various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
It's impossible to not live around blacks.
Literally impossible.
Even the smallest towns are getting blacks shipped in, to live in rental houses, owned by bankers and corporations (i.e. Jews).
@Nature_and_Race don’t live near niggers or commies is the golden rule. Barring that, never allow yourself to be taken alive for a just action.
( @DSWilliams702 )
@Nature_and_Race So true. All by design. They stated clearly that they don't want even ONE "White" zip code left.
( @dg54321 )
@Nature_and_Race Year ago, maybe one black in this community. Now they are everywhere. You're absolutely right. And it's going to hell because of it.
Going out in a bang sounding better and better all the time. There is no good outcome to what is happening in this world. None at all.
( @KnightofDay )
@Nature_and_Race Yup. Used to be you could go outside the suburbs and avoid them, not so anymore.
That out has been closed by globohomo and their endless subsidies.
( @Johnnybravo88 )
@Nature_and_Race people really don't get it. We are going to have to wage war against the non-White invaders and this will be met with violence from the federal government, which will unavoidably become an actual war itself. We are not going to run, we are not going to hide, we are going to fight or we're all going to die, it's that simple.
( @EmilyAnderson )
@Nature_and_Race my family has been house shopping in Indiana last few months and yes, niggers are deliberately evrywhere. the smallest town will have Low/No-Income Housing so niglets can go to skoo with White kids. Best bet is a rural town of 500 20-30 miles from a small city like St. John. niggers want fast food, public transportation, they're afraid of animals and bugs, we found a couple spots but the houses are from 1890 so we're still looking. u want to be rural suburban in an area without rental housing or fast food, i can't stress the importance of that, u don't want to live within 20 miles of any fast food places. there are still places left niggers don't want to live.
( @Scootsy_Dubs )
@Nature_and_Race true, the jewish lawyers push affordable housing mandates on all White majority areas.