I have found that nothing offends a proud atheist like confronting him with his belief in the scientific impossibility that nothing creating everything . Such a thought can give him an epiphany.
For sure. Like about how you’re not really a sapient being, sapient beings can process information received, hell even some non-sapients do it quite well. You, however have failed even at that simple task.
I have found that nothing offends a bananabrain like this Christain more - other than being proved wrong about more than just Bananas - like confronting it with its own ‘Belie f': specifically this little doctrine-destroying titbit of that which makes it realise that you cannot spell such without the word Lie:
Pride is a deadly sin that condemns the likes of this… thing to Hell.
Enjoy your paradox, Ray Cumfart.
Hello, Ray Comfort, incorrigibly dishonest spiritual snake oil snakesman, smug arsehole and proud child beater. If there truly was justice after death, a particularly nasty spot in Hell would be reserved for you.
Oh Ray, nobody else is as deluded and full of himself like you!
I wonder if he’s even aware that he’s lying, or if it’s a “It’s true for me!” kind of thing. Somehow…
It is, however, entirely plausible and even expected that a being of absolute perfection who existed forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever [ad nauseum] despite having nothing to exist in suddenly and randomly one day destroyed the very concept of perfection by exploding reality into existence and then told a bunch of beings who were deliberately designed to be flawed “I create evil, also obey me utterly or I’ll act like a cross between an abusive parent and a gangster - and remember, I have superpowers and you don’t” because… um… a book said so?
It seems self-evident to me that the ultimate reasons for existence would be brute facts that cannot be further explained. And yes, your god would be this brute fact for your worldview. I, however, believe the fundamentals of Existence and the initial conditions of the universe - whatever they may happen to be - to be the brute facts from which everything follows, making a Creator external to Creation an unnecessary middleman. Furthermore, it seems entirely plausible to me that Existence and even the ultimate laws of physics are transcendent, independent of the actual existence of a concrete universe.
1) As opposed to the scientific impossibility that nothing created God?
2) At least we admit we’re not certain what preceded the start of everything. As opposed to you , who in your infinite hubris acts like you know everything and that we should all listen to you exclusively.
@Spacewyrm #104075
Of course they were. if Nana-Man were to post a recipe for peppercorn gravy and biscuits, it would best be described as “disturbingly fucked up.” Are we talking “beat them until they cry tears of a broken will” fuckery, or more a DJS-style “make them flinch anytime someone tries to initiate innocent physical contact but they don't understand why” flavour of trauma?
Nothing will come from nothing. . . So where did your God come from, Ray? There's no more real evidence for him, anymore than there is for Baiame, the Aboriginal creator spirit.
“I have found that nothing offends a proud atheist like…”
Uh huh. I also win all the arguments i have with invisible people in my shower. i just don’t brag about them later, online or in the office.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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