[RageFuel] The "helpful" normies.
Anyone else hate these motherfuckers too?
Here I am, coming face to face with the fact that I am unattractive to women, choosing to distance myself from them an society because I refuse to accept the life of a cuck and these motherfuckers take it upon themselves offer you "advice" you didn't ask for, don't want, and of course, doesn't work.
"Just get out there and meet women bro!"
"Just learn to talk to women bro!"
"You're too negative bro!"
You've all heard that shit before.
Somehow coming to terms with the fact that you will never be attractive to women gets these idiots upset. They make no sense.
Me: "I am unattractive to women and there's nothing I can do about it."
Overly intrustive Normie: "You see, this is why people hate you."
Me: "...wut"
Fuck these people.
I refuse to accept the life of a cuck
Perhaps that's the basis of your problem.
It's the only way you can continue to live in a certain river in Egypt about the fact that we're more than right.
So how's being perma-wrong going for you manbabies, eh...?!
"Somehow coming to terms with the fact that you will never be attractive to women gets these idiots upset. They make no sense."
But you don't come to terms with that. You guys tell each other outrageous lies about women, why they reject you, how often and wgo they're fucking, then get upset when anyone disagrees with your little dark fantasy.
And you get mad at attempts to talk truth....
I think the exchange goes something more like this:
Me: "I wanna rape 11yo foids and all the jews and soyboys cant stop me. long live ER lmao"
Overly intrustive Normie: "You see, this is why people hate you."
You shouldn’t have to justify your choice not to date. That’s nobody’s business but your own, and it’s horrid that you’re getting so much unasked-for dating “advice.”
This is not the reason we hate you. It’s the rape and terrorist apologetics that cause it.
Here I am, coming face to face with the fact that I am unattractive to women, choosing to distance myself from them an society because I refuse to accept the life of a cuck and these motherfuckers take it upon themselves offer you "advice" you didn't ask for, don't want, and of course, doesn't work.
Well, maybe you look bad, but even ugly guys *can* find love, so... what you're doing isn't coming to terms with reality, it's accepting the lies of the incel community and losing all hope. But, if you can't find a romantic partner you can't be a "cuck", so that should be the least of your worries. And I'm guessing the reason they try to offer you advice is because you won't shut up about how miserable you are, about how women only care about looks and only date "Chad", and stuff like that. They're trying to help you realize that you have been fooled by a lie that will destroy any chance you might have had to be happy. Anyway, I wouldn't expect their advice to work. Most regular people can't grasp just how broken the incel mind actually is. And it is that mind that is the problem here, so don't kid yourself.
Me: "I am unattractive to women and there's nothing I can do about it."
Overly intrustive Normie: "You see, this is why people hate you."
Me: "...wut"
More like,
you: "I am unattractive to women and there's nothing I can do about it."
helpful "normie": "C'mon, don't give up, some people have it harder than others but there's somebody for you out there."
you: "Stupid holes! Those hypergamous foids only want CHAD! I won't settle for some used-up roastie landwhale looking for betabux! Fuck the world! I wanna ER so bad!"
helpful "normie": "You see, this is why people hate you."
you: "You're such a soy cuck, Brandon! Fuck off with your bluepill BULLSHIT!"
helpful "normie": "Yeah, whatever, have fun on that sad sack circle jerk website of yours. I've got a date with my girlfriend" *walks away, never to return*
you: "soysoysoysoysoysoy..."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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