Liz Wheeler #conspiracy #wingnut

You masked our kids.
Shut down our businesses.
Locked us down in our homes.
Closed our churches.
Forced our grandparents to die alone.
Shuttered our schools.
Mandated a harmful vaccine.
Enforced bogus social distancing.
Lied to us about hydroxychloroquine.
Gaslit us about ivermectin.
Censored our dissent.
Covered-up the origin of the virus.
Idolized a dangerous, lying Fauci.
Threatened us if we didn’t comply.

And fired my husband after he worked COVID frontlines once he refused to take the vaxx.

No, one op-Ed doesn’t absolve you.

We will never forget.

Every one of you involved should be prosecuted and imprisoned.

And your propaganda mouthpieces should be fired & shamed.
12:17 AM · Mar 18, 2025 · 61.5K Views



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