The Saker #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Furthermore, there are reports that Biden and Ze had a stormy telephone conversation which saw a furious Biden telling Ze that the invasion would happen. Apparently, Ze disagreed.

So what is going on here????

I concur. In fact, I think that the US is basically dumping country 404 aka Banderastan, and as I explained here and here in some details, there is only one thing Uncle Shmuel wants from Ze and the Ukraine: for them to force Russia to intervene, either by a suicidal attack on the LDNR or by means of a false flag, or by some kind of atrocity.
A real nightmare for the AngloZionists is taking shape. Here are its components:

In spite of all the external (and even INTERNAL!) pressures, the Kremlin does not want to invade the Ukraine at all. There are exactly ZERO signs that an attack is imminent or even planned.
In case of a Ukie attack on the LDNR there is a very real possibility that Russia will not openly intervene, I explained it all in detail here.
The US PSYOP about Putin being weak, indecisive or a puppet of the USA/Israel (I explained the nature, function and purpose of this CIA PSYOP in details here) is falling apart, not only was the ultimatum very much an ultimatum, but the Russians are backing it with things like these.
NATO is cracking at the seams: the Croatians already said “no thanks”, the French and Germans don’t want to commit energetic seppuku, the Bulgarians are demanding details and guarantees and the French MPs are discussing whether to stay in NATO or not (they will stay, of course, but the topic is now raised).
There are signs that the worst nightmare for the Neocons might actually happen and Russia won’t be forced to invade the Ukraine.

What do Neocons do when they panic? Correct – false flag operations: that is MH-17 was all about. And the Skripals. And the “chemical attacks” in Syria. And Navalnyi. And so many others that I won’t list them here.

We can be sure they will try, what is uncertain is whether they will succeed.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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