A team of authors in the Czech Republic #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #moonbat in5d.com

We are a group of people from the Czech Republic interested in spiritual topics. We’ve met a very interesting young woman who turned out to have paranormal abilities. She is also able to see future events. As she explained to us, humanity could soon move to the fifth dimension: to The Golden Age of Humanity. Her message was very encouraging. She gave us the message and asked us to translate it to various languages and pass it to all the good people living all over the world.

To all the good people: Soon we will move to the Golden Age, we have instructions for you to win over the system.
The answer to the most important question of all is simple: “Why was I born and what am I looking for on this planet?”

How the system works

It all begins with the birth of a child whose soul enters the fetus in the mother’s abdomen with the help of an energy code during third month of pregnancy. This is how the game for each individual starts. Each of us has two brain hemispheres, right and left. The right hemisphere is intuitive and the left hemisphere is logical. After birth, each person begins a “struggle” in deciding between the right and the left.

Intuition usually says something completely different from logic. In most people, logic wins because it suits the ruling system that educates us accordingly. Immediately after the birth, the defenseless child is attacked by a system (we call it the “Matrix”) with a terrifying force that’s supposed to block the child’s brain, and especially the pineal gland and its intuition.

The child, who was originally born as a king and complete sovereign, is taught by its parents that it‘s completely stupid, dependent, unable to make its own decisions, therefore everything has to be decided by others for him. When the child manifests displeasure and begins to argue or cry, it‘s punished. That is a basic preparatory stage for further moronization of a little person, because in order to accept a complete program from the Matrix, it must deny himself internally first. To understand that it is unworthy, inferior, stupid and useless.

They say that we should be grateful that we have a system that tells us who we’re supposed to be, what we have to believe, and what we have to do with our lives. You are being told that you don’t have to invent anything new anymore because other people, who understood it much more than you do, have already invented everything for you a long time ago, so it would be a waste of time. Many people consider self-thinking unnecessary then, some of them are even unable to do so. They always have to go and ask someone else what to do. Taking responsibility for your life and your health scares many people, genuinely. To the great pleasure of pharmacy, church and other systems that suck energy, time, health and money out of people.

That‘s not only about how individuals who aren’t dangerous for the system are being raised, but they also form the system themselves. The individual is thrown into hands of slavery and transformed into a person that‘s perfectly suited for the system.

Do you ask why? Because they want you to be unable to escape the slavery. The whole system is pyramidal. Down there, there are ordinary people and up there, there are people who control them. There are two pyramids in the system, motherly and secondary. Both pyramids must be bypassed, you must not get lost in them. The system tries to prevent you from bypassing them in all possible ways and puts obstacles in your way – temptations and manipulative claims. It offers you loans to make you a slave of money. It steals your time so you don’t get an opportunity to fulfill your true mission and find the reason you were born here for. An Abundance of time for people is a pure poison for the system.

It offers you a tempting job or project that you can‘t reject or maybe joyful hobbies to be obsessed with and waste your time with.

The motherly pyramid is dominated by six fallen angels whose commands are received by the Vatican. The Vatican then passes them onto other levels, secondary ones. The Secondary levels are churches, governments, police, courts, schools, laws, offices, soldiers and all the authorities that control and limit humanity.

Another pitfall of the system is called “pendulums”. Now we are talking about mechanical damage to people. These are car crashes, murders and others that will prevent you from continuing your path.

You are offered poisonous foods and if you eat them, you get yourself into a secondary pyramid. Secondary pyramid is supposed to capture all the people who never got caught in clutches of money and loans, and never allowed their time to be stolen. Your body would start to fade after unhealthy food, your mind will deteriorate and you will see a doctor. The secondary pyramid is a gigantic pharmaceutical apparatus with all its hops in the form of doctors and poisonous pills. Every man is responsible for his body and must never put it in the hands of someone else.

At all times, the system is trying to steal your soul. Some people even sell it voluntarily in exchange for money and fame.

But don’t worry, this message is actually very constructive. It was created upon the request of an indigo girl, whom we met in person. She has tremendous extrasensory abilities, she is capable of levitation, astral travel, but above all – she is clairvoyant.

The girl saw the future of this planet and asked us to pass this message to all of humanity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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