
Sara Gonzales, John Doyle, & Alex Jones #racist #conspiracy angrywhitemen.org

On Sara Gonzales Unfiltered, BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales was joined by white nationalist John Doyle and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for a wildly racist panel discussion on Haitian migrants. The panelists claimed that Haitians “live in cave man-level” conditions, are eating household pets, and have a culture with “no redeeming quality.”

Seizing on the racist rumor that Haitian migrants are stealing and eating cats in Springfield, OH, Jones falsely claimed that an Ohio woman who killed an ate a cat in a “voodoo ritual.”

“And it was police reports, videos of a crazy woman in the parking lot eating the cat she just killed and admitting she did it in a voodoo ritual,” Jones said. “They believe they get the power of the cat if they eat it live. That’s in mainline stories about Haiti. They’ve deforested Haiti. They eat any cats or dogs that are out.”

“Now they’re grabbin’ the geese, they’re grabbin’ the dogs, they’re butchering ’em right there on their front steps,” he added.


Jones also repeated the white supremacist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory, connecting the influx of Haitian migrants, who were granted temporary protected status, to a plot to change the demographics of the country.

“So they are bombing red cities, red counties, red cities like what we just saw up there in Ohio, in Springfield, to change the demographic,” Jones said. “To have a permanent underclass that knows their boss is the Democratic Party. So this is an organized replacement migration, which the ADL and the Southern Poverty Law Center says is racist and made up.”
Jones went on to say that, “This is how you capture the West. You bring an incompatible, super, ultra Third World populations that don’t have running water, that live in cave man-level stuff.”

E.W. Jackson #fundie #wingnut #transphobia rightwingwatch.org

Among the speakers during the first session on Thursday night was far-right pastor and perennial failed political candidate E.W. Jackson, who fired up those in the crowd by assuring them that God will not allow Vice President Kamala Harris to become president.

“I’m also here to declare in the name of Jesus that we are not going to allow a bunch of Marxists and socialists and communists and a bunch of sexual perverts and a bunch of political power-grabbers [to] take our country and lead it in a direction that is not pleasing to Almighty God!” Jackson declared. “America is going to remain one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“I’ve been praying this prayer,” Jackson continued. “‘Lord God, speak confusion into their ranks. Make it so they turn on each other, so they can’t get it straight, so they fumble over their every word, so they mess up their every strategy, so that things collapse in on them. Lord God, work your will on behalf of those who are seeking to represent you and cause those who are against you to fall flat on their faces.’ So, I don’t care how well Kamala Harris did in the debate. I’ve got news for her: She doesn’t have a strategy that can outsmart God! God is the one who is going to bring about the result that you and I are praying for. I believe that we’ve got victory that is coming on the first Tuesday in November, by the will of Almighty God.”