
MD Anderson #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

For the poster in Australia who claims Flat Earth, et al is Biblical, please cite the Chapter and Verse of the King James Bible where this is said. Otherwise, quit attacking a Holy Book you obviously have never read. I'm happy to see the Museum, but I don't believe in dinosaurs, never have. It's pseudo-science. So is evolution and global warming. For the poster who said it's inconveivable for God to create the universe in 6 days, can you limit God? Long ago, man didn't believe flight was possible, and yet we fly today. So, just because you don't understand a thing, don't discredit it. It's all about Faith, and God can do anything.

Claudia Perfettti #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

Having a science backround[sic],(I'm a dentist and my husband an ophtalmologist[sic]) we are delighted to hear some good sense being presented. Most people don`t realize the bias that colors their thinking. They take whatever is being taught without invenstigating[sic] the facts. There is a great difference when it comes to facts, and evolution doesn't have any. It's not me who says it but Stephen Jay Gould who couldn't find a single proved fact about evolution among his collegues[sic]. We can't either. We christians[sic] risk our lives for our faith so we are accustomed to study the hard facts and the evidence. Our very lives depend on it. That is the difference. Please, please do investigate the hard facts of science and learn to discard the fairy tales. Respectfuly[sic], Claudia

jeff #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

I think its a great idea to balancing the evolution kooks. Lets not forget that the same guys preaching evolution as gospel also tried to sell a flat earth, sun going around the earth universe, and the stars being nothing more then holes in a giant curtain around the earth. Evolution and creation can and should work together since clearly they both have merit. I dont think its black and white either way.

Allen Berry #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

My family and I cant wait to vist the Creation Museum. I will be happy to see Gods word open up on display for all to see. As far as you non believers are concerned do you really think we evolved from apes? What did the ape evolve from? or any other animal for that fact? I believe in the big bang theory, God spoke and Bang it happened. And why dont you pegans take it a step further and work you jobs Dec. 25th since you dont believe!

Jeff Feist #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

Answers in Genesis is not attempting to debunk science. It is, in fact, explaining God’s creation scientifically. If you will take the time to explore what they are doing, I think you will be impressed, not only with this fact, but also with the scientific credentials of those who support Creationism as opposed to evolution. Expand your thinking to include the scientific possibility (I personally believe it to be fact) that God’s word is true and that He did, in fact, create the world in six literal 24-hour days. God’s Word clearly says He spoke creation into existence. Science does not prove it did not happen that way; it simply theorizes that it did not. Take your family and get all the facts. Then you will be in a position to make an intelligent decision as to whether or not this is a ministry worth taking seriously and, perhaps, getting behind with your support.

Justin Honaker #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

There have been many comments saying that Creationism is bad science and those who believe it are idiots. But consider this, our DNA is 97% similar to a chimps, however, it is a 98% match to that of a (drumroll please) ........ Banana! Also, if you believe that you evolved by chance then that means that your logic evolved by chance, and how do you know that it evolved the right way? You can't even be sure you're using the right arguments against the museum and the theory of creation! (Yes, I said theory of creation, just like the theory of evolution) So if you want to believe that you're just a better looking monkey than "Lucy", I guess you're free to do so. I, however, prefer to believe that I was created in the image of God for a special purpose. Here's to you my Monkey friends, I wish you luck (I guess you believe in that) in your random chatterings! Monkey On!!

Ashley Mink #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

Through the centuries, "mainstream science" has changed its tune over and over. So many of the "proofs" for evolutionary theory have been found inconclusive, and the evidence (when viewed objectively) can point both to evolution and creation. The question is, which is more likely? I believe in order for all creatures to have evolved first from non-life into life, and then from one simple creature into millions of complex ones, seems miraculous. And then we're back in God's territory, aren't we?

Lorrie Mikulski #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

I was taught evolution as fact, but there were so many questionable theories, I never really bought into it. Evolutionists bash Creationists calling it bad science. But from a common sense view think of this. What are the odds of a big explosion forming life on this planet. There is so much order. Days and nights, seasons, years just to name a few. And what are the odds that a one cell thing could evolve into the complexities of a fly yet alone a human? And what are the odds that a single ape became human or had a human? Charles Darwin knew nothing of DNA. With DNA much of evolutionist teaching can be sent where the world is flat was sent. Also, after Mt St Helen's erupted, a canyon has appeared in Washington 1/40th the size of the Grand Canyon. It was caused by water displacement of the Spirit Lake then settling, forming the canyon. Evolution science says it would take millions of years to make this canyon, yet it was not there in 1979!

janet heddings #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

I would definately say that this museum will be a good thing. We have plenty of people teaching evolution as fact with no regard for the true FACT that it is only a theory that cannot be proven. There are many things science cannot explain but the One who made the universe is the One who can explain it. People do not have to go to the museum if they do not wish to, yet children have to go to school and listen to years of teaching about the "science " of evolution. Isn't this a little lop-sided? And now people are complaining that this will hurt children. I will definately go to the museum as soon as I get the chance. Ken Ham does a wonderful and very scientific job of presenting the facts. I would recommend any of his writings to everyone. Thank you.

Sensei Kurt #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

How can they hate someone so strongly they don't even believe in? It always amazes me at how much atheistic believers will go to suppress anything that will bring their beliefs into question. They have given up on scientific debates ( I have been to several) because they do so poorly and end-up looking foolish in the eyes of the general public. So they resort protests and hate speech. At the Creation Museum, I read their quotes and posters of the protesters and it shows me their ignorance and bigotry against God, Creation and those that believe that this world is by design. The most ridiculous was Ed Kagin and his ironically named "Free Inquiry Group" (F.I.G.) statements, "... is a form of child abuse and 'terrorism' that could plunge America into a new dark age." Perhaps he would rather promulgate the notion to our children that we are products of chance & random processes and life has no purpose and no meaning, and that we are simply re-arranged pond scum with no more meaning

Rick Hunter #fundie frontier.cincinnati.com

The second Law of Thermodyanamics indicates that when energy is added to a system the system becomes more random. This alone tends to call into question how valid is evolution. My belief is the Bible is the word of GOD and GOD does not lie, thefore evolution never occured.

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