BartovAlbania #crackpot #fundie

Albania is the only legitimate country.

That's right, you heard me fuckers. Albania is the only legitimate state. Albania is an ancient country, we are descended from Illyria, an ancient and proud civilisation. We allowed ourselves to join the Roman empire to teach the backwards itallians about civilisation and we invented democracy. When the Empire was falling apart, Constantine, one of Illyria (Albania)'s greatest sons, stepped forwards to lead the Roman empire, he also converted it to Christ, meaning Albanian leadership of the Empire was approved by God himself. Tragedy meant his Albanian lineage was ended, and the Empire fell back into Chaos, until Justinian, also Albanian, lead an Imperial Restoration and built the greatest Cathedral in the world, which is now a mosque and belongs to its founders homeland. Europe then collapsed into backwardness, until the renaissance, when they rediscovered ancient Albanian science and literature. When again Europe began to falter into degenerate absolute Moncarchy there came a man, Napolon Ndëjshemire, or Bonaparte as the French called him, who ruled Europe justly until the devil brits defeat him. Later Europe was again in Chaos, but Albanians couldn't step up to restore order as the Serbs, our greatest enemy, created a giant war. In face of serb evil Albania should be made leader of world as every time we have lead it has been really good



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