Pomidor Quixote #pratt #racist dailystormer.name

We’ve already given them the greatest of gifts.
We’ve given them our knowledge. We’ve given them technology. We’ve given them medicine. We’ve given them science. We’ve given them education.

Everything we do, they could study and learn. They could do what we do. But they can’t, because they’re biologically incapable of doing it, and no amount of “humanitarian” aid will change that.

What else do they expect from us?

Imagine if an advanced civilization visited our planet and gave us all of its knowledge for free.

Would you resent them as blacks and browns resent us?

Because we are that advanced civilization that found browns and blacks and shared all of its knowledge with them, and they’re still trying to steal our stuff, steal our land, steal our countries, steal our women, and kill us.

Maybe we should change tactics, you know? Maybe it’s time to stop giving so much and to start taking.

We can start by taking back what we’ve given.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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