
CRASH #fundie theologyonline.com

(Are you saying that all Republicans are conservatives? If so, I've got two words for you:


No. I think all the republicans are liberal also!

Only liberals can succeed in our system. Righteous men are shot down because the people are basically evil just like Jesus said!

James Hartline #fundie theologyonline.com

The complex nature of the "dirty trick" against the Republicans over the Mark Foley scandal is beginning to emerge. It doesn't involve a George Soros-funded group or emails that had been in the possession of the media or shopped around by Democratic operatives. Instead, the GOP has played a trick on itself. The party brought so-called gay Republicans into positions of power in Congress only to realize that the confidential information they held about a secret gay network was political dynamite that could backfire. [...]

So if the gay Republicans are not really Republicans, what are they? One veteran observer of this network told AIM that the Foley scandal should make it crystal clear that the gay Republicans are in reality "liberal activists" who want to use the party to advance the same homosexual agenda embraced by the Democrats.

CRASH #fundie theologyonline.com

(I have met homeschooled children, and their social skills flat out suck.)

You are full of it. Public school students typically stammer and stare at the floor when spoken to. I've met hundreds of homeschool kids over the years and have yet to see the supposed problem with social skills. Unless you mean they don't know how to put a condemn on a banana, roll a joint or work a bong. If those are the social skills you are referring to then yes, homeschoolers are deficient in those skills.

Truthteller86 #fundie theologyonline.com

Aren't you a Christian yet? What's the hold up.
Oh BTW, you are a loser unless you become a Christian, then we can be bros.
PS: Don't be a homo, they die young and bring others with them.
Oh, also, after you humble yourself before the foot of the Cross and and ask God to forgive you of your open rebellion and rejection if Him, then can you pick a new screen name? God hates sorcerors (and perverts).

Hey, I forgot to ask you....have you ever seen The Pasion (movie)? Just curious.

Apologist #fundie theologyonline.com

Crush? Well, that depends on how you define crush.

Webster defines "crush" in that manner as " an intense and usually passing infatuation "
Webster defines "infatuation" as ": to inspire with a foolish or extravagant love or admiration "

That being said, I have a lasting "crush" on my Teacher. I "crush" for Christ.

Don't y'all?

CRASH #fundie theologyonline.com

['Yeah I mean the economy has not benefited at all,from the education given to all.']

That's a good point.

['Do you mean the literal point I made or the sacastic position behind it?
I.e do you think it has,or hasn't benefited?']

What you said was accurate.
Our economy, as well as many other segments of our society, have suffered becuase of the liberal, godless, gutted, government "education" we have given the imprisoned children of America.

Public school = prison for kids

Jefferson #fundie theologyonline.com

[Perhaps the people who are seeing this movie {Brokeback Mountain} are "liberal"...]

But not very many of them. Why not Granite? Have you seen the movie yet? Can you watch 2 men kiss without cringing? If you say yes, then you're lying.

Art Deco #fundie theologyonline.com

['I am well aware of the life cycle. I do not, however, consider it wrong or evil to kill the human being if it does not think, feel, or have any sort of consciousness. And even after those attributes begin to develop, it should still be the mother's decision as to whether or not to allow her pregnancy to continue.']

You are truly evil and insane. The German people went through this same dementia in their Nazi era when the Jews were considered less than human. You flaunt your anti-God Secular Humanist credentials with disdain for the truth and mindless insanity. You are a truly despicable human being.

truthman #fundie theologyonline.com

Some time ago, here at TOL, I started a thread which sought to re-label Liberals and Conservatives.

I stated that we, as Conservatives, should be called the Liberals, because we seek to liberate people from bondage, from oppression, and to liberate their God given rights.

It is the Liberals who are the ones who seek to conserve those things.

So, let it never be said that it was the right-wingers who lynched blacks, they just had the wrong label. They were very interested in 'conserving' or 'restricting' people's God given right to life.

Art Deco #fundie theologyonline.com

['I just don't see it as murder. I don't see fetuses as children...']

You are evil and insane. You'd make a great anti-God Secular Humanist Democrat. In your insanity you do not realize that the human life cycle begins at conception and ends at natural death in old age. From conception to death the life is unquestionably human. Abortion interrupts the human life cycle and a human death occurs. All other arguments in support of abortion are put forward by the mentally insane. Insanity being ...not knowing the difference between right and wrong.

Art Deco #fundie theologyonline.com

God's Word will not be mocked...You will die in your sins and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, the second death unless you repent. My venomous words are meant to cut to the core of your blackened soul and for your own good. Wake up dude, your time is short. In the game of life you are on the losing side...

truthman #fundie theologyonline.com

['In case you people haven't figured it out, Jesus does not hate faggots and babykillers!']

Jesus loves babykillers? Sure. God's right there, giving love and support to the abortionist at the same time that the freak is using tongs to tear a baby limb from limb. God hates him with a perfect hatred!

CRASH #fundie theologyonline.com

['You admitted with your own mouth that Jesus helped and healed the poor, made friends with outcasts, yet the Pharisees were the liberals and Jesus was conservative (?). So ridiculous that I submitted your post to Fundies Say The Darndest Things.']

Gee, Squantum spit hangs out at a web site with a bunch fags. Big surprise there!


CRASH #fundie theologyonline.com

[Why do women support abortion more than men? Is it because they are more immoral than men? Is that why we need to keep them barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen, and keep then undereducated so that they can't think for themselves?]

They don't.

I am just fine with the "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen," part, but it is you that wants to use women, then kill the baby, and "keep then undereducated so that they can't think for themselves"

You are a murdering pervert.

Frank Ernest #fundie theologyonline.com

The Pharisees were the liberals. God's law wasn't good enough, so they changed it to suit themselves, just as our modern-day liberals. Jesus was the conservative. He taught God's law as it is, He changed nothing. [...]

And so, the liberals killed Him as He was a threat to their self-serving religious and social liberalism. And so, Mopey claims Jesus was liberal to justify his own self-serving religious and social liberalism.

truthman #fundie theologyonline.com

[quantumspirit wrote 'Too many people expect the school to do everything, but that is still not an excuse to withdraw, or shut down public schools. For example, I make frequent trips to the library or Barnes & Noble, and have voltmeters and an oscilloscope of my own. But if you're poor, that could be a problem, especially with NCLB in place. NCLB = No Child Likes Bush.']

quantumspirit neg repped me for the OP! You said that homeschool should be illegal!

That is the most insane thing for someone to say, that children learning at home is a crime!

You are the criminal, for wanting to aid the state in kidnapping.

Dread Helm #homophobia theologyonline.com

['How can Bu$h be pro-fag? He wanted a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.']

Next thing you know people will be saying that he's against homosexuality because he doesn't support gay dental benefits. Bush should support the recriminalization of homosexuality. That's a much more worthy endeavor.

On Fire #fundie theologyonline.com

[A man walked into a bar tended by a robot. Robot asks man, "What is your IQ?" Man says 150, so the robot serves him a drink and starts talking about quantum physics, string theory, atomic chemistry, and relativity.

The man thought it was so cool, so he left, then came back in for another drink. Robot asks, "what is your IQ?" Man says, this time, 100, so the robot serves him a drink and talks about NFL, NASCAR, supermodels.

The man decides to really test the robot, and comes back in for yet another drink. Robot asks, "What is your IQ?" This time man says 50. Robot serves drink and says, "Isn't President Bush just unfairly attacked by the liberal media??]

quantumspirit walks into the bar and the Robot asks "You again?! Hit the road you drunken lie-beral faggot!!"

Art Deco #fundie theologyonline.com

[gay episcopal bishop checks into alcohol rehab]

He's no Christian brother of mine. He is an apostate and will go to hell unless he repents and turns from his homosexual lifestyle and asks God to forgive him. To think that this clown pastors a church is beyond belief.

Jefferson #fundie theologyonline.com

[Replying to 'Heaven is like being on LSD???']That's not what I'm saying. LSD (that is, real LSD, not the garbage today that is called LSD) increases a peson's I.Q. Back in the 60's and 70's double blind studies were conducted on LSD. Subjects were given an I.Q. test before taking LSD. After taking LSD, the subjects were given another I.Q. test and the results showed that their scores rose significantly. But today the I.Q. scores decrease. I don't know what's in the junk today that people are claiming to be LSD but it's obviously not the real thing. Real LSD hasn't existed for at least 20 years. My point is that, with redeemed minds in heaven, I imagine our I.Q.'s are going to be tremendous. I can't wait. This has nothing to do with halucinating (which by the way is the most boring part of real LSD).

bevets #fundie theologyonline.com

The question of origins is a question of History (whatever happened only happened once) not science... Here's a helpful suggestion repeat the transition from reptile to bird in a lab (that would be fascinating!) After you have repeated this transition, explain why your lab experiment proves that this is EXACTLY how it happened historically.

Husband&Father #fundie theologyonline.com

What leads me to believe that bacteria developing resistance to an antibiotic is not evolutionary is its predictability, consistency and it’s inerrancy. It works every time... There is no randomness or chance in a bacteria becoming resistant, the process does not vary. The bacteria act as if on que. That’s not evolution that’s doing what they are 'told' to do.

brother Willi #fundie theologyonline.com

the ELECTRON, a negitive charged sub-atomic partical that in 15 billion years has never gotten attached to the nucleus. opposit charges atract each other, this is a fact. so explain why a positive charged nucleus, made of protons and neutrons has never in all the time man has studied the atom been able to atract an electron to stick to it. No evidence exists that it ever has. You want me to believe in life from non life, this question should be easy for you.

Husband&Father #fundie theologyonline.com

You don’t need to delve into the sub-atomic to prove evolution is bunk. Evolutionists can’t answer the chicken / question, they don’t know what birds did with feathers before they could fly, they can’t tell us why the first mosquitoes decided, on a whim, to start sucking blood. They have no answers to the easy questions...

Husband&Father #fundie theologyonline.com

When I was young I was susceptible to chicken pox, then I got chicken pox, then I developed a resistance to chicken pox. I am an organism that has an immune system, I became immune I DID NOT EVOLVE. Antibiotic resistance is a complex immune system that defends a species (bacteria) but does not 'evolve' it.

paleo-Reformed #fundie theologyonline.com

They have a right to life until they violate one of God’s laws that requires capital punishment. Simple unbelief doesn’t fall under it. But they couldn’t vote, run for or hold office nor slander and defame YHWH in print or over the airwaves. Things of that nature.

Goose #fundie theologyonline.com

[After being blasted for the innocents who would be executed on the spot under such a system]

Once capital crimes stop becoming so frequent, since we are under God's system, there won't be that many murderers to make a mess with. And since there will be such a huge decrease in murders, each murder case will get all the more attention and thuroughness.

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