SARAH ANDERSON #transphobia #homophobia #fundie

Donald Trump won the 2024 presidential election with historic numbers, and I truly believe that one reason for that is that the country is tired of wokeness and having it shoved down our throats. We're tired of participation trophies, whether they're for Little Leaguers or presidential candidates. We're tired of a fringe group forcing us to go out of our way to play along with how they want to live their private lives. We're tired of trigger warnings before movies and college students who need safe spaces and social justice taking over the football games we watch to escape from all that stuff.

We're tired of public school systems pushing a progressive ideology on children who don't even know how to read. We don't care what our colleagues' pronouns are; we just care that we get our work done and get paid. Women are tired of men taking over our sports, our bathrooms, and our sacred place in the world. Men are tired of being blamed for everything because they merely exist. We're all tired of absurdity triumphing over common sense.

As a Georgia resident and a product of said university system who was taking classes at the University of Georgia as recently as last year, I have to admit that I've always felt lucky that our higher education institutions don't seem to be quite as woke as those in other parts of the country. But I think this is a step in the right direction to prevent them from going that way. And I think it's proof that this so-called purple state still has a nice reddish tint. Let's hope more organizations follow.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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