Buddha via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #crackpot voyages-of-light.com

I am Buddha, and I am very happy to be back to share my wisdom with humankind. I was waiting for my opportunity to speak on the behalf of Ascended Masters.

We are overlooking your Ascension Process. Numerous messages by false prophets are praising everyone, on how amazing job you are doing on moving to 5D. If this is the truth, than why are you still here. They are just spreading not accurate information, which doesn’t help anyone in this important process of moving to a New Earth.
I personally spend thousands and thousands of hours on meditations to evolve from a physical being into an enlightened being. It’s not a simple task, it requires patience and daily dedication to do the required work. Humanity expects to be lifted into a higher dimension by the Light Beings. I can promise you, that is not going to happen. Your Collective Consciousness needs to reach a specific level of vibration for you to be able to move into 5D New Earth.

The fact that you are still fascinated by simple events such as Solar Flashes, Solar Flares, Magnetic Storms and etc., which have no effect at all on the Ascension Process, it tells me, that you need more time to be ready to ascend to 5D. All of these events are very common in the Cosmos and don’t help or speed up the evolutionary process of any civilization. Only silent meditations will bring harmony and peace into your life.
I am grateful for Divine leading me to receive my Nirvana. I wish the same for all of the humankind. You have an incredible opportunity to ascend with your bodies, so don’t miss out on this chance. The Advanced Souls can’t wait to leave this 3D reality, as they are tired of being here and waiting for everyone else to catch up.

Please remember, your Ascension is your responsibility. Ego needs to be let go off and be forgotten. Your soul’s responsibility is to lead you to a final destination on this planet of Ascension. Divine is working on your behalf, the same is expected from you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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