Name one grandma or grandpa who has pleaded with you to stay home, locked down, and masked so that they could remain alive.
I’ll wait.
Now try naming politicians or billion dollar corporations that have asked you to— while simultaneously increasing their own wealth via their “essential business” provisions.
(Hint, there are a lot of them)
Bozo the Clown asked me to not only stay at home, locked down & masked: but have two doses of Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine. He was referred to as a 'Terrific Guy' by some... thing old enough to be my grandfather.
A... thing that is a billionaire ex-politician (thank fuck) that increased its own wealth via its “essential business” provisions. Can you name it, Candypoos...?" We'll wait.
But can your 'argument' outrace the Delta Variant which continues to rampage through the Southern states before you can answer that question...?
My grandparents are dead but my parents though not grandpatrents, had they been alive, would advocate that. As do many of my high school and college friends parents. And those that have children do so too
I AM a grandpa. Wife and i stayed home for kids' sake, kids' kids', you, your kids, plenty of strangers' sakes.
And for the health care workers turning heart attacks away because the beds are full of covidiots.
And the stroke victims, cancer patients, traffic casualties, everyone living a normal life while fucking plague rats run wild....
First, Candace we have a way to stop lock downs, we have a way to prevent more mask mandates. It is called the vaccine. Something you are actively fighting against and refusing to take.
Conservatives in 2012: The Affordable Care act will lead to death panels for the sick and elderly. We need to think of the health and safety of the old as the left want to kill them.
Conservatives in 2021: Covid only kills the sick and old. They should be sacrificed for our economy. Everyone else is safe, open up and take off those masks.
My grandmother has had both jabs, has no problem with masks and the only reason she's not banging on about me, my mother and brother not staying home and ordering everything online is because she needs groceries and doesn't have internet.
What's your grandmother saying Candace?
Okay, mine did. She’s also got both her shots and tends be more terrified of the virus than either me, or my parents. Apparently so are many of her friends. Please refrain from using my grandma, as your aborted argument.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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