RE: When they say the majority of trans people never regret transitioning this is who they mean. These are the men we're sacrificing young girls for.
( SakuraBlossoms )
When a trans person doesn't regret transitioning, it's because their mental health issues were never treated. Same with the woman who blinded herself and was happy after. Same with people suffering from anorexia; they don't regret being dangerously underweight and instead want to be thinner, until the mental disorder and the distorted thinking it causes is properly treated.
It's so obvious that transitioning (physical) doesn't treat gender dysphoria (mental), such as with the despair that comes if someone "mistakes" them for a member of their sex. Or I would imagine if a guy like this just looked in the mirror. Although some of the men never had gender dysphoria to begin with and just did it for the coom.
(nopenottoday )
He won't be laughing when his bones are deteriorating and he's got some estrogen induced cancer
( Tortoisemouse )
There are so many parallels with anorexia.
( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
Before ROGD, the majority of "trans people" were fetishistic transvestites / autogynephiles. They usually don't regret transitioning because it is sexually motivated. Their main regret is not transitioning earlier as they are erotically obsessed with "passing". They advocated for childhood transitioning aka. medical abuse of children, since they project their fetish onto gender-nonconforming children. In addition, most transvestites have a sissification / forced feminization fetish as well, i.e. they get aroused by the humiliation of a boy forced into stereotypically feminine dress, behavior, etc. And some of them are pedophiles.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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