Ray Comfort #psycho #fundie livingwaters.com
[Blind love for our children] shouldn’t be carried over to when the child begins doing ugly things. It is a tragedy when ugly doings are seen as cute. One of the first horrible things to reveal itself in a child is the back arch. This often happens when the parent uses the word “no” and stops the child from touching something he wanted to touch. The mom or dad then picks up the precious bundle, and instead of finding cuddly cuteness, they find the back arch of protest.
This is the first sign of infantile rebellion against parental authority, and if it isn’t dealt with, this seed will grow into a monster and destroy everything in its path.
It shouldn’t come as a shock to any godly parent when the rebellion comes. They have seen it in their own heart, so they know it is just a matter of time until it manifests. From that time on, a battle begins against the monster until it is destroyed.
Perhaps it makes you flinch to use the word “monster” when referring to your beloved child. Let me back up my description with Scripture so that any argument you may have will be seen to be with God and not with me.
“The rod and rebuke give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother” (Proverbs 29:15).
Let’s look at Scripture and see our potential for evil. Remember, don’t let blind love stop you from seeing how ugly we all are, including your child. He has been born with the seed of Adam resident within, and if it is left to itself, it will grow into a great tree of evil.
What is this monster that is within your child? The Bible tells us why humanity has such a propensity to do evil. It is because “There is no fear of God before their eyes” (Romans 3:18). If there is no fear of God, then there is no fear of the consequences of sin…there is no fear of Judgment Day or of eternal damnation in Hell.
So, reject the world’s philosophy, and instead embrace the biblical viewpoint. Again, God’s Word says that there is none good. Not one. Your child isn’t good. He is like the rest of us. His heart is evil. Face the ugliness.