janeknowitall1 #ableist #quack janeknowitall1.wordpress.com

Autism is Neurological Damage. Let that cross your blood brain barrier and sink in.

What do you think neurological damage should look like? I know I sound like a broken record, but the average person cannot begin to understand that vaccines might be causing autism, until they fully understand what autism is.

We have a bad track record in this country –and I suppose the world, when it comes to chalking up things we don’t understand to mythical powers or medical mysteries. One example, for most of history, epilepsy was seen as something divine –until we figured out it’s neurological.

Today the entire field of psychiatry fits into this box. If we can’t see the obvious medical connection we tell the patient that the problem is all in their head.

Autism got tossed into the psychiatry box. The first theory to be accepted by medical professionals was that it stemmed from bad parenting –mainly a cold “refrigerator” mother. Luckily, Dr. Bernie Rimland came along –his son was autistic and he knew damn well his wife was a great mother. Bernie changed that mistaken theory –we suddenly realized that autism was neurological.

But from there, “professionals” chalked it up to kids being differently wired. That never sat right with me. The brain is amazingly plastic. If they were differently wired they’d still be functional –and I wasn’t seeing “functional” in my own son and the children of others. I saw tics and odd body postures and disordered speech and language –I saw brain damage. Also, we noticed that changing the diet and giving certain supplements helped or even made some kids lose their diagnosis. This wasn’t ‘hard wiring’ –this was medical, metabolic.

It was 2000 when I finally started listening to my new friends about vaccines. I didn’t understand how a vaccine could cause a brain disorder. My lack of comprehension was directly related to my lack of knowledge. First off, I had no clue what was in vaccine. I had NOT ONE CLUE that there was mercury, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, aluminum, human DNA, chicken DNA, etc. I had no idea that our immune system is in our gut. I had no idea that damaged guts can lose that tight juncture in their cells and ‘leak’ proteins out into the blood stream where they should never be. I had no idea that these proteins could slip past the blood brain barrier. I had no idea that the mercury could cross the BBB. I had no idea that there were kids with MTHFR and other genetic mutations that would make them more susceptible to damage –who couldn’t detox those heavy metals as well as other children. The more I read, the more it became obvious that vaccines causing brain damage that presents as “autism” is biologically plausible. I admit to being ignorant.

I know that some of you still are. That you sit back and listen to the news anchors on the TV tell you what was found in the latest study –and you with your lack of medical knowledge and lack of knowledge about the politics of this all, and the history of vaccines, you take it at face value. Why would they lie? They lie because either they are ignorant, too –or because their fat paychecks depend on it.

But back to autism. How can you not see that autism is brain damage? Autism isn’t a thing in and of itself. Time to sound like a broken record again… Autism is a label that is slapped on a box, and in that box is a pile of symptoms, and if you have enough of those symptoms you win the diagnosis. There is no such thing as “Autism” –it is a classification system, a label.

So let’s look at autism…
By looking at other neurological disorders and diseases and injuries.

Looks like autism.
Looks like autism. But it’s a mercury poisoning victim from Minamata Japan.
I remember 2000, when I still needed a little more convincing. That is when a friend sent me a link to a video, a video showing children who were exposed to mercury in Minamata Japan. (If you are unfamiliar, Google is your friend) –and what caught my eye right away was how similar a lot of the body postures were in those mercury poisoned in Minamata and our “autistics”. Mercury damages the brain. Autism is brain damage. Now, a lot of people died in Minamata, some were severely affected… some slightly. And those slightly affected all looked like autistic kids to me. In the following video at minute two… if you didn’t know this was a Minamata video, you’d think it was an autism video. I suggest you check out all the videos on youtube concerning Minamata “Disease”

This is a great one too:

So, Minamata popped back into my head last night while I was rewatching “Silent Epidemic, The Untold Story of Vaccines” you really need to watch the whole thing. But check out the montage at minute 16:55 –that is what neurological damage looks like. And that is called “autism”.

Now let me say, I don’t agree that vaccines are the only thing that’s changed in the last 25 years –they are the major player and biggest culprit, yes. But we also don’t eat real food anymore and the food we eat is mostly poisoned and nutritionally void or genetically altered. We are dealing with thousands upon thousands of chemicals in our environment that were never tested for long term safety. Babies today are born with hundreds of chemicals in their cord blood… BUT… If we are willing to admit that there is an environmental trigger –that something we are eating, breathing or touching is causing this rise (and most scientists and doctors DO admit this) THEN WHY do we snap to attention when vaccines are mentioned, and toe the company line with a loud chorus of, “Oh, but we know it’s not the vaccines!” Injecting chemicals into the body is much worse than eating, breathing or touching. We don’t “know it’s not the vaccines” because the proper studies HAVE NOT BEEN DONE.

Looks like Autism.
Looks like Autism.
Looks like autism.
Looks like autism.
Autism is brain damage.
Here, at 4:35 is a child with an auto-immune encephalitis… brain damage… it looks like autism:

Here is a child with cerebral palsy, it looks like autism.

These kids with TBI have “features of autism”

Brain Injury from a drug overdose, looks like autism

Look at the poor motor planning in an apraxia patient after a stroke. I was told in my speech path classes that apraxia/dyspraxia
is more common in kids now, but it’s controversial because in adults it follows a brain injury and in kids there is NO BRAIN INJURY. Says who? Vaccines cause brain injury. The adult:

Here is a child –both look like autism:

OMGosh, look at this, we even have a new disorder, Developmental Coordination Disorder. –It is all brain damage.

Autism. Is. Brain. Injury.

Vaccines are known to cause brain injuries.
Why do you deny that some of us watched our children regress into brain injury right after receiving vaccines that have possible brain injury as a known AND COMPENSATABLE side effect? Compensatable through the NVICP which has paid out over $3billion in damages to vaccine injured…

–all because you do not understand what autism is.
–what ALL this is.

Set aside the debate for a few minutes now and really think about what is happening to generations of children. Just think about it.

Watch that full length movie above, The Silent Epidemic.
Also, watch The Disappearing Male.

Here is some kids dissertation on Minamata, check it out, it’s well worth the 13 minutes.

Also… the old argument back in the day was methyl vs. ethyl mercury. I am not even going to get into that. That is a whole other blog post… or book chapter… or book. You can google. Bottom line, they can cause the same damage.

I say again, autism is brain damage. Vaccines can cause brain damage. Vaccines can cause autism.

What don’t you understand?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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