OhNoYouDidnt #dunning-kruger #wingnut twitter.com

Obamacare was necessary so that middle class workers could pay massively more for health insurance, so that the government wouldn’t need to stop sending money overseas, or just wasting it, to hand free healthcare to you. Now you are blocked for failure to understand basic etiquette in debate 😎

Since Obamacare, my health insurance has gone from $200 a month to $1650 with a large deductible. There are many physicians offering monthly unlimited subscription services that would work with a catastrophic policy. With all the regulations and restrictions, it is impossible to find a catastrophic policy and simply pay out of pocket for everything else.

It was supposed to “ widen the pool” as you put it, but did it? I have zero faith in the governments oversight capabilities on anything. Just one more bureaucratic cesspool. As we are going to see for 2025, when the govt negotiates prices it is meant for them to have more funds to move around and spend recklessly. Seniors will see increases in their part D coverage every single year. It is forecast currently to be a 18% to 35% increase along with a 6% increase in part B.

Medicare does not have the same raiding restrictions as Social Security. If they try to lump all health insurance into Medicare I’m betting we will still pay the large premiums they have conditioned us to and they will siphon money off to keep up the ridiculous spending trend, just eliminating the middle man.

So, NO I am a hard no on this issue. Smaller government not larger



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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