Tatoruzux #racist twitter.com

As if that isn't your goal: eliminate White Americans by mongrelizing the American population with multiculturalism and endless immigration until everyone is indistinguishable mystery meat.
The new Spider-Man is brownoid slop; a representation of what you hope America becomes.

No, the context is the same. Because despite your best efforts, the real-world Queens does NOT look like your brownoid utopia as seen in the new Spider-Man. Not only does Queens have more White people than black people, but the White people and black people do not live amongst each other like some kumbaya fantasy. Do some research into District 28, one of the most "diverse" areas in Queens, located right in the middle of the borough. The Whites live in the North and the blacks live in the South. When people have freedom of association, they tend to choose to associate with their own kind. Crazy, right?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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