pennygadget #transphobia

RE: What about a GC voting guide?

Unfortunately, at least in the US, a vote for a candidate who vocally supports single-sex spaces is extremely likely to be a vote for a candidate who vocally opposes reproductive rights.

At this point, I don't fucking care. This may sound extreme, but what's the point in saving abortion if we lose EVERY other right in the process? Whats the point in voting for someone who supports universal healthcare if that person will also vote that "trans healthcare" gets priority over everyone else? What's the point in voting for someone who supports prison reform if they also support locking female inmates in cages with convicted male rapists/murderers?

Seeing more states enact draconian abortion restrictions is scary. But rolling that shit back will be far easier than reinstating women's basic right to define ourselves once those are taken away (just ask the women in Iran).

Also....the Democrats won't learn if we keep voting for them in the vain hope that MAYBE they'll make an effort to protect our reproductive rights in between gutting Title IX and making it a civil right for a dude to follow little girls into changing rooms



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