I can still hardly believe it myself. The LGBT community has spent years earning the public's trust and sympathy, convincing them they're not pedos and sexual deviants and managing to get laws passed in favour of them such as the gay marriage & adoption laws. Now they're in danger of throwing it all away with these kinds of antics. Drag kids, Drag Queen Storytimes (seriously, do these people really think that they're increasing acceptance of gays by choosing to represent the biggest stereotype of them to children), gender-neutral parenting, accepting all these made-up genders without second thought, openly displaying their kinks at a public event, and now this. Hell, they even denounce individual gays/bis/trannies like Blaire White who call out this kind of shit and call them "internalized bigots" & "cishet stooges". It'll be their own fault when public opinion turns against them and the aformentioned gay marriage & adoption laws start to get rolled back. By that point, even the crooked mainstream media may turn against them and it may also become acceptable to portray gays as pedos again. Eventually, the left itself may abandon the LGBT Community and they'll end up pretty much how they were pre-stonewall, all because of their own stupidity.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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