“Because we "deny the science entirely"?”
Yeah, that would be a large part of it, yes.
“because taking estrogen pills and getting your dick cut off is exactly what nature intended all along! “
Ignoring for a moment the idiotically ignorant way you put it, “nature intended” for you to die by 40 with no internets, no healthcare and absolutely no hygiene. In other words you yourself don’t give a slightest fuck what “nature intended” through your own life but will suddenly awaken to the concept when it’s time to bully others, how fucking consistent.
“No, I'm not into getting troons to 41% themselves.”
Judging by your tone, your choice of words and all the other stuff you’ve already yapped out, yeah you are.
“Transsexuality is not much different than, say, anorexia.”
No, it really is not.
Take it from someone who lives with both.
Also check the basic distinction between dysphoria and dysmorphia, not that you will but some of our readers might.
“ seeking radical physical changes in hopes that it will "cure" said depression. Spoiler warning, it never does.”
Spoiler warning: You are full of shit. Spoiler warning: You can’t into statistics, reading or apparently anything up to and including 3rd grade education.
Please do fucking tell me, how does posting a blatant, bold faced lie over and over is going to make it true? I’ve been through these “radical physical changes” and they, together with the document update have brought me a perfect solution to my dysphoria, so that whole “depression” you happen to be yapping about. I have it on good authority from others as well with the very same results as mine, so please, do tell me how did you compile your conclusion, outside of reaching for your rectum and pulling the smelliest, nastiest turd you possibly could?
I have been through the whole fucking process, it has literally solved for me every single last thing I hoped it would solve. Quit ignoring reality, buddy.
“Causing permanent self-harm to your body only drives one further into depression”
Sure can in some people(not all, your generalizing is becoming really tiresome), weird thing to mention, though because it’s very much not even close to the case of transfolks.
“The only thing that will help them live long, happy lives is getting treatment for their mental illness. “
The science and medicine of it disagrees vehemently with your assumption. The only thing your “treatment” does is lead to very short lives and some very brutal suicides.
“your friends would be starving themselves to get skinnier, even as they were bone-thin”
Yeah, lots of them actually do, it’s called toxic beauty standards and you HAVE to have lived in a fucking jungle for the last 20 years to have not heard of it.
“while the media would be promoting anorexia as a perfectly normal and healthy lifestyle”
Would? they ARE doing just that.
“anyone suggesting anorexics get help for their problem would be thrown in jail for "hatespeech."”
More like you and some other equally odious freaks trying to force people who do things to their bodies you happen to disapprove of into forced commitment based purely on your uneasiness around us. You ignore the medical professionals trying to educate you and willingly chose to remain hostile. You are sounding more and more, to even the most statistical folks like those psychopaths who are still droning on about “curing” lefthandedness by brutalizing the kids with it.
“That's insanity.”
I do agree in your case.