(trigger warning, antisemitic violence)
In the comic a a Jewish stereotype who in earlier comics was shown poisoning wells to kill babies is captured by a lynch mob and murdered.
I was about to post this, so I’ll offer an explanation instead: Panels 1-2 has a Roman Johnathan Greenblatt (head of the Anti-Defamantion League) and his soldiers trying to stop the faux-Greeks from hanging the Jewish well-poisoner, and all the remaining panels show a woman from an earlier strip whose baby died from drinking tainted infant formula slowly walking up to the gallows and then pulling the lever with a cold smile. No one tries to stop her. This is definitely meant to depict an extrajudicial killing (AKA a lynching). The statue in the background in panels 8 and 10 is supposed to be Nemesis, I don’t know about the one in panel 6 . [Edit: I derped, panel 6 is the executioner]
This is the worst he’s been since the 100% mask-off strip, and it’s arguably even worse in some ways.
Congratulation, Tatsuya Ishida! You’ve crossed the Moral Event Horizon!
@Zinnia #216147
The statue in the background in panels 8 and 10 is supposed to be Nemesis, I don’t know about the one in panel 6.
That is not a statue, it’s the silhouette of the executioner in the mist.
Okay, fuck every square fucking inch of this disgusting psychopath. He has officially become every bit as bad as the Croat, Hatebaby, Stinky Viking, all those fuckers. He has graduated to full on rogue's gallery. Welcome to the Legion of Doom, asshole; you made it to the fucking big leagues of douchebaggery.
As someone who has been following Sinfest (if you can even call it that anymore) out of pure bile fascination, I was honestly half-hopingly that he would pull this kind of thing instead of edging it and chickening out. The thought was, if I’m going to be reading bigoted Nazi slop, it better be interesting bigoted Nazi slop.
But now that it’s actually happened, it’s not satisfying in the slightest. It’s horrifying to an unspeakable level…
Of note: Ishida several time “chickened out” when displaying mob violence which was liable to led to death such as Mount Olympus 66 and Mount Olympus 84 - until now, when he use the death of a baby to advocate for a lynching.
Congratulation, Tats: even Stonetoss didn’t depict instances where his “good guys” kill their adversaries.
And to think this all came about because Tatsuya became a radical feminist, then a TERF. If there’s any proof for the TERF to fascist pipeline, this is it.
Honestly, the only surprise is that he didn’t do this sooner.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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