
Alex Jones #conspiracy #homophobia youtube.com

(Transscript of video)
In the interval [?] the Pentagon just tested a gay bomb on Iraq, they considered it, they didn’t [?] consider using it, they used it on our troops, in Vietnam, they sprayed PCP on our troops - Jacob’s Ladder - ha - you think PCP - some horse tranquilizers or something? They got some stuff that’ll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips in the troops. They give the troops special vaccines that really [?] nanotech that auto[?]-re-engineers their brains.
Now there is the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself, this is what do you think tap water is, it’s a gay bomb, baby.
And I’m not saying people didn’t naturally have homosexual feelings, I’m not even getting into it, quite frankly, give me a break. You think I
 I’m, like, shocked by it [?] [incomprehensible] bashing it because I don’t like gay people. I DON’T LIKE THEM PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER! THEY TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY!
Do you understand that?
Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! Ungh! [bangs paper on table]
I’m sick of being socially engineered! It’s not funny!

Dragon #sexist youtube.com

Best of matriarchy: relative peaceful village living. No electricity, no modern conveniences... no modern man made inventions, life expectancy short...

Best of patriarchy: you go to the moon.

Seriously, you shouldn't hold this dieing sub culture on a pedestal. It's nothing to be proud of.?

It reminds me of chimpanzees and bonobos. Chimps are patriarchal, larger, more intelligent, and live longer than bonobos. While bonobos are a hair away from extinction. The only reason bonobos and their matriarchal ways have ever even existed is because there is a river separating the two. If a chimp troop ever made contact with a bonobo troop it would be a slaughter. Even without violence, the bonobos wouldnt be able to compete with the chimps. Matriarchy.?

DaneMuhlig #fundie youtube.com

~The Shack From Hell
The Shack is a movie that pretends to be a Christian film but it is NOT! It is a 100% in-Biblical move. It is a cult and an a heresy. It is part of the Grace Cult. It is New Age religion. The Shack is anti-Christ. The Shack portrays God as a woman, God the Mother. Jesus taught the prayer, "Our Father who art in Heaven." Not, "Our Mother who art in Heaven." Jesus called God "Father" 165 times. Jesus said, "Abba Father,' he said, 'everything is possible for you." [Mark 14:36]. Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of Heaven and earth. " [Mt.11:25]. "How much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him." [Matt. 7:11]. Jesus said, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father." [John 20:17].In the New Testament letters God is called "Father" 40 times. "There is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist." [1 Cor.8:6]. "I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in Heaven and on earth derives its name." [Eph.3:14]."Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." [1 Cor.1:3].

The Shack shows God the Father as an African woman who suffered Christ’s crucifixion. This is an ancient heresy that teaches that God the Father suffered on the cross. The Shack falsely teaches that Jesus is the best way to know God, not the only way. The Shack teaches universalism, that is, that all people will be saved. In the movie “Papa” chides a person that he is now reconciled to the whole world. The person retorts, “The whole world? You mean those who believe in you, right?” “Papa” responds, “The whole world.” The Shack's Jesus says, "Those who love me come from every system that exists. They were Buddhists or Mormons, Baptists or Muslims. I have no desire to make them Christian, but I do want to join them in their transformation into sons and daughters of my Papa, into my brothers and sisters.” The Shack God says, "In Jesus, I have forgiven all humans for their sins against me."

The Shack sees God’s nature as “too loving” to let anyone who has refused to seek salvation suffer the eternal consequences of sin. The Shack says, "Holiness has nothing to do with sin." And, "I don't need to punish sin." The Word of God says when the Lord Jesus is revealed from Heaven in blazing fire, "He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will be punished with everlasting destruction " [2 Thess. 1:7-9].

In the Shack God's holiness is perverted. God's judgment and holiness are considered to be in conflict with his love. The Shack says judgment makes God "grossly unjust." The Shack teaches no responsibility and no accountability. It says, "You won't find the word responsibility in the Scriptures." God the Father in the Shack says, "Honey, I've never placed an expectation on you or anyone else." This is a blasphemous lie. God's Word says, "Repent and change." [Mt.4:17]. God's Word says, "Without holiness no one will see the Lord." [Heb.12:14]. God's Word says, "Faith without action is dead." [Jms.2:26]. God's Word say, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." [Mk.16:15].

God's Word says feed the hungry, cloth the naked, visit prisoners, invite strangers into your home, help the sick. [Mt.25:41-46]. The Shack teaches that God is a friend, not Lord. It teaches that he is a "Buddy," but not a God to be served. The Shack teaches the Grace Cult. That God does everything and people do nothing. It teaches that God's grace forgives us no matter what. The Word says, "If we willfully keep on sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of Judgment and burning fire which will consume the enemies of God...How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who have treated as unholy the blood of the Covenant and who has insulted the Spirit of Grace?

'Vengeance is mine, I will repay,' and, 'The Lord will judge his people.' It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” [Heb.10:26-31]. If people willfully keep on sinning after they have received the truth there is NO SACRIFICE FOR THEIR SINS LEFT! The goal of the Shack is not reaching multitudes of Lost souls in world but feeling wholeness about oneself. The Shack does not promote stopping mass millions of souls from going to an eternal Hell, but it teaches people to feel good about themselves. The Shack wants everyone to be happy and comfortable. Jesus Christ says, "Because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to VOMIT YOU OUT OF MY MOUTH!" [Rev.3:16].

The Shack wants everyone to say, "I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing." [Rev. 3:17]. But Jesus says, "You do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked...BE ZEALOUS HOT AS THE GLOW OF SOLIDS AND BOIL OF LIQUIDS AND REPENT AND CHANGE!" [Rev.3:17-19].

Van Ivanov #fundie youtube.com

And this is not unusual with lesbian relationships. Weird spiritualism, abuse, bullying, convincing others to act as sex-workers.... LGBT is a tiny fraction of the population, yet extremely prominent in cults, cons, and abuse of all stripes. Gay magazines often had underage boys posting ads, offering to have sex for money. Prostitution is incredibly common, and young boys are specially popular. That's why 70% of pedophiles identify as gay.?

Jon Davis #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

(=Progressive vs Homophobic Christian=)

Jon Davis: Still missed it!! Jesus addressed this DIRECTLY. Right here!
Matthew 19:4-5
4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’[a] 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’
One only need to reference THE DESIGN to understand THE PERVERSION.

blind poet38: Not necessarily true. Translated into English, the Bible condemns homosexuality. But looking at the original text, the Hebrew word that is used is very vague. And Jesus never said that gay people couldn't get married, but it was just God's design that they don't get married.

Jon Davis: "Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable" is not a word, it is a description to eliminate the confusion.
Jesus didn't need to say that "gay people can't get married", he referenced the design and that settled it. One only need to reference THE DESIGN to understand THE PERVERSION.
Penis is designed for vagina. *blush* Vagina is for penis. *blush* Anus is for pooping. *pffrrt*
It's not homophobia. It's basic biology.

blind poet38: If it is basic biology, how is it that scientists have found over 1500 animal species that practice homosexual acts. You are just assuming homosexuality is a sin. But the Bible really does not say that. And I am a Christian by the way.

Jon Davis: It is basic biology because that is how we procreate, and to do things differently promotes bad health (bleeding butts anyone?) and is not conducive to humankind's continuity.
Animals do all kinds of disgusting things. Dogs eat poop. Cats pee on clothes. Are you just an animal? No. Mankind was made in God's image.
As for everything else you just said ("You are just assuming homosexuality is a sin" etc) you're obviously trolling. I just quoted the text that called it "detestable". And while neither Old nor New Testaments use the term "homosexual" (a term that modern English coined) they both describe the sexual act and describe it with disgust and contempt.

blind poet38: You can think I am trolling if you want to, but you have to understand that the original Hebrew uses terminology that is not as clear-cut as people think it is when it deals with condemning homosexuality.

Jon Davis: Read the OP. Matthew 19:4-5 has no dependency upon Leviticus 18:22; indeed it goes the other way around. You're barking at the wrong argument. I myself was trolled by actually responding to it.

blind poet38: Sorry dude, I don't get your point. All I am saying is that in the original Hebrew, the word that is used is not as clear-cut as people think it is to condemn homosexuality.

Jon Davis: Now you're spamming. Stop repeating yourself. Even if it was true, it's irrelevant, and I already explained why. Now go read Romans 1:18-32 (originated as Greek, not Hebrew), study it with an exhaustive study Bible which provides insight on the original language, and come back when you've studied more than the ridiculous false "truths" and FUD you've found on the Internet.

blind poet38: You can be dismissive all you want, and that is fine. But why is it irrelevant? We are talking about homosexuality and the Bible aren't we?

blind poet38: It is obvious you have no answers to anything. I have already done the research.

AskariStudios: But God Said that all sex outside of Marriage is wrong. Since Marriage is in between only a man and a women. this makes homosexuality wrong. in no way shap or form has marriage ben said to take place between a man and a man or a woman and a woman. ONLY a MAN and a Woman.this has been stated numerous times in the bible. Not only this but in Levitcus, it is clear stated that homosexuality is an abomination. clear cut. in Jude, it its written that Sodom and Gomorrah gave themselves up to sexual perversion (homosexuality) and where thus made an example of. So with Just Common Logic, and the fact that through multiple translations, the same wording has shown up., its clear that the bible is against homosexuality.

blind poet38: The Bible never says that sex outside of marriage is a sin.

Jon Davis: "Fornication" is quite elaborately spoken against. That you would say such a thing speaks volumes about modern society being so casually hedonistic; sex outside of marriage was universally taboo and expected to be everyone's struggle, it didn't need to be spelled out in detail like it spelled out homosexuality, it was simply referred to as "fornication".

AskariStudios: 1 Cor 7 states : "Now concerning the matters about which you wrote: t“It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” 2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband." Its clear that Paul(I do believe he wrote this) implies that Sex before marriage is sexual immorality and that do to this temptation, a man should marry.
want more proof? look up : (Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:13, 18; 10:8; 2 Corinthians 12:21; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; Jude 7) and Hebrews 13:4.

blind poet38: The only sexual sins that are mentioned in the Bible are adultery, incest and sex with animals. Fornication means "sexual sin." Which sins? Adultery, incest and sex with animals. Premarital sex is not mentioned as a sin.

Jon Davis: "Fornication" does not mean "sexual sins in general". It means "extramarital sex". If you want to discuss Greek or Hebrew, say so, but you didn't. Look up the word and stop speaking assertions about our English words when you don't even know your own English language.

blind poet38: Fornication does not mean "extramarital sex." That is what someone told you it means. Fornication means "sexual sin." Learn the facts.

Jon Davis: There's a fine line between idiocy and trolling. That line is knowledgable intent. I'm not sure what you're doing in your case. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fornication

blind poet38: OK Jon, you are right. Translated into English, premarital sex is a sin, despite the fact that Solomon and David and Samson, etc etc etc all did it and were never punished for it in the Bible. But the question is in the NT,, what does porneia mean? That is not the Greek word for adultery or any specific sexual sin. It generally means any kind of sexual immorality. And what is sexual immorality in the Bible? Adultery and incest and sex with animals.

Jon Davis: what do you mean "they weren't punished for it"? OT figures who engaged in fornication took a pounding for it. Most of their stories are used as case lessons for the hell people go through when they do it.
To answer your question: Fundamentally, in the Bible there are only two types of sex: sex within marriage (one man and one woman) and sexual immorality, porneia. Read the OP in this thread if you don't understand.

Charleen Mcdade #fundie youtube.com

brian (pastor brian) this is Not about being against or hating homosexuality its about teaching them its sin so they may repent & stop living that lifestyle so they have the opportunity to live forever in heaven with The Living & True GOD who made the heavens & earth & All thats in them. Im sorry for you cause(pastors) are held to a higher standard & with you accusing this is about homophobic & saten would be proud (you would know) your known as a liar. Thou shall not lie, shame on you for speaking evil about Truth.

Get IT J #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

(=Comment on "Pastor JD Greear equates preaching against homosexuality with preaching against slavery"=)

Ok, I do not like this comparison. Slavery wasn't a choice but homosexuality is. The atrocities that slavery put against a group of people and the aftershocks are astounding. Has anyone been killed for speaking against homosexuality??

Gabriel Guttlérrez #fundie youtube.com

What is this fear about racism? It is a natural instinct to keep your own group united, it doesnt have to scale in open aggression between two different racial groups but if it does, it is nothing to fear of it, because that is the way things in nature are.?

The Splitted God #sexist #conspiracy youtube.com

It's funny how most commercials are focused on female products nowadays. It makes me think about the relation between feminism and big capitalists. Are they really concerned about gender equality? Or did they find out that women are easier targets (they buy useless stuff more often than men) due to their need to always get more actractive?

ben vad #fundie youtube.com

The French were explorers then pioneering settlers that is not an immigrant. The English invaded and beat the French in colonial wars.

The transplanted Siberians were nomads and not immigrants.

Immigration came much later when population was needed to expand the land, this was mostly done with Northern Europeans. They let in the Southerners much later.

Jews pushed the multi culti nonsense like in the US because they feel safer if Whites are demoralised and inundated with non whites.

Our countries were never meant for NON Whites and Jews.

Rara Avis #racist youtube.com

i think the part of this whole existence I hate the most is travel. I cannot stand it because it gives the lumpenprole the idea that they are “citizens of the world” and that they are highly sophisticated and that the world is a playground for them. It uproots and destabilizes people and cuts them off from their heritage. If I had the power, one of the first things I would do is destroy every plane and every factory which produces them. Planes are the mechanical jew and it’s no wonder jews push travel especially on white women and it’s no surprise that so many “whites” are so jewish in their understanding of the world.

NicholasPOGM #fundie youtube.com

Is Polygamy a sin?

Polygamy was done by some kings, yes. But the Lord eventually enlightened them to their sin and the practice was stopped. Both Scripture and historic fact confirm that as truth. You cannot "assume" because some king practiced polygamy that it was always ok to do so. You need to read the ENTIRE Bible and not just areas that can be used to ok sin.?

NicholasPOGM3 #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy youtube.com

Pope: Global Warming is SIN - Homosexuality is NOT

The Pope is once again showing where his loyalty lies. He is now declaring global warming is a sin and the only way to atone is to ignore what Jesus says to do in the Scriptures when it comes to forgiveness and instead do as the Pope commands to do.

On top of that, while he seems to have no issue in calling global warming a sin, he does have an issue calling homosexuality a sin. But then, that is to be expected by the leader of the largest known homosexual organization known to man.

Pope says Global Warming a Sin

98% of Vatican Priests are Homosexual!

More info on Pope Francis’ Loyalty

'Global Warming' Scientifically Debunked:

Vatican's admission of Paganism

Global warming to bring Global Government

Pope Francis, Climate change and Sunday Laws

The Mark of the Beast

Climate Change will lead to the MARK

SDRAmerica #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

Is it not love, to share the truth on homosexulity? I know not why you are fighting against the truth so hard, but the Lord knows. But I want you to know, God wants all homosexuals to realize they have a sin problem like EVERY other person in this planet. Sin is sin.
If anything Alia, TODAYS view point on homosexuality is wrong. The Media pumps into everyones brains they cannot help it, yet their are testimonies disproving them quite clearly. The Scriptures however, are correct.

NicholasPOGM1 & Truth4U2C #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

(=Regarding the Orlando Massacre=)

This is the true definition of the word HATE! Why so many people think Christians, who only share love and truth are hateful makes no sense at all. When people persecute, torture and even kill you, THAT'S HOW ONE DEFINES HATE!


(=Later comment=)

truth4U2C: I must ask that you consider that some bullhorn guys do really love the homosexual when they yell at them, as we know the homosexual agenda quickly hardens the hearts of those in it, a reminder of their position in light of God's holiness hopefully will be used by God to wake up the sinner.?

NicholasPOGM #fundie youtube.com

Published on May 11, 2017
12 years ago I did a Newsletter on this centuries old lie that was posted at that time on World Net Daily. I actually came across this old lie on t he streets of Chicago over 30 years ago when I first started exposing the Antichrist in Rome. And just the other day World Net Daily AGAIN posted the exact same article word for word so as to keep the lie well fueled. Satan knows his time is short and so he is pulling out all stops!


2005 TPNL - Rome seeks to Re-Write the Bible? AGAIN?

Old Catholic Quote on 616 (TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Network)

VIDEO: 666 – the MARK of his NAME

VIDEO: Is Nero THE Antichrist?

Islamic Antichrist?

King of the North

Seven Proxies #fundie youtube.com

White men are not more "evil" than any other race whose lands they conquered. All humans kill and conquer eachother. The only difference is that white men are more SUCCESSFUL.

And to further cement this fact: look at the weapons that the indians carry to the meeting. Not spears, not tomahawks, not bows and arrows. They carry GUNS! Which they acquired from white men, because EVEN THEY realized that their inferior culture and technology could never hope to match the more successful culture and technologies employed by the white men.

White people made the americas better for EVERYONE livin there (including the natives). But jealousy and butthurt caused the natives to fight against progress. Just like marxist, SJW morons fight against progress today by trying to overule constitutional rights in favor of bringing in regressive shit like censorship, discrimination of opinions and even fucking bronze age ISLAM and the massive historical failures of COMMUNISM to the country.

Jan Nem & Northern Bearded Pagan #fundie youtube.com

Jan Nem: Liberals, who don't have kids because of "environment", then support open borders and bringing africans & asians, to fill out for the kids they didn't have.
Also liberals - scream for a welfare state, but don't produce offspring that is supposed to finance the welfare state & pensions in the future.
Liberalism = brain atrophy?

Northern Bearded Pagan: Then they argue in favour of those migrants by pretending they'll pay for their future pensions. As if. The only ones who'll care for you are your own tribe. Have kids or die alone.?

John MacArthur #fundie youtube.com

We received a very interesting letter in question yesterday, this is it. "My adult child just came out," in other words declared to be a homosexual, "what would I do?"

You know the answer depends; if that adult child professes Christ, claims to be a Christian, then that becomes an issue for confrontation of the sternest and strongest kind. Because that fall into Matthew 18, that's a sin for which you go to that person, if that person doesn't repent and turn you take two or three witnesses and confront again. If there's still no repentance, you tell the church, and the church pursues, and if there's still no repentance there's a public putting out of the church, of that person who professes to be a Christian. That's how you deal with it.

On the other hand, if this adult child doesn't profess to be a Christian, then he or she's just acting like an un-Christian. That's a whole different issue. In the first case, if they profess to be a Christian you have to alienate them, you have to separate them. You can't condone that. It's inconsistent with the profession of Christ. So you isolate them, you don't have a meal with them, you separate yourself from them, you turn them over to Satan as it were, scripture says. But if that's a non-believer, you have to treat them like a non-believer, and non-believers do what non-believers do. Then, the issue is to bring the Gospel compassionately, directly, confrontationally to expose that sin and all other sins and call that person to salvation and repentance. And in that case, you might want to spend more time confronting and showing compassion and calling for salvation.

MIKEDOUT #sexist youtube.com

(This guy is serious)

Plus I don't get why there are so many haters of these guys....practically ALL OF YOUR GRANDFATHERS and GRANDMOTHERS were either fucking when they were 13, or getting fucked when they were 13 often times with/by someone significantly older. Let's face it.....by today's standards/laws if we were to go retroactive our Granddads would all be in prison. Your sweet Grandpapa's tongue was shoved up your Grandma's 13 year old cunt and she loved it. Go care about something that actually matters.....this is just sex....there are much more dangerous/life ruining experiences that exist for a young person..this no matter how much you want to deny it is not the biggest problem they face. PLUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND HERE IS THE KICKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS ALL FAKE. IT'S ENTRAPMENT. THERE IS NO LITTLE GIRL waiting to get fucked by some 40 year old weird looking vet. and if there was the ONLY conclusion that could ever be made is bad parenting. And with that I have won. Now STFU.

(2nd comment)
+Aesthetic KilljĂžy - of course. Pedo's are people too. . Pedophilia has been around since the beginning of time and if it wasn't for rape known of us would be here. Long live the rapists and Pedo's.?

(3rd comment)
honestly believe pedophiles are good people and no different than someone who has depression, or herpes. And I honestly believe that nobody should never teach their male children to not hit women. It's a disgusting thought that there exists people who would teach little boys to not hit girls. It's also disgusting that if you have depression people want to bow down to you and do whatever they can to help, but if you want to lick a 13 year olds pussy you get labeled as a pedophile and cast out of society and locked up for the rest of your life. Simple facts: 1) Kids should be taught to not hit other people. Period.(instead of being told which gender they can hit and which they can't) 2) People need to learn the difference between a pedophile and an hebephile. Almost everyone's grandpa was an hebephile when they had sex with their grandma. Less than 40 years ago for a 25 year old to be shooting his cum into a 13 year old was common place. 3) AND FINALLY...and this one is my favorite point of all.....there exists no Pedophile, or Hebephile, who wakes up in the morning and says "Oh gee what a beautiful day today....I'm going to go and ruin some little girls life, which in turn is going to ruin my life, and my families and her family and then I'm going to spend the rest of my life in Jail. I can't wait to get this day started!" These people are SICK....they are no different than the 49 year old depressed house wife who is championed by her friends and family who all support her and want her to make it through her difficult time in life. They need help. If anyone really cared about kids being taken advantage of then the would recognize that someone who want's to fuck kids is not healthy in the mind and they would work to reform these individuals. But that isn't the case. So let the kid rape continue until the day the world recognizes the simple fact that a brain tumor victim is no different than a pedophile. They are both wrecked in the mind. I encourage you to listen to Sam Harris's talk about free will, and also pay special attention to the part where he likens a baseballs size brain tumor to micro tumors and ultimately concludes that if we understood the brain on the smallest scale then everything would just seem like a brain tumor and we would treat it as such.?

HigherMind - Entfalte dein Bewusstsein #fundie youtube.com

BINAURAL BEATS: Activating pineal gland and 3rd eye (WARNING!! visual & auditory 936Hz stimulation)

Extremely potent meditation music (sound activitation) of the pineal gland & the 3rd eye through BINAURAL BEATS and visual effects.

BINAURAL BEATS: ZirbeldrĂŒse & 3. Auge aktivieren (WARNUNG!! visuelle & auditive 936Hz Stimulierung)

Extrem wirkungsvolle Meditationsmusik (Ton-Aktivierung) der ZirbeldrĂŒse & des 3. Auges durch BINAURAL BEATS und visuelle Effekte.

mwilson70201 #fundie youtube.com

The Blasphemy of Conditional Immortality

An examination of the false teaching of conditional immortality or annihilationism. This doctrine was developed early on by men who were heavily influenced in their theology by pagan philosophy and rhetoric. Justin Martyr who is a Catholic saint held this position. I will look at more recent proponents and this blasphemous doctrine in the light of God's word. Yea, let God be true and every man a liar.
Sons of Thunder, Old Time Preaching on face book
Titus 3:5

Bölvekr Norman #racist youtube.com

Varg is the breeding example of european future. He is actually doing it for real. Fuck (((their))) political game, its just a jerk around. There are tons of detractors out ther trying to spread petty memes, probably the Lidl bread is one of them. You should try to read Marie Cashet book Sv3rige and not let the hords of imbicil memers hinder you.. and any sober resercher would know by know that hebrew way is to abominate our european spirit, they've been at it for millenia.

With ((their)) he means the Jews

I Know How You Feel #racist youtube.com

Nazis were not against other races that whites. Hitler had one of the most racially diverse army the world has ever seen, He had at least 150 000 Jews or half-Jews, 60 000 Arabs, blacks, Asians, Indians and more. Hitler talked about the rights of Palestinian people (there is an audio-recording on YouTube),and once there was a time when many African Blacks named their children after Hitler because he fought for them as well. Hitler know about the Kalergi plan: a plan to destroy racial diversity for the benefits of the Jewish capitalist and communist elite.

"The man of the future will be mixed-race... The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future...will replace the diversity of peoples...Russian (Jewish) Bolshevism constituted a divisive step towards this purpose where a small group of Communist spiritual aristocrats govern the country... The general stuff of both... are recruited from Europe's spiritual leader race, the Jews. "
"From the European quantity people... the mass, two quality races rise up: blood aristocracy and Jewry... both believe in their mission, or their better blood... The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor of the future mobility." -Coundenhove-Kalergi, Charlemagne prize winner

"Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." - Adolf Hitler

"German-racialism has been deliberately distorted. It never was anti-"other race" racialism. It was pro-German racialism. It was concerned with making the German race strong and health in every way. Hitler was not interested in having millions of degenerates, of it was his power not to have them.Today one finds rampant alcohol and drug addiction everywhere. Hitler cared that the German families be healthy, cared that they raise health children for the renewal of a health nation. German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a search for excellence, a noble ideal. National Socialist racialism was not against the their races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all the other races did the same for themselves."-Leon Degrelle, Belgian politician and SS wafen officer
"In these countries, in the so-called democracies, its people is by no means the main focus of attention. What really matters is exclusively the existence of this group of ‘democracy makers.’ That is, the existence of a few hundred (((giant capitalists))) who own all the factories and shares and who, ultimately, lead the people" - Adolf Hitler
"These are the vermin who make their fortunes through war. I have no reason to wage war for material considerations. For us, it is but a sad enterprise: it robs us, the German Volk and the whole community, of so much time and man power. I do not posses any stocks in the armament industry. I do not earn anything in this fight. I would be happy if we could work again as I used to work for my Volk. But these international war criminals (Zionist elite) are at the same time armaments industry's greatest black marketeers. They own the factories, they make the business." - Adolf Hitler?

BleuKitsune and Park Jihoon's Lost Abs and the lost AgustD #fundie youtube.com

AVES Adventures: I’m a Christian and I hate when people say “that’s not what God intended” I believe God loves everyone and trying to limit his love is awful. That’s not only turning away people from the lgbtq+ community but that’s not excepting ur brothers and sisters. I love everyone and believe that the “Christians” who say that are filled with so much hate. People apart of the lgbtq+ community are strong people that I respect bc they have to deal with so much hate daily. Happy pride month everyone!???????

BleuKitsune: Yes God loves every sinner on this Earth. The liars, thieves, prostitutes, murderers etc. That doesn't mean he's going to look the other way when you go against his will just because he loves you.?

Park Jihoon's Lost Abs and the lost AgustD: Yes He loves them but I feel sorry because they can't enter the kingdom of heaven if they don't change , well only god can change a person.

Theberton #fundie youtube.com

In essence, the dynamic that our society has is, if it’s white, hold it in contempt, undermine it, abuse it, toss it aside, even if it is a child-victim of rape, torture, sexual enslavement, trafficking, and prostitution. If it’s non-white protect it, praise it, advance its interests, cover for it, make excuses for it, even if it’s an utterly foreign, middle-aged paedophile rapist and racist pimp of children. It's really nothing less than that.

Imperium Europa #fundie youtube.com

Ted Kaczynski is a genius and a hero. I recommend the small book he wrote very highly. It is called 'The Unabomber Manifesto: Industrial Society and its Future'. He wrote this manifesto before he was arrested. So it must have been written around 1996 at the latest, just when the Internet first began appearing in peoples' homes. His basic argument in this book is very sound and makes rational sense. And since 1996, technology has certainly increased even more dramatically; by leaps and bounds actually. And all this is to the great DETRIMENT of the basic psychological HUMAN fulfillments, dignity and self-worth that every person requires.

As technology increases, the REAL needs of the human soul and mind DECREASE. And people will be amazed at how accurately he predicted what the dystopian future would hold for us, if the technocracy wasn't destroyed. Thar future we are living in right NOW - if it can really be called "living". Hail Dr. Theodore Kaczynski, a hero for the ages. I salute you and the sacrifice you made for humanity. And it was your own blood brother who sold you out and caused you to be arrested and confined. You can't get any more low down than that. Your own BROTHER. I may be posting various sections of his book here in the future.

The Lizard King #fundie youtube.com

(He is referring to the Unabomber)

Those who criticize him for his methods are foolish beyond means. The ends justify the means. His goal was clear and a necessity. Criticizing him for killing such a minuscule amount of people is absolutely preposterous. He should not have done it for reasons other than your fake morality. He should have planned a much greater strategy. He was smart enough to topple our understanding of reality.

Sadly the system is, and was, in such a way that we won't ever return to where we should be, that is until we do return. Most likely after a tremendously horrific time period in human history. Then after our numbers have dropped to 2% of the disgustingly bloated number of humans on this earth now, we will return to our roots. Living off the land as we should, as animals of earth. Not as parasites destroying it.

Joe Walker #fundie youtube.com

The Portals Of Hell Have Been Opened

The Portals of Hell have opened, there will be great darkness and also great light, will it be Rapture or Rupture for us? https://sites.google.com/site/helpfor...
Satan is being vicious toward the true Christians today as the spirit of Antichrist grows stronger on this Earth. All the demons from ages past have gathered to do battle against the true Christians of our Lord Jesus Christ, because we serve our Master our savior, our Lord Jesus.
True Christians should look up to heaven, and not dread this hour at all. Our God's power is much stronger than all the multitudes of demons that are coming against the the true Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in this last hour.
The demons know they can't destroy the true Christians, The Christians with the blood of Jesus will trample the demons underfoot. The demons know the true Christians have been given power over all of them, even over Lucifer himself. All we are required to do is live a Holy life without any willful sinning and we are promised the victory...the battle belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
Jesus chose Paul for a soul winning mission, and Paul suffered so very much for our Lord Jesus Christ. Much of the time after Paul's conversion he lived in the thick of the battle.
Paul was imprisoned, beaten, persecuted, but what a wonderful message our Lord sent through him to us... the pure Word of the living God!
Our Lord will be able to get the very best soul winning work out of us during our hours of suffering, trials and persecutions during this Christian life. We will cling to the Old Rugged Cross of our Lord Jesus with greater determination, greater strength because we will draw from our Lord Jesus Christ, we will draw on those powers we need from our Jesus, day after day!
Paul is a great example of the Christians of today. (II Corinthians 4:8-10). Persecuted, mistreated, robbed of life just like Jesus was robbed of life, the Early Church went through all of that. The words of our Lord held Paul steady when Paul was under more than he thought he could bear: My grace is sufficient for thee; my grace is sufficient.
Paul's answer was that God's grace was sufficient, that God's strength was made perfect in Paul's weakness. No longer did Paul seek and beg our Lord through his problems. Paul trusted our God completely. We who are going through troubles and trials will not have it easy, but as we trust in our Lord Jesus Christ we will win for all eternity!
We must trust our God completely because our God provides all the power we need so we will not come up lacking in anything.
Paul's attitude in the face of great persecutions was a shining example for all of us as we live our Christian lives. In II Timothy, we read Paul's farewell letter to Timothy, one of his spiritual sons in our Lord: (II Timothy 4:6,7). Paul told Timothy that he had kept the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul believed God in everything and in all things; Paul never let the enemies of his God rob him of God's promises. Finally Paul's work was done; our Lord had poured out the last message through him; Paul had encouraged the last soul; graduation day had come. A swordsman awaited to send him to his heavenly home.
Some wouldn't have liked that kind of graduation ceremony, but Paul knew it was our Lord's way for him to go, and with all humility, with all love, Paul bowed to the will of our God. Paul used the faith of our God and the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ to seal his testimony with his own blood. The grace of our God was sufficient for Paul just as it will be sufficient for some of us when we come to the end of this life's journey. some of us will be Raptured, but there will be others who will be required to seal their testimony with their own blood!

Ramin Parsa #fundie #homophobia youtube.com

Ex-Gay's testimony

Some people confuse the issue of loving people with accepting their sins and agreeing with their error.This is a controversial subject but it needs to be dealt with.Helping people to go deeper and further in their bondage is not love. If someone is a drug addict or alcoholic, we love the person but we certainly reject homosexuality although we love the people. This video is to help you understand the issue from a unbiased, Biblical and true perspective.

We as Christians are commanded to love our neighbor and even our enemies but that doesn't mean we accept or agree with people's sins.In John 8 people brought a woman caught in the very act of adultery. People were referring to the law that she must be stone but Jesus said:" he who is without sin cast the first stone." as result people were convicted by their conscience and left But Jesus turned to the woman and said:" I don't condemn you but GO AND SIN NO MORE." Jesus didn't condemn that woman but He didn't accept or agree with her sin.

The purpose of this video is not to condemn the gays but the share with them the Gospel and lead them to repentance and change. The Bible says:"The goodness of God leads people to repentance." Many people have a problem with how to deal with homosexuality.The media and educational system and some politicians have told people that "it's only a sexual preference" or "gays born this way" or "it's who they are."... But none is true.

This is a true story of a former homosexual who through the Grace of God was able to get free from homosexuality and turn to become a man of God and a missionary. Adam felt lost as a homosexual and felt miserable, after asking God to show him the truth, he was delivered and now he is sharing the love and truth of the Word of God with people.

He has been persecuted for his conversion and he abstinence from homosexuality. We live in a fallen world and the prince of this world is satan. he comes to kill,still and destroy. John 10:10. The devil comes to deceive you. He uses thoughts, desires and imaginations to impose his perversion on you. We as believers must fight off those ideas and thoughts.2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says:" For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." we need to bring every thought into captivity under obeisance to Christ.

That means there are some thoughts, desires,ideas,suggestions,emotions that you need to fight off and reject and bring to captivity instead of allowing them to dominate and control your lives. Yielding to unclean and profane thoughts or desires only will lead you to darkness and bondage.

The Bible says in
I Peter 5:8-9 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world."

Anchored North #fundie youtube.com

Gay to Christian Testimony - Homosexuality Was My Identity

Becket spent over 25 years pursuing the desires we all desperately want as human beings: relationships, love, intimacy, support, and affirmation. Undeniably, these desires had a unique grip on his heart that was incomparable to any other desire. They carried with them emotions that vastly impacted his will, intentions, and actions and became a unique part of his identity.The problem with this is that he was not created to have an identity rooted in sexual orientation or human relationships. No one is. We were created to have an identity rooted in God. If that's off, all of our desires are off and we find ourselves chasing things that we were never supposed to pursue. Homosexual relationships are one of those things. It stands contrary to God's moral will for mankind. But we don't have to stand as enemies of God. Through Jesus Christ, there is hope for new life. There is hope for salvation.

Becket's story portrays this truth with such kindness and from an intimate understanding of your life experiences, thoughts, and desires. May you see his love for you, God's love for you, as you watch it.

IS IT OKAY TO BE GAY AND A CHRISTIAN? Sign up to watch this bonus interview here: https://anchorednorth.org/homosexuali...

Regardless of what you have done in your life, redemption is provided to you through Jesus Christ. Just like Becket, even if you have found your identity in worthless things, God died for you. He can make you a new creation and save you from a terrible fate if you call out to Him. If you are broken over your sin, call out to God in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ that He will redeem you.

MassResistance #fundie youtube.com

Former homosexuals and children of LGBTs speak the truth!

At the Teens4Truth Conference at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on Nov. 18, 2017. Real people countering the lies that we are all being constantly told about the LGBT lifestyle.

Original Author Unknown #fundie youtube.com

What if?
What if you had a friend who died without knowing Jesus as their personal Saviour?
What if he or she went to hell?
What if one day you received a letter in the mail from beyond?
A letter from your friend in the flames of eternal torment
This a story of two fictitious high school students named Zack and Josh. Although Zack has every opportunity to tell Josh about Jesus. . .he didn't. . .They were bestfriends-- they play soccer together, they went to classes together, they partied together, they shared their lives with each other. . .
But there is one thing Zack held back from Josh. . .HIS PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST. . .
The rest of the story is simple and sad. . .

A few too many beers, a traggic back home, a crush,a death, a funeral. . . A LETTER. . . . . .FROM HELL. . . Here is that letter. . . . .

Dear Zack,

I died today. It’s a lot different than I expected. You see, I always thought that dying would bring me to a world that is foggy and hazy. But this place is crystal clear— It’s even more real than my life on Earth.

I can think. I can talk. I can even feel.

Right after the wreck I could feel my spirit leaving my body. It was the weirdest thing, Zack. I thought I heard you screaming out to me, man. Must have been just imagining things.

At first I was just standing in line, getting registered I guess. They asked me for my name—and began to look in this thing they called the Book of Life.

I guess they couldn’t find it though because this huge angel standing next to me grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me away. I was terrified. I had no idea what was going on. I asked the angel where he was taking me, but he didn’t answer. So I asked him again—

Finally, he told me that only those, whose names were written in the Book of Life, could enter into Heaven and the rest would be condemned to Hell forever.

Man I was scared. The angel threw me into some kind of holding cell. Where I’ve been sitting and thinking for a long long time. Do you want to know what I’ve been thinking about?

I’ve been thinking about YOU.

Zack, You’re a Christian. You told me so yourself. I mean we talked about it three different times today.

Kelly brought it up and you laughed it off. Coach Adams brought it up and you changed the subject.

I mean, it came up right before the wreck. Well the question I can’t get out of my mind is this, Zack. Why haven’t you ever told me about how to become a Christian?

You say you are my friend, but if you really were you would have told me about this Jesus and told me how to escape this terrible place that I’m headed for.

I can feel my heart pounding in my chest, the angels who have been chosen to cast me into hell are coming down the hallway. I can hear their footsteps.

I have heard of this Hell. They call it the Lake of Fire.

I can’t stand it, Zack. I am terrified. No! The angels are at the door. Oh no, no! They’re coming in and they’re pointing at me. They’re grabbing me and carrying me out of the room.

I already can smell the burning sulfur and brimstone. I can see the edge of the cliff where Hell burns.

This is it. I am without hope.

We’re coming closer, closer, closer. My heart is bursting with fear. They’re holding me over the flames. I am damned forever.

This is it. They are throwing me in. Fire, Pain, HELL.

Why Zack? Why didn’t you ever tell me about Jesus?

Your friend,



Terry A Davis #conspiracy youtube.com

[Video Highlights]

God said 640x480. 16 colors is a covenant, like circumcision.

Okay, listen little faggot, have you ever written a Compiler? Have you ever written an interrupter? You little faggot? Have you ever written an interrupter? You little faggot? No, you haven't cause you're a faggot. Why don't you go write an interrupter, faggot? Pascal - you're fucking, in the ocean, with some nigger in the deep ocean, you've got no idea what's underneath you, little faggot.

Do it like a white man. A white man uses an iso file, this is the way a white operating system is installed.

When I am king by divine right, I will hunt down every CIA nigger and execute him personally. I killed a CIA nigger by running him over on 9/9/99. I was being followed by agents and freaked out. It's okay to run over space aliens. If you see a CIA nigger, run them over. They glow in the dark. Plan B? I'm not sucking nigger cock, bitch. Fuck yourself. I have a space alien. Plan B, fuck you.

Homo is a choice. I was normal until the CIA started torturing me with pedophile bait. CIA is atheist retard niggers. Everything backfires.

The CIA has a 7-year old deepthroating a loaded 45 at DMV next to me fucking with me. I'll teach him to pull the trigger. FBI put a kid next to me in DMV to evoke sex response. I said I would put a gun in his mouth. When FBI child sex agents got in my space, I wanted to stick a gun and kill one, shove a pencil in the eye of another and toss into traffic.

Bill Gates and the Illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle. Wooo! We got a herd of nigger cattle!

The BEAT by Allen Parr #fundie youtube.com

Does God Support Polygamy?

What do Abraham, Jacob, Esau, David, and Solomon have in common? All of these great men of God had multiple wives. So, does God support polygamy? That’s the question we want to answer today on the B.E.A.T.

INTRODUCTION: Hey what’s up everybody my name is Allen Parr and so the question comes up, “Did God permit Polygamy?” This is a tricky question and one that needs to answered carefully Well there’s actually one verse in the OT that seems to CLEARLY suggest He did (Deut. 21:17). So, in this video I want to look at 1) some of the REASONS why some men had multiple wives; 2) the RESULTS of those decisions and then finally 3) the RELEVANCE for us today.

1. Men had multiple wives for a variety of reasons
a. Barrenness – Sometimes it was because their wife was unable to have children and further the family lineage.
b. Protection for Women – Other times they were providing protection for women because due to many men dying in war there was a disproportionate number of women to men and women were unable to provide for themselves so men would step up and take extra wives to provide support and covering (sadly women were often forced into prostitution to provide for themselves)
i. Deut. 25:5 – There is even a scripture that encourages a man to marry his brother’s wife if the brother died without children.
ii. And so the idea here is do you become a polygamist or do you force that woman to possibly become a prostitute?
c. Alliances – Sometimes it was to forge alliances with other nations and so kings would trade wives to secure the partnership.
d. Greed – Other times men like David chose to take on wives for selfish reasons.
e. But even though, interestingly enough on one occasion God says to David, “Why did you have to go and steal someone else’s wife? If the ones you had weren’t enough I would have given you more—” (Is God condoning polygamy?)

2. The RESULTS of Polygamy
a. Whether it’s a sin or not, interestingly, each time a man took on more than one wife in the Bible it created major problems and divided the home.
b. We can look at Abraham and his two wives, Jacob and his 2 wives + 2 concubines, we can look at the situation between Hannah and Peninnah which was an absolute nightmare, David and his wives and Solomon’s heart turned away from God because of his 700 wives.

3. The RELEVANCE for us today
a. God Established His institution of marriage at creation – The Law of First Mention – God’s design for marriage is very clear and is outlined in both the OT and the NT. In Gen. 2 God says, “And the TWO shall become ONE.” Jesus then confirms this in the NT (Paul says the same thing about church leaders needing to be “the husband of ONE wife.” (see also Eph. 5:22-33 and Col. 3:18-19)) where He repeats the very same scripture found in the OT. So anything outside of God’s original design cannot be His perfect will.
b. Don’t confuse God’s PERMISSIVE will with His PERFECT will – There are many things He allowed but doesn’t desire.
c. Don’t take something that God is DESCRIBING and interpret it as God PRESCRIBING it – David cursed his enemies in prayer does that mean we should do it? When interpreting the Bible be careful not to take isolated events and then make them normative for every believer (poison, snakes, etc.) Does that mean that because it worked for them we should do it?
d. Just like God blesses and uses us despite our many sins in the same way God was patient to bless many men in the OT who took multiple wives. So instead of asking, “Why or how could a holy God bless someone like that?” Instead ask, “How could God overlook some of the stuff that I’ve done and still bless me in spite of what I do?

So did God allow polygamy for various reasons in the OT? I think we have to safely say that He did. But has that ever been God’s perfect will for a marriage relationship? I think we can safely say NO.

theodore tait #fundie youtube.com

(By ONA they mean a neo-Nazi Satanic cult called the Order of Nine Angles.)

Nazism isn't mindless, if they were so mindless, the Allies wouldn't have needed to form an alliance in the first place, now would they? You're just a little nerdy American who is incapable of breaking away from the moral dogma they've instilled in you from a very young age. Dictatorship works, in recent history, look at Gaddafi, Sadam, and today Putin, and then look at what happened to their countries when they became democratic? To imply democracy is successful is disingenuous, when the only "successful" democratic societies are built on the foundations of monarchy, dictatorship, and imperialism, that means the Western world and Japan. They were all successful before democracy, with the exception of America, which wasn't always liberal or inclusive either.

Now, let's get to the subject at hand, the ONA is not an actual order, there was initially a group of people that formed their own nexion (kind of like a cult or coven), and that made people believe that there was some internal initiatory path, akin to that of the O.T.O, which is incorrect. The principles and ideals of the ONA, are all outlined in the literature made freely available online. Nexions are made all over the world, with a great deal of variation in regards to ideals, morality, and goals, and this is the ultimate goal of the ONA, to inspire cells or nexions to form, to presence the sinister onto our world.

The thing about the ONA is, that even though there is so much freely available material, it is truly for the strong of will. Those that aren't posers undergo the intense physical training outlined in certain manuals, and also, it requires a great deal of time to actually understand what it's about. I first had interest in the ONA about 9 years ago, the Temple of Them to be specific, since I knew an actual nexion operating in my area of Pretoria, I'm a white South African. So the ideals sounded awesome, but there was no structure, so I lost interest, and started delving into Tantra, but it was pretty tame, then Nishiren Buddhism, but it was pacifist, and then Aryan Paganism, including Germanic, Celtic, Roman, Greek, Egyptians (yes ancient Egyptians are scientifically proven to have been related to Numidians and Berbers, who are Aryans, 50% of Western Europeans share their DNA), and to a lesser extent Vedic traditions.

Eventually I realized that it wasn't about what you studied, it's about the approach taken. I was interested in the Left-hand path, and that could apply to Germanic, Celtic, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and Vedic pagan traditions, and so could the Right-hand path. So while I believe that I am to some extent a pagan that respects Germanic, Celtic, and Roman cultures, I am also a Luciferian, because the ONA had such a great influence on me. Having grown up in a highly religious Afrikaner environment, I guess you could say I already had an insight role, but I also adopted Islam as an insight role for a year.

Ovid, the great Roman poet once said that it is right to learn, even from your enemies, and I agree, this is the value of insight roles. I greatly respect martyrdom in Islam, it's noble, like our pagan ancestors who were willing to live and die according to their ideals. I also respect the Christian mythology as transformed during the Romantic age by the likes of William Blake and Lord Byron. The ONA is truly a path of wisdom if you actually have the balls to practice what you preach, and if your ideals extend beyond the tip of your tongue. And yes, I support terrorism in America, you supported the ANC terrorists in South Africa so, I guess it's poetic justice. Blow up more homosexuals, transgenders, Christians, Jews, and hippies please.

axelfoley20 #conspiracy youtube.com

If you believe anyone or anything has gone into "outer space" then you're under mind control because there is no such thing as outer space. We are in an enclosed system and stars just lights in the sky, at least that all we know at this point. Maybe someone out there can tell me if they have learned anything different? But stars can be scientifically replicated in a lab by sending sound waves through water. So maybe GOD or source sends sound waves down through the water to create life here, so in essence we are most likely vibrations, we then vibrate very slow at this more dense level and it creates what we call physicality.?

Franky UK #conspiracy youtube.com

SPACEX made an error - Tesla car reflected images reveal the truth of this fake Space Oddity

It is difficult to comprehend how anyone can believe this poor Green screen/CGI fake footage is real This video proves there is something definitely odd going on with Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster space car...

Please note: I try to make my videos informative but entertaining. All comments are subject to review. Sensible and civilised debate is encouraged here. However, if you believe that foul abuse, ridicule, sarcasm, and insults are an acceptable part of your core argument then please do not waste your time posting on this channel. Anyone posting in this vein will have their post(s) deleted and will be permanently blocked. Serial Shills, Trolls and WUM's will also be blocked.

Flat Earth Brothers #fundie youtube.com

The SpaceX live feed footage made it appear that the rocket turned sideways and then went straight down. I assumed it was just the camera angle. However, footage taken from a nearby highway proves it did in fact go straight back down. If it were following the curve of the earth like planes are said to be doing, it would appear to be flying straight like planes do when flying with the "curve." However, unlike planes, Rockets don't have wings, rudders, or ability to adjust the trim to stay straight and level. I mean curved and arched lol. Once they tip over they have no choice but to go straight back down to the ocean.

Many are commenting that I'm not aware of how rockets get to space. I am aware of this process, but if you take a screenshot at 2:35 in the video and then use a program that allows you to drag a picture of the ball earth into the curved flight path, you will reveal that the earth is really tiny or the rocket did fly into the ocean as it appears. Here is a link to a video where I admit to being wrong about the flight path. It proves the globe model as well ?? https://youtu.be/9Rx6_ynBtNM
Please refrain from using bad language. It doesn't make you look any smarter although it does make you look cool in certain crowds :)

TBaker1964 #conspiracy youtube.com

(=Regarding Elon Musk launching a car into space=)

If there's ANYONE out there who actually believes this is real, you need your head examined and a tattoo on your forehead that reads "Brainwashing Complete". Absolute total BS, the audacity of these people to even portray this event as real is stunning.?

Common Filth #sexist youtube.com



These dykes ain’t dickin’ around! Watch them make each other bleed twice a month! Lesbian bed deathmatch! Extreme daddy issues! Penis envy! Watch the weave, girlfriend! Do you really have a fetish for girls who drink vagina juice? What’s wrong with you? It’s not domestic violence! Love is love, bigot! Universal suffrage was a great idea! Order now!

[On screen for the last few seconds is the message ‘LESBO FIGHTS’ with ‘ORDER NOW’ and ‘1-696-ORL-CNCR’ below.]

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