, in fact, adhere to the same God as Judaism and Christianity, Jibril Hough, spokesman for the Islamic Center of Charlotte, pointed out.

“If you don’t believe the rights of the minority are equal to the rights of the majority, then you are against what America stands for,” Hough told the Charlotte Observer. “That’s why we live in a democratic republic.”

Rep. Steve King (R) #fundie rawstory.com

Rep. Steve King thinks people will now marry lawnmowers since same-sex marriage is legal

Rep. Steve King, R-IA, told an audience while introducing GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee that the Supreme Court’s landmark marriage equality ruling means that now people can marry lawnmowers, journalist Matt Taibbi reported.

King apparently made the comment at an Iowa campaign event for Huckabee on Thursday, according to Slate.

King has been stuck on the idea of people marrying his lawnmower since at least July 1, when he first made the comment, which he reiterated Thursday, the Sioux City Journal reports.

“I had a strong, Christian lawyer tell me yesterday that, under this decision that he has read, what it brings about is: It only requires one human being in this relationship — that you could marry your lawnmower with this decision. I think he’s right,” he told the Journal.

King isn’t the only Republican to assert that same-sex marriage will result in marriages between humans and non-humans, though he may be the first to predict human-outdoor appliance unions. Rick Santorum, R-PA, is concerned that same-sex marriage legalization will result on “man-on-dog” relationships.

Ronnie Barnes #racist rawstory.com

A Louisiana man could spend up to six months in jail after he was charged with attacking a 12-year-old black child over the weekend.

The 12-year-old boy’s mother told WAFB that she sent her son into the Good To Go convenience store in Clinton on Saturday to pay for gas when 54-year-old Ronnie Barnes targeted him because of his dreadlocks.

According to East Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office, Barnes asked if the boy was a girl and then pulled down the child’s pants.

Surveillance video shows Barnes backing the boy into a shelf after pulling down his pants. Investigators accused him of using the N-word and then hitting the child in the head.

Barnes was initially charged with simple battery, but the District Attorney’s Office upgraded the charge to a hate crime after investigators conducted additional interviews.

“The sheriff takes race issues very seriously, and if someone you know commits a crime against someone because of their color, because of their sexual orientation, because of any reason, then we are going to do our best to fully investigate it,” East Feliciana Parish Sheriff’s Office Det. Kevin Garig explained to WAFB.

“Because a simple battery occurred and because it occurred because of racially motivated issues, that’s what makes it a hate crime,” he added.

Garig noted that just calling a child the N-word was not a crime.

The boy’s mother said that the incident made her worry for all of the children in the community.

“I haven’t slept since. My son hasn’t been sleeping either,” she said. “We can’t even be safe in a store to pay for gas. It makes me afraid for all the black children in the community.”

Unnamed Douglasville men #racist rawstory.com

Witnesses at a birthday party in Douglasville, Georgia over the weekend said that festivities were interrupted when men waving Confederate flags threatened them and used racial slurs.

Cell phone video obtained by the Atlanta Journal Constitution shows police officers holding back people attending a birthday party as white men in trucks with Confederate flags and other flags drive by yelling at them.

“This is a child’s birthday party!” one woman shouts back.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the woman who posted the video on Facebook said that the men were armed and were on her property. She said that they threatened to “kill y’all n****rs.”

“I don’t mind them riding with their flags but I don’t want them going around threaten[ing] people in their yard like they did mine or harassing folks either,” the woman explained in her Facebook post.

Douglasville Police Chief Chris Womack told the paper that his department would release details about the incident later on Monday.

Unnamed Millington residents #racist rawstory.com

An African-American army veteran who has dedicated 17 years of her life to serving her country has also spent the last 10 years being harassed by racists.

Staff Sergeant Briscoe, an African-American woman, has been picking up bottles of urine, bags of trash and broken glass, among other items she’s found outside her Millington, Tennessee home, according to Fox13. She and her family also regularly get flipped off and called racist names.

“When I got to the mailbox I noticed there was a used female product lying right in front of the mailbox,” she told Fox in an interview Monday.

Recently, two white men in a pickup truck with Confederate flags flying from the back drove by her and her son, slowed down and called them “m*therf*cking n***ers,” she told Fox.

Briscoe took photos and gave them to the local sheriff’s office, who identified the men and said they’ve opened an investigation. In the meantime, Briscoe filed for an order of protection, which would bar the men from driving up and down her street.

According to Fox, Briscoe and her family bought the home, which sits on 4 acres, and have been harassed since. Briscoe told the station she was especially concerned in recent days because racial tensions have been high.

Briscoe’s first name was not used in the Fox report and she requested her face not be shown for fear of retaliation.

Race relations in the South have been particularly fraught in recent weeks after a white supremacist gunman massacred nine unarmed African-Americans inside a landmark black church in Charleston in June.

After the killing spree, the South Carolina legislature voted to remove a Confederate flag from statehouse grounds in honor of the Charleston victims. The decision drew a protest from the KKK earlier this month which turned violent and volatile, with Klan members hurling racial insults at counter-protesters, then getting chased off.

Joe Arpiao #fundie rawstory.com

Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio insisted on Thursday that President Barack Obama had used forged documents for proof of U.S. citizenship, but he told CNN’s Jake Tapper that he was not “stupid enough” to answer questions about the claim.

During an interview on CNN, Tapper pointed out that Arpaio and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shared the so-called “birther” belief that the president had lied about his birth certificate.

“You have both trafficked in this rather preposterous notion that President Obama was not born in the United States, and that he may have forged his birth certificate that he released,” Tapper noted. “Why would you risk your credibility on issues that you care about — like illegal immigration, like law enforcement — by getting involved in this?”

Arpaio immediately took exception to the question.

“What do you mean risk?” the sheriff shot back. “I’m the chief law enforcement elected by the people. I have a right to investigate and speak out.”

“We’re working on a fraudulent, forged government document!” Arpaio continued, speaking in an aggressive tone. “That’s what we are doing.”

“You’re maintaining that the birth certificate that the president of the United States revealed, you’re maintaining that is fraudulent?” Tapper pressed.

“That’s right,” Arpaio stated.

“Is there anyone — any credible law enforcement person outside of you and your organization, your contractors who has any agreement with you on this?” Tapper wondered.

“No, they haven’t looked at it,” Arpaio said defensively. “What are you kidding? I’m probably the only law enforcement official that has looked into it. Nobody looks into it. They shy away from it.”

“Because the president was born in Hawaii,” the CNN host interrupted.

“I don’t care where he was born,” Arpaio replied. “I’m talking about a fraudulent government document, a birth certificate.”

“And you say that because there are glitches in some of the printing?” Tapper asked.

Arpaio, however, said he would not “get into all the technical details” because he only owned a typewriter and employed experts who knew about using computers to forge documents.

“I’ve been around a long time. I’m not stupid enough to even talk to you about it,” he quipped.

Hood County Tea Party chapter #fundie rawstory.com

Religious conservatives descended on the Hood County Commissioners meeting in Texas on Tuesday demanding that LGBT books be censored or banned from the local public library, but ultimately lost out to those who argued for freedom of speech and tolerance.

After a local Tea Party chapter began circulating requests to have two LGBT-themed books — This Day in June and My Princess Boy — removed from the Hood County library Children’s section, residents swarmed the Commissioners’ court to speak out on the issue.

Many opponents said that their objections were based on their Christian faith.

One woman explained that the government employees and President Barack Obama had lost their “fear of the Lord.”

“The Founding Fathers designed our Constitution from Bible principles as Moses was instructed to bring the law down to the people— So, America was founded on God,” she insisted, imploring the commissioners to compare the United States to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Another common theme among Hood County residents was the notion that LGBT books were an effort to “indoctrinate our children.”

“That is their main goal,” one man said. “These books are not the problem. Sin is. I ask you to not celebrate sin, to justify it or rationalize it. Place these books in the dustbin of history with all the other books that help to destroy our society.”

One woman compared children’s books about LGBT people to children’s books with graphic depictions of dead animals or books written by the Ku Klux Klan.

One of the last women to speak warned the commissioners that judgement day was coming.

“The slippery slope is now and we all will face decisions,” she argued. “When our Lord Almighty comes, it will all be played back. Make a difference, for you will be held accountable. And this is important.”

“This is not a topic that our God would be happy with,” the woman noted, turning to the audience. “There is no fruit that comes from a man and a man and a woman and a woman. And if there is, it is not of God!”

Rep. Carlos Curbelo #conspiracy rawstory.com

A Florida lawmaker suggested that Donald Trump’s bombastic presidential campaign may be a Democratic plot to make the Republican Party look bad.

Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Miami) posted a tweet last week in Spanish that echoed speculative comments he made to popular radio host Ahora Oscar Haza, reported the Miami Herald.

“I spoke to @ahoraoscarhaza on @z92miami about absurd comments by @realDonaldTrump and I offered my theory that he’s a phantom candidate,” Curbelo tweeted.


The Republican lawmaker, who has already backed former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in the race, expanded on his claims in an interview with Colombia’s W Radio.

“There are too many important national, local international topics to waste time talking about a person who, I repeat, in my judgment is irrelevant — and who quite possibly is a phantom candidate recruited by the left to create this entire political circus,” Curbelo said.

Curbelo, a freshman lawmaker, offered a similar theory to Miami radio host Roberto Rodríguez Tejera, the newspaper reported.

“I think there’s a small possibility that this gentleman is a phantom candidate,” Curbelo said. “Mr. Trump has a close friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton. They were at his last wedding, he has contributed to the Clintons’ foundation, (and) he has contributed to Mrs. Clinton’s Senate campaigns. All of this is very suspicious.”

A spokesman for Florida’s Democratic Party dismissed Curbelo’s comments as absurd and urged him to “take off his tinfoil hat.”

“Curbelo’s bizarre claim is an insult to the intelligence of his constituents and goes to show just how much damage Trump is doing to the Republican Party’s brand,” said Max Steele, communications director of the state Democratic Party. “Unfortunately for Curbelo, Trump is only gaining in the polls.”

Polls show Trump is gaining favor with Republican voters, who back only Bush ahead of the real estate tycoon and reality TV star.

Sen. Lee Bright (R-District 12) #fundie rawstory.com

South Carolina state Sen. Lee Bright (R) began debate about removing the Confederate flag from the statehouse grounds on Monday with a passionate plea for lawmakers to focus on same-sex marriage instead.

As the senators prepared to debate a measure that would remove the flag, Bright took to the floor to point out that President Barack Obama sang “Amazing Grace” at the funeral for nine black church members in Charleston and then later that night the White House was illuminated in rainbow colors to celebrate a Supreme Court decision that legalized same-sex marriage.

“I watch the White House be lit up in the abomination colors!” Bright said. “It is time for the church to rise up—. Romans chapter 1 is clear, the Bible is clear. This nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and they are under assault by men in black robes who were not elected by you.”

Bright argued that lawmakers should be protecting county clerks from the “tyranny” of having to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples instead of debating the Confederate flag.

“Our governor called us in to deal with the flag that sits out front, let’s deal with the national sin that we face today!” he exclaimed. “We talk about abortion but this gay marriage thing, I believe will be one nation gone under like President Reagan said. If we’re not one nation under God, we’ll be one nation gone under.”

“And to sanctify deviant behavior from five judges, it’s time for us to make our stand, church!” Bright yelled. “It’s time to make our stand and we’re not doing it.”

The senator choked up as he continued: “We can rally together and talk about a flag all we want but the devil is taking control of this land and we’re not stopping him!”

Bright suggested that the state of South Carolina might have to stop issuing marriage licenses altogether.

“Now, I believe that the Christ teaches us to love the homosexual, but he also teaches us to stand in the gap against sin,” he opined. “And we need to make our stand. I know how people of all colors feel about this.”

“Let’s find some way to deal with marriage. If we’re not going to find some way to deal with marriage like our forefathers did or push back against a tyrannical government like he founders of this nation did, let’s at least not put these citizens in South Carolina in a position where they’ve got to choose between their faith and their jobs.”

Michael Berry #racist rawstory.com

Michael Berry, a nationally syndicated radio host based in Houston, said this week that black children at a pool party in McKinney were behaving like “jungle animals” and deserved to be manhandled by police.

“Issues like this make for great evening news,” Berry opined on the Monday edition of his radio program. “They have a great little video clip, they show a cop throwing somebody to the ground. And then in steps the black pastor and he says, ‘We’re not going to stand for this!'”

“And then you’ve got a ready-made crowd of people who don’t have day jobs that are ready to storm the streets and threaten the cops.”

According to Berry, the teens at the pool party were “amped up” and screaming “like jungle animals.”

“I mean, this is wild, crazy, out of control,” the radio host insisted. “Would you ever, when a cop showed up, he’s got a gun— Now mind you, he didn’t show up to a tea party, he showed up to reports of fights breaking out.”

“He showed up to people, and yes, they’re probably white people scared to death, peeking through the blinds, ‘Oh, my God, there’s a bunch of black people and they’re out on the streets and they’re fighting and carrying on, and they’re playing that music from Jay Z.’ And they’re scared to death,” he continued. “That’s who his bosses are. He’s there to keep the peace in his community.”

Berry said he had some advice for the “punks” attending the McKinney pool party: “When the cops show up, they’re outnumbered. They have to take control of the situation.”

“The best thing you can do is get down, keep your mouth shut and let order get restored first. Just comply.”

William Chumley #fundie rawstory.com

South Carolina state Rep. William Chumley derailed a CNN interview on Tuesday regarding the Confederate battle flag to complain that none of the victims in last week’s terrorist attack in Charleston was armed.

“We’re focusing on the wrong thing here. We need to be focusing on the nine families that are left and see that this doesn’t happen again,” Chumley, a Republican, told reporter Drew Griffin. “These people sat in there, waited their turn to be shot. That’s sad. But somebody in there with the means of self defense could have stopped this. And we’d have had less funerals than we’re having.”

“You’re turning this into a gun debate?” Griffin asked. “If those nine families asked you to take down that flag, would you do it?”

Chumley was identified as one of 10 state lawmakers who have opposed the notion of removing the flag from the Capitol, despite both nationwide criticism following the June 19 attack and Gov. Nikki Haley’s (R) remarks on Monday calling for the issue to be discussed.

“You said ‘guns,'” he told Griffin. “Why didn’t somebody, why didn’t somebody just do something? I mean, uh, you’ve got one skinny person shootin’ a gun, you know I mean, we need to take, and do what we can.”

“Are you asking that these people should have tackled him, these women should have fought him?” Griffin responded.

“I don’t know what, I don’t know what the answer was,” Chumley replied. “But I know it’s really horrible for nine people to be shot and I understand that [the suspect, Dylann Roof] reloaded his gun during the process.”

Chumley cracked a small smile at that point, adding, “That’s, that’s upsetting, very upsetting.”

The National Rifle Association quickly moved to distance itself last week from similar comments made by board member Charles Cotton, who linked the death of state Sen. Clementa Pinckney during the attack to his stance against a bill that would have allowed gun owners to bring their firearms to church.

Unnamed KKK members #racist rawstory.com

While most of the country reacted with shock and grief over the killing of nine African-American churchgoers by a white supremacist last week, the Ku Klux Klan responded to the brutal massacre by revving up a national recruiting drive.

The Klan has been distributing recruitment propaganda for at least a year, with news reports sporadically popping up all over the country of residents waking up to find bags of candy and fliers. But Roof’s alleged shooting spree has apparently galvanized the hate group.

Residents in states on both coasts, including California, Kansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Georgia awoke over the weekend to find bags of candy with messages inviting them to join the Klan placed on their lawns, the Daily Beast reports.

In Fullerton, an Orange County, California city, some of the fliers were mispelled and read, “Save our land, join the Klan in Calfornia.” The bags filled with rocks and Tootsie Roll candy were thrown from a car over the weekend, the OC Weekly reports.

“It’s just wrong, there’s no words,” Fullerton resident Alia Cass told CBS Los Angeles. “That’s what it is — basically, there’s nothing right about it. Racism isn’t born — it’s taught.”

Similar bags were found in Rockdale County, Georgia over the weekend, and police there are are doing door-to-door canvassing in search of witnesses or surveillance video.

“I want them to know that Rockdale County does not stand for this type of behavior,” Sheriff Eric Levett told the local NBC News station. He called the perpetrators “evil cowards” and said he will seek trespassing or littering charges against the flier distributors.

Residents in Palm Beach County, Florida were also targeted, a local CBS station reports.

“I think it’s horrendous that this country, that people in our country, still feel like this,” resident Gamael Nassar told the station.

According to the Daily Beast, a recorded message answers when calls are placed to the phone number on the fliers that “hails” the “victory” of Dylann Roof, who is accused of gunning down unarmed churchgoers, including an 87-year-old woman. The recording goes on to laud Roof for doing “what the Bible told him.”

“An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. They [black people] have spilled our blood too long. It’s about time someone spilled theirs,” the Daily Beast recounts.

In a racist manifesto penned by Roof before the shooting, he says he was compelled to kill because “We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me.”

In the manifesto found online, Roof describes being radicalized by the website of white supremacist group, Council of Conservative Citizens, where he found, “There were pages upon pages of these brutal black on White murders.”

Kevin Jackson #fundie rawstory.com

Conservative radio host Kevin Jackson told Fox News on Wednesday that liberals had “created” the white supremacist murderer who confessed to massacring nine people at a black church in Charleston, S.C.

During a discussion about how Southern states were dealing with Confederate symbols following the South Carolina tragedy, Fox News host Martha MacCallum asked the author of Race-Pimping for his thoughts on the effort.

“Well, let’s hope that it eradicates racism, Martha, I mean that’s essentially what the left is after,” Jackson said sarcastically. “You know, they never give up anything. This is such a red herring that takes away from the real issue that liberals created this kid that shot up this church.”

“And South Carolina did what America does, which is they responded by saying, ‘We’re a family, we’re not going to buy into this nonsense. It may have been racially motivated but we’re not racially motivated here,'” he continued. “So blaming the flag is ridiculous. It’s not going to do anything. What essentially the left is trying to say is let’s eradicate history.”

MacCallum speculated that the “hysteria” over removing the Confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse grounds “in reality, it does absolutely nothing.”

“If you’re going to go back in history and start eradicating things, let’s start with the Democrats,” Jackson argued. “They are the biggest racists on the planet. Their platform was begun with racist intentions.”

The Washington Post‘s Eric Wemple later emailed Jackson and asked him to clarify his remarks blaming liberals for the church massacre.

“He’s a Millennial, i.e. very non-racial according to all data,” Jackson said of the admitted killer. “He didn’t grow up in a white-supremacist family. So he’s a product of culture, a culture Liberals own. From the moment he hit school, in his generation, boys are bad. White boys are worse.”

“While he played with all kids of all colors and got along, when the time for playing ended, and it was time to get his ‘higher education,’ he hit the wall of Affirmative Action,” the conservative radio host insisted. “Then, when it’s time to get a job, he gets more Affirmative Action.”

According to Jackson, the shooter was forced to take medication “to deal with his Liberal-created psychosis.”

“[A]nd policies of the Left won’t let him be called ‘insane’ and put away from the public. So he FED his psychosis with a healthy dose of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Gardner, and others, until he snapped,” Jackson concluded.

Pat Robertson #fundie rawstory.com

Televangelist Pat Robertson warned a father this week to shun his new Wiccan neighbors or they would “destroy” his children.

During The 700 Club‘s “Bring It On” segment on Wednesday, a viewer named Nick wrote in to say that a new family in his neighborhood “claims to be Wiccan.”

“I have heard from my son some of the things their daughter told him, and it really kind of frightened me to hear about spells and other concepts I’ve never heard of in the Bible,” Nick explained. “Should I let my son be friends with their daughter? Should I try to be friends with the family? I’m so unsure. What is the Christian thing to do?”

According to Robertson, the Bible commands Christians that “you don’t intermarry with them, you don’t give your sons to their daughters or your daughters to their sons.”

“They’ll corrupt you,” the TV preacher opined. “There’s no such thing as a good witch. I mean, you know, it’s all demonic. And you don’t want your children involved in that stuff. I mean, they have power. Don’t think it’s not real, it is real. But it is real wrong.”

“I would just say, ‘You’re not permitted to go to their houses or have anything to do with them,'” Robertson continued. “They may seem to be very pleasant people and all that, but they’ll destroy your children.”

Alex Jones #conspiracy rawstory.com

Conservative radio host Alex Jones argued that Wednesday night’s terrorist attack against a black church in Charleston, South Carolina was the set-up for the “race war” he claims President Barack Obama and the media have been building up, while pushing a bogus claim in defense of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

“Folks, this is it. They’ve been hyping ‘race war,’ pushing it as hard as they can, saying ‘NRA is the new KKK,'” Jones said on his show on Thursday. “Even though the NRA was founded, in part — 50-50 — to arm blacks in the South who were being disarmed. In fact, there were calls by liberals to disarm whites particularly today. I just want to point out, that’s been done before, but to blacks.”

Contrary to Jones’ argument, however, there is no evidence that the NRA was formed to protect black communities. That claim was debunked two years ago by both Mic News and PolitiFact Wisconsin.

The latter specifically noted that there is no mention of the Klan or protecting black citizens in the NRA’s statement regarding its origins on its own website.

“Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association in 1871,” the website states. “The primary goal of the association would be to ‘promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis,’ according to a magazine editorial written by Church.”

Jones said on Thursday that the shooting, which resulted in the deaths of nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, did not feel like a “false flag” attack to him because of the lack of what he called “talking points” from the media. He also said that the suspect, 21-year-old Dylann Roof, “looks like the textbook-case lunatic.”

ABC News reported that according to Roof’s roommate, Dalton Tyler, the suspect had been planning the attack for the past six months.

“He was big into segregation and other stuff,” Tyler said. “He said he wanted to start a civil war. He said he was going to do something like that and then kill himself.”

Jones also seized on the attack as a way to swipe at reproductive rights, saying that Roof “should have gone and gotten a job at Planned Parenthood, or gone to medical school to be an abortionist and then, he can kill tens of thousands of black people in his career and be called a great member of society. That’s what the smart racists do.”

E.W. Jackson #fundie rawstory.com

Conservative pastor E.W. Jackson, a former Republican candidate for lieutenant governor in Virginia, told Fox News on Thursday that all clergy should be armed because a white South Carolina shooter attacked a historically black South Carolina church for it’s “biblical views,” not because of racism.

At a press conference early on Thursday, Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen released photos of a white man who was suspected of gunning down nine people at Emanuel AME Church in what was described as a “hate crime.”

“You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go,” witnesses recalled the gunman saying.

Speaking to the hosts of Fox & Friends on Thursday morning, Jackson encouraged viewers to “wait for the facts.”

“But I’m deeply concerned that this gunman chose to go into a church because there does seem to be a rising hostility against Christians across this country because of our biblical views,” Jackson opined. “And I just think that it’s something that we have to be aware of and not create an atmosphere in which people take out their violent intentions against Christians.”

He “urged pastors and men in these churches to prepare to defend themselves” by carrying firearms.

“It’s sad but I think we’ve got to arm ourselves,” Jackson insisted. “Look, I’m a pastor. If someone comes in to hurt my church members, I have an absolute obligation to defend them, to protect them.”

“Extraordinarily, they called it a hate crime,” Fox News host Steve Doocy noted. “Some people look at it because it was a white guy apparently and a black church. But you made a great point just a moment ago about the hostility toward Christians — and it was a church — so maybe that’s what they’re talking about.”

“Most people jumped to conclusions about race,” Jackson agreed. “I long for the day when we stop doing that in our country. We don’t know why he went into a church. But he didn’t choose a bar, he didn’t choose a basketball court, he chose a church.”

“And we need to be looking at that very closely,” he concluded.

Steven Anderson #fundie rawstory.com

An Arizona pastor said he prayed for God to rip out the heart of Caitlyn Jenner and cast her soul into the fiery depths of Hell.

Pastor Steven Anderson, who predicted an “AIDS-free Christmas” if all LGBT people were put to death, explained to his congregation at Faithful Word Baptist Church that it was not wrong to pray for the deaths of your enemies – like he had done for President Barack Obama.

Anderson preached Sunday that he had seen Jenner’s “filthy sodomite picture” everywhere after the Olympic athlete and reality TV star completed gender transition.

“I’d never even heard of him until this week,” Anderson said. “Bruce Jenner has basically mutilated his body, apparently, and he’s being praised by our president. Our President Obama is praising him, or praising her – we don’t even know what it is. I think that (Obama) used the female pronoun about somebody named Bruce.”

He said the president was “praising the wicked,” and he said “this trans freak” was being “crammed down the throat” of “literally hundreds of millions of people.”

“This person is just the evangelist of sodomy and filth to the world, and people are like, ‘Oh, we need to pray for him so that he finds Jesus,’” Anderson said. “I’m going to pray that he dies and goes to Hell.”

The Independent Fundamental Baptist pastor, who has links to the militia and “sovereign citizen” movements, said children who saw photos of Jenner had their “minds perverted and ruined permanently.”

“Listen to me – I hate him with a perfect hatred,” Anderson said, as congregants murmured amen. “I have no love for this Bruce freak. I hope he dies today, I hope he dies and goes to Hell – he’s disgusting, he’s filthy, he’s reprobate.”

The pastor, who teaches only the 1611 edition of the King James Bible, said he would offer prayers found in Psalms 69 and 109 toward Jenner.

“You evil, filthy animal that’s destroying the morals of our country – die,” Anderson bellowed.

Despite his profession of “perfect hatred” just moments earlier, Anderson insisted that he was not hateful but instead “loving” – toward his children, country, and like-minded Christians.

“I hate these filthy sons of Belial – they’re disgusting and sick,” he said. “That guy will never find Jesus – the Bible says he’s reprobate, the Bible explains why people would lust after another man when you’re a man.”

He said the Bible had called for gays to be “stoned with stones,” and he criticized pastors who prayed for God to touch Jenner’s heart.

“I hope God touches Bruce Jenner’s heart like this,” he said, pantomiming the scene from “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” where the priest pulls a man’s still-beating heart from his chest. “I pray that his heart would explode right now.”

Sarah Palin #fundie rawstory.com

“Radical liberals in media who have total control over public narratives are disgusting hypocrites, so says my daughter,” Palin wrote, linking to a pro-Duggar column penned by her daughter, Bristol. “I’m glad someone’s got the guts to call out these perverts— The intolerant left’s destructive personal intrusions and narrow-mindedness applied to their chosen targets are bad enough, but their double standards are beyond the pale.”

“I’m not an apologist for any sexual predator, but I’m sickened that the media gives their chosen ones a pass for any behavior as long as they share their leftwing politics,” Palin complained. “Case in point, they suggest Lena Dunham’s sexual assault on her sibling is cute, and she’s rewarded for it with fame and fortune. Meanwhile, they crucify another, along with an entire family.”

“Such obvious double standards applied to equally relevant stories underestimate the wisdom of the public, discredit the press, and spit on the graves of every American who fought and died for the press’s freedom,” she added.

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