various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
jews have no self-awareness or self-control.

They always take their power too far, and end up suffering serious backlash from the people they've subjugated, oppressed, and abused.

jews have overplayed their hand once again. Believing, yet again, that their power is absolute, that they are untouchable.

They will come to regret what they've done to the world. Some may even wish to apologize. But by then it will be too late.

We are living in the zenith of jewish power in this world.

And the world is suffering because of it.

But it won’t last forever. In fact, it seems to be crumbling around us

( @Albzi )
@Nature_and_Race The problem is the half, and quarter, and all types of partial Jews will slip through the cracks and start the cycle again hundreds of years later.

( @Will_Geo )
@Albzi @Nature_and_Race we'll have to have mandatory genetic tests to weed them all the way out

( @ALushPair )
@Albzi @Nature_and_Race sad to say but jews, like parasites may be integral to the ecosystem

( @Texian_Nationalist )
@Nature_and_Race Instead of the NWO its the JWO...

( @LeFurie )
@Nature_and_Race The next Fuhrer is coming.

( @excid )
@Nature_and_Race I agree. It amazes me that the jews, with their ability to plan and execute in slow motion over large timeframes lose self-control like this.

( @HighCapacityAssaultUterus )
I was just talking to a friend today... You ever watch a very jewy show? They're ALL going to shrinks. It just goes without saying that jews are all insane. They are unable to function in reality, which is why they exist in a fantasy world where they are God's favorite and eternal victims.

( @felis_concolor )
@Nature_and_Race may they not live to regret their overreach this time.



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