
Cindy #fundie fresh-hope.com

It's probably a real good thing that all my kids are grown up, because if I had little ones now, I'd raise them as though knowing God and His Word was a life or death matter and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't go over real well in our society today. I'd probably wind up in jail with my kids taken away from me. But even if that happened, I'd know they already knew the Truth and me being locked up would only reinforce it.

Cindy #fundie fresh-hope.com

I could not believe what I saw tonight. It broke my heart. Most of you know that we live in a very rural area, and are blessed that it's mainly Christian. The towns surrounding us are not though, and one town in particular has grown quite big and is full of "liberal", "tolerant" people, if you get my drift. Unfortunately, that's the town both of my girls live in. Tonight we went to hear one of our granddaughters sing in the school's chorus program. The first part of it was great. They did a song I'd never heard before called Ezekiel's Wheel which was really neat. That right there should have tipped me off as they never sing Christian songs, even at Christmas! I looked at the program and was so appalled I didn't know what to say! The last song they sang,was a muslim worship song to the demon allah and they were singing it in Arabic! I just couldn't believe it....This just couldn't be happening...not here, not with my granddaughter singing! Bruce and I both wanted to get up and walk out. Actually, we wanted to rant and rave first, and then walk out. It wasn't easy, but we sat through the thing till it was over and then left. Bruce noticed that there were a number of people besides us that were not clapping and not happy about it either, so that's good at least. I felt dirty, like I needed a bath. Mostly though I felt horrified that a teacher would be teaching the kids to sing this song to the kids! The English translation was in the program and the teacher was just so very proud of herself. Well, if looks could have killed, she'd have been dead and I KNOW she saw me since we were in the second row and she kept looking right at me.

I prayed through the entire thing. But it's even worse then that. The teacher had the kids write about how music "made connections" for them, and different kids read what the wrote. That was fine. Till one girl read hers and I just wanted to cry. She has apparently had a pretty hard childhood and she told us that "music was her Savior". Those were her words at the end of her little speech and the S was capitalized when she said it. I prayed for her until the muslim song started, asking the Lord to stay by her and teach her what a Savior really was and to save her.

The whole night made me aware of something else I'd been feeling but hadn't put my finger on....there was like a darkness present in that school. Enough of it to just give you the creeps. It reminded me of what I'd been reading just before I had to get ready to go.

2 Timothy 3:1 —But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. *

The word translated "terrible" or in some versions, "perilous" is actually the same word used to describe the two violent men who were possessed by demons in Gadara in Matt. 8:28. That seems to suggest that the times we're living in aren't just "bad times" but are bad because they're being energized by demons. In other words, all the crime, the hate, the false teaching and all the other things we've been seeing, aren't just your regular run of the mill sin. Instead, demons are influencing people and events, giving sin more power then usual. So perhaps someone who hates someone else but under normal circumstances would have never even dreamed of killing them, because of the demonic influence and drive, they do wind up killing the person. I felt that was even behind the school presenting that worship song tonight too. I know Satan was loving it, that's for sure. All I could do though was pray. I did ask the Lord to forgive the children that didn't know what they'd done and to convict those that did so they wouldn't do it again.

When I looked around at the people though, many seemed so smug and proud of themselves for being so "tolerant" and "civilized". I realized that they didn't have any idea what was really happening. I felt like I was literally watching these people walk toward a cliff with their noses so far in the air that they didn't see the cliff right in front of them and they were about to fall off. I wanted to jump up and explain what was happening to them, but I knew they'd just laugh and think I was crazy, including some who call themselves "Christians". They had no idea that they'd just fed their children poison that could kill them if they didn't get the antidote. It just made the tribulation so very real to me and made me realize again just how close it is - only in a more personal way if you know what I mean. It also made me realize that Satan will have no trouble at all getting people to believe His lies then, because they already do. Satan wants to destroy them and their own parents and teachers are feeding them to him!

Cindy #fundie fresh-hope.com

Rick Warren wants us to pray for the Catholic church council as they select a new Pope? Really? What should we pray, that they repent of their apostasy, and come to true saving faith that is found only in repenting of "good works" and placing their faith solely in Christ's finished work upon the Cross?

Cindy #fundie fresh-hope.com

Is there any reason to watch Al Jazerra's news? I could understand someone watching it to keep an eye on them and what they're up to, although I certainly couldn't stomach the job. When I first learned and posted here that they had bought out the news stations and were going to be broadcasting their version of events here in the US, I saw it as a very major sign of the last days. It made me sick to my stomach to know that Americans were now not only going to have to deal with media that kisses up to obama, but with media owned and operated by people who are enemies of Christ, enemies of the US and enemies of Israel... let's face it, they're the enemies of all that's good. What they are doing is attempting to brainwash American's into believing their evil reports, just like they brainwash the citizens in the Arab countries. But then I suppose that's exactly what obama wants anyway, and certainly what the antichrist will want. Freedom of the press has now degenerated from the press telling the truth in spite of what officials like, to the press trying to out lie each other.

tdodds74 #fundie fresh-hope.com

Natural selection ...

1. green and brown beetles of the same kind
2. birds can see and find the green ones to eat
3. the green numbers drop and the browns increase due to mating
4. after awhile no green beetles only brown which the birds can't see to eat

So - now you have God creating something specifically to destroy it. Is that congruent with 'God is Life'? Nope.

Animals eat animals because of sin ... so you have NO evolution/natural selection without sin. Where did sin come from? Oh, the canned answer is evolutionary theory doesn't deal with religious topics ... but then wait - if no sin, no evolution ... oh, but notice there's NO sin in the creation account in Genesis - sin comes in AFTER. So you go and collect a fossil record AFTER and conclude evolution - which the account of the beetles is true and observable; but it does not explain any step BEFORE step 1. Step 0 is sin, step -1 is God creates by His words. Genesis isn't wrong and precludes the idea of creation by evolution.

MelodyCat #fundie fresh-hope.com

Gilgamesh if I recall is Islamic folklore. Mohamed didn't exist until 600 years after Jesus and so was born Islam?

Nothing can pre-date the Hebrews they start their history from the Creation of the Earth and with Adam and Eve. Of course if you do not recognise God Created the Universe and the Earth and the animals and then Adam and Eve I can understand why you have difficulty with understanding the Bible.

Mike B #fundie fresh-hope.com

If evolution is true then how do you explain the design of the world around us and the universe. Take the human eye for instance. Man in all of his genius hasn't even come close to understanding it or duplicating it. Man has never shown even one animal that has experienced an evolution in it's self. Man has never found that missing link that takes us from being animal to being human. It is a very long leap of faith my friend to make and claim evolution as fact with out the evidence you claim. Simply Show us the evidence. You see DNA has proven evolution wrong that all humans came from one mother. Animals did not come from a human mother. Science wants to claim a fact of it but does not have clear evidence of it. Not only this but if man had been here for as long as science claims the Earth would have been over populated long ago. Evolution does not work mathematically.

happy 88 #fundie fresh-hope.com

(What would you say to an Atheist in 60 seconds?)

I could not do it in 60 seconds..but here goes
How could life emerge from non life, and then produce monkeys out of amoebas which in turn turned monkeys into brain surgeons..complete with morals.
If you believe that life can form out of non life , then life out of death is more possible. Everything hinges around an uncreated first cause of creation

Cindy #fundie fresh-hope.com

Heard the pope preaching heresy on New Years Day

Meant to post about it then and forgot. But we were watching the news and they showed the pope doing his service on New Years. He was as usual promoting "peace". Not peace with God through salvation of course, but peace on earth. He was saying that we have only to realize that everyone is basically good and that if we all just tried hard enough, we could have a wonderful world of real lasting peace. Sure makes me wonder what bible he's been reading, because the bible I read teaches the exact opposite of that! Oh well, at least in the part I heard he didn't mention Mary -come to think of it though, he also didn't mention Jesus, the Father or the Holy Spirit either.... just glorified mankind.

Cindy #fundie fresh-hope.com

I have to admit that I was shocked and saddened when watching the Waltons the other night. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing, and it showed me just how far back this push for "tolerance" started.

In this show, Jason Walton was dating a Jewish girl. The girl was confused about her religion and wasn't even sure what it meant to be Jewish. She winds up being all upset and emotional and running off to talk to the new minister at the baptist church the Walton family goes to. (I know I called her a "girl" but she was a woman, full grown and in the army) What shocked me so much was what the minister did. He listened to her (good) and let her get everything off her chest and then proceeded to explain all about Judaism to her and gave her a book that had been given to him by a Jewish Rabbi about Judaism. He then told her that he'd find out where the nearest Temple was so she could start attending there! In the next scene the minister is giving his Sunday sermon which, believe it or not is all about tolerance. He says very proudly that they are "baptists" and the most important thing to remember is that their founder (can't remember the name) had said that any good baptist was tolerant of other religions! Next was a scene of the Waltons at lunch and one of them paraphrases the minister saying that and indicate that as good baptists they should have been proud to help a Jewish person discover their beliefs.

By then I was wavering between anger, disbelief and tears! That minister alone actually picked that girl up out of our Lord's hands and forced her back into a false religion! I'm not at all against helping her understand her roots mind you, but instead of pushing her out the door and into a Temple, why not take the time to explain to her what her Jewish roots are and how wonderful it is and how God entrusted to her people His laws etc and take her from there and show her how God then sent His Son and how she could be saved??? That way she could have understood her roots AND been saved!!!

Instead though, they tossed her to the wolves so she can spend eternity in hell while they all pat themselves on the back for being "good baptists!"

I know...it's only a story, but I'm also sure that it actually happens every day. Hell will be filled with folks because of "good Christians" who were being tolerant.

Marianne #fundie fresh-hope.com

(On the topic of Psychology being the Doctrine of Devils)

Rather then sitting down and talking to a person we don't know.. telling them all our problems.. wouldn't it be better to speak and pray to Jesus. He is the One we are to put our Trust in. He is the One that directs our paths in this life.. He knows that we are going through this trial and He is the One we should be talking to.. not a stranger.. that could care less about our problems.. Jesus is the only One that can help us through our trials and tribulations..

Cheryl #fundie fresh-hope.com

(On gays kissing in Spain for the Pope's visit)

That's something that I just don't understand. Why on earth do homosexuals need to be so disgusting. They aren't even eccentric, they are down right outrageous! They flaunt themselves as if they are something special, they introduce themselves as gay as if it were an occupation rather than a disgusting lifestyle. They slobber all over each other in public (like in this article) and they dance naked in the streets. And THEY want the rest of society to grant them equality? There's nothing EQUAL about them except them and their own sex partners!!

revtami #fundie fresh-hope.com

(On Obama talking about the Bible)

The man is a tool of Satan (and as you know I believe he's much more than that) and he will do and say whatever Satan wants him to do and say. Of course he mocks scripture, Satan hates The Word of God. He will one day pay for those remarks and for other things he's done and said. I pray for his children.

Cindy #fundie fresh-hope.com

(Response to a gay couple christening their children in a church)

This is just too sick for words! By baptizing these children and allowing these so called "fathers" and their sinful companions to be there they are cheapening everything it means to be a Christian.

I understand that it's not the "children's fault" that the people who have custody of them are living in sin, but the way things work, children do suffer for the sins of their parents. No, I don't mean God makes them suffer, but they suffer the consequences of their parents sins. In this case their "parents" are gay and living in sin, and so they will suffer the consequences of that. If these guys want their children to know Jesus, then they need to repent of their sins and then baptize them if they choose. (yes, I know infant baptism means nothing, but the world doesn't know that and so by doing this, they are giving the world a very bad impression of Christianity.

Cindy #fundie fresh-hope.com

(On the topic of Pokemon)

I know some parents think it's "innocent fun", but to me for a Christian to have "innocent fun" with demons, just isn't possible...or at least shouldn't be. I know the child doesn't think they're "real" but that's just the problem in my mind...because as far as I'm concerned, they ARE real. Oh I don't mean that there are demons with those specific names and qualities, but there are demons and playing this game to me makes it seem as though demons are no big deal on the one hand; and then later, when the child is older, maybe old enough to get into things like dungeons and dragons etc. then the demons just may start to seem pretty neat...like what child wouldn't like to have those powers etc? Neither frame of mind is a good one in my opinion.

Then too the Lord says we are to avoid even the appearance of evil and this to me certainly falls in that category.

evangelist1 #fundie fresh-hope.com

The bible does say we can do greater things as jesus , and we can cast out demon raise the dead, so I thought about MJ and if he was to be raised from the dead it would be a great witness to the christian belief and a testimony that Christ is a better supper star who is alive!
What is your vote can this be done or not???

I really don't think know one even try to lay hand on micheal Jackson to be raised from the dead so that is why he remain dead, but I think it can be done, and we do have the power and faith in us if we are born again christians to do such a thing, just we don't practice so often what we preach.

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