Caesercel #sexist #racist #fundie #wingnut

[RageFuel] How can you guys laugh at this bullshit

This forum is fucking nuts. How the fuck can you guys laugh at these cuckit stories of foids being complete utter whores? Instead of getting called out they get support from thousands of cuckiters. That one about that whore who fucked 10 guys

My boyfriend isn’t okay with me being promiscuous in the past. [Update]

WHAT THE FUCK FUCKING 7000 comments. All who support and encourage her whoredom. By Allah, these stink ridden broken vagina roasties make me want to rain fire upon these cum guzzling inhuman freaks. How can anyone be ok with this????????? How is this even allowed? How can anyone self respecting man accept such a disgusting tramp as a wife or gf. Why are they not being beaten to death

laughing is a cope in the face of powerlessness, like how monkeys smile to signal subservience.

What powerlessness? Have we forgotten so easily that we are men? When did we allow the (((police state))) and (((corporate system))) to have so much power over our lives. So much so that we can't even discipline our women from becoming such demonspawn. The cucked police and government would arrest the man for just expecting basic humanity from a woman. But they would allow the foid to be an evil leach who can't even be expected to keep her legs closed!!!!!!!! FUCK SUCH A SYSTEM



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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