
Wiccan Priestess #racist godlikeproductions.com

I once saw a map of red Counties (Republican) and blue counties (Democrat) sand it was an eye opener. The US is a sea of red with little cancerous blotches of blue centered in cities.
The traditional blue states were also a sea of red counties overpowered by the urbanite vermin.
I see the poor every day, they have multi race children, they use EBT cards yet can afford new tattoos and many have fine cars but they get section-8 housing, EBT cards, and government money. One stimulus bill project in Lucas County Ohio (Toledo) was to train young black men to be good fathers. That is a waste of tax dollars, there is no fixing these inner city cockroaches.

That is why I personally hate them, they are thieves and parasites and they are sucking the life out of our country. They deserve the Mi Lai treatment.

As you can see, I'm not a Christian.

Annonymous Coward #homophobia godlikeproductions.com

Homosexuality, like murder, is a choice.

One chooses to engage in homosexual behavior in order to satisfy dark urges. The homosexual, like the murderer, can choose to refrain from acting upon this dark impulse, but decides to succume and commit acts of vulgarity. Therefore, it stands to reason that the same mentality that possesses the murderer, also possesses the homosexual. That is a chemical imbalance in the brain brought on by environmental forces or stress.

abhie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sorry if it looks like Im blowing my trumpet, but this is sort of an introduction:

Seriously, my senses in smelling out agenda are really acute.
I can trace out hidden meanings in pictures, sentences, etc.
Most times I sense what it is. before being aware of the content in its entirety.
Other things too: Talking with my Spirit Guides.
Real voices in real time.
Stuff that can blow your mind.
Precognition. Lean slightly on the Psychic sides, but not yet gifted with acute psychic vision.
Can see events , generally speaking, and most times before they happen. My mind is blocked from events 'they' don't want me to see.
Rapid decoding of dreams , visions, and mind phrases uttered in my sub-conscious. Im fast.

I even will go further out and say that my mind is like no other you are aware of.

So I'd like to share some of these insights with you.
I'd like the advantage to be all yours.
I'd rather you work with me.

But its right that you be on alert and not trust anyone.
I don't blame you.

Sugarelf #fundie godlikeproductions.com

72 virgins....

not 72 actual souls....72 is the age....the line....in an ideal situation....

girls should be 72 before they have sexual relations....yes 72....

72 years old....

'course it's 40 days and 40 nights....so 72 = 22.22

22.22 years old....

i have two daughters you know....

my perspective is not fueled by testosterone....


72 = Vitruvian Man scale

72 = Vitruvian Woman scale

Evil Bastards #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I was in Washington D.C. For the "Restore Sanity" rally this past weekend. The first thing that my friends and I noticed upon surface from the metro, was all of the XXXX's is the sky.

They were huge and they were everywhere!! It was insane. It looked like sky writing, and it was so obvious!Everybody in my group were stunned, but most people in D.C. that day didn't seem to notice. There was active spraying the entire afternoon in Washington and Virginia.

I've been taking notice and recording info on chemtrails since right after 911---when they increased dramatically. But I've never seen anything like the other day. I was pissed that I was even there.I know in these times large crowds are a serious danger. Thes sick bastards will murder people wholesale if they can.

I find it terribly unfair that the enemies of humanity are allowed to posess every kind of technology, and we can't counter in material way.

Ringo? #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It has now been proven by forensic science that Paul was replaced in 1966. A scientific team in Italy conducted a biometrical study of Paul pre & post 1966. The scientists saw big discrepancies in the facial features. The article says that to account for the differences, Paul would have had to have undergone a series of extensive & painful surgeries, but the requisite scars were not visible. Neither was his singing career impacted. Other proof of Paul's replacement is different eye color (brown/hazel to green) & height changes (he grew 2+ inches after 1966).

Chiedi chi era quel «Beatle»
August 2009 WIRED (Italian)
[link to Do_not_use_this.com]

( long url: [link to www.wired.it]

It seems they are saying that too much of "Paul's" head and face changed for that person to be Paul. There is too much difference between the skull, palate, mouth, nose, jaw, chin, & eyes. Paul would have had to undergone a series of major surgeries. He would have had to wear wires and braces which could not have been hidden simply by growing a mustache.

Pastor Max #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Pastor Max says that even if it is not in the Bible, pious and religious women should wear a white veil over our heads and use white linen pads instead of tampons.
He says that Jesus would not approve of women wearing tampons. If He did He would have said so.

Punisher #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

If the sun’s light could reach "so-called" Mars as the photos from NASA depict, then our night skies would not be dark.

If the Earth was truly spherical then when the earth would spin on its axis away from the sun, the earth's skies would still remain lit-up. Think of it in this matter, when you walk into a room lit-up by a lamp, upon facing the lamp you have the light directly before you, and if you turned your back against the lamp the light would be no longer before you but the surrounding spaces of that room would still be lit-up, same would apply for the space earth is in.

Now many come-back replies will be; “there’s nothing to reflect the sun’s light between earth and Mars to light up our night skies?” But its not the reflection of anything that manages to get the sun’s light to reach us here on Earth in the first place.

Use the room and lamp example again; there could be shiny reflective objects in the room, say a ninja sword, or an over & under shotgun above the fireplace but its not these objects reflections that are illuminating the surrounding space of the room, it’s the lamp (Sun).


Planets don't EXIST, if the sun's light could reach ten's of millions of miles passed Earth reaching Mars no-body would be getting any rest at night, there would still be light, and there would be no GOD

Debunking Darwin #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Does anybody believe as I do that the dinosaurs are nothing more than a myth that was constructed by the evolutionist community in order to perpetuate their lie of evolution? Dinosaurs simply could not have existed due to the sheer fact that they were so huge. How could a musculature structure support an animal of such huge size? I think it´s time that people started questioning this ongoing lie!!!

Pulpschmieg #fundie godlikeproductions.com

[Obama is actually "from" Hawaii. He moved to Chicago after law school. Anybody know the zip code for Maui?]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 204901

Actually there's a connection there. In revelations it says the mother of the beast will sit on the land of seven hills. Hawaii is an island built on seven hills and seven rivers.

Also there are signs, maybe not proof but pretty close.

The zip code, the fact that his name adds up to 666 no matter what kind of numerical deduction you use, that he rose up out of nowhere and made a following. (Leaders who cannot lead will follow the beast)

There is alot to look for and it's interesting if not scary to think about.

Also I believe that if he is the anti-christ the headwound will occur due to an assasanation attempt.

Doomamatrix #racist godlikeproductions.com

[Also found while trolling the nutjobs]
If they ainta gonna hafta worry 'bout those demon whities no more...who the hell gonna pay their welfare and ATDC and WIC and all the other programs that many nonwhites take and take from every day?

Who will run the hospitals properly? Oh, I am aware that there are people of color who run hospitals...right into the ground the same way they run cities and everything else they attempt to control into the ground.

Yep, gonna be pretty interesting once all the whitey folk are gone.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

the NOI prophesied the final muhommed (a muslim) would come into the world from the union of a white female and black male based on their interpretation of the story of Mary Magdelin and Jesus Christ; being white and black respective. Obama fulfills this.

Obama hails from chicago whose zipcode is 60606 (do you see the three sixes ?)

Obama would be a "black" president in the "white" house (satan is described as black in attribute and who seeks to take over the white mansion known as heaven).

Obama's first name is JEWISH! which means blessed [baruch].

Obama is MUSLIM

Rayon Mather #fundie godlikeproductions.com

There is no such thing as "Judeo-Christian"

Christianity is not an 'outgrowth' of Judaism, Christianity has no kinship with Judaism, it is a CORRECTION and a REFORMATION of a pagan system gone MAD. Christ was trying to end the daily human sacrifice in the so-called "temple" by declaring Himself the Final Sacrifice. He introduced the symbolic sacrament of bread and wine to replace the LITERAL cannibalism in the so-called "temple".

Look up the origin of the word "cannibal", it derives from "Khana-Baal", a priest of the temple of Baal, the false demon god that required blood sacrifice to appease itself.

Prophet #fundie godlikeproductions.com

It was the devil and his ilk who have turned this world into a cess pool. It is sin which cause men to trade their eternal Souls for a brief transitory pleasure. Nothing in this world is real. Nor will it last. Even if you own it and it is yours when your flesh suit stops working you can not take it with you.

The hatred you feel should be directed towards the devil. It is his hatred of you and your loved ones that has caused so much pain and suffering.

JESUS CHRIST our KING loves you more then you could ever imagine. JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY truth in this world. JESUS CHRIST is the only way home out of this world. JESUS CHRIST will not abandon nor forsake you. Even if the whole world turns aganist you JESUS CHRIST will not.

I thank ALMIGHTY GOD in HEAVEN for HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. No one else in this world ever gave a crap about me except for my Savior JESUS CHRIST. Only the love of ALMIGHTY GOD through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST gives me a reason to hang on till HIS soon return. I hate what this world has become. I hate the evil people who think they have the right to enslave the rest of us for their evil pleasures. This world is not my home. HEAVEN is my home and I want to go home ASAP!

Wingedlion #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Another God hating Satanist spewing out the murderous filth of their evil heart, gnashing with their teeth their hatred of a Holy God that tells them "NO". Like an unruly child, continousley heaping up for himself torment for all eternity. Such a fool, trapped in darkness.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Barak Obama is the anti-christ and i have the proof!

the NOI prophesied the final muhommed (a muslim) would come into the world from the union of a white female and black male based on their interpretation of the story of Mary Magdelin and Jesus Christ; being white and black respective. Obama fulfills this.

Obama hails from chicago whose zipcode is 60606 (do you see the three sixes ?)

Obama would be a "black" president in the "white" house (satan is described as black in attribute and who seeks to take over the white mansion known as heaven).

Obama's first name is JEWISH! which means blessed [baruch].

Obama is MUSLIM

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I'm just waiting for Armageddon

I'm waiting for Jesus to destroy America and this entire piece of dung world

When God destroys America and the rest of the world, there will finally be peace on the land

No more evil when Armageddon Comes

No more satanic feminism

No more satanic child support laws that enslave millions of men

Thank you Jesus for the Coming Armageddon

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