During an interview last year he was asked directly…”WHY do you hate Trump?” He answered, “I dunno, I just don’t like him.” Acting doesn’t always require intelligence, but when it comes to Trump, De Niro can’t even act intelligent.
uh-huh sure, like you lot have room to talk, given all of you hate anyone with a “D” besides their name… and besides I have no doubt he (De Niro) dislike him for numerous reasons, ontop of likely meeting him in person and just did not like him from that as well because of Trump’s behavior.
Maybe he just didn’t want to go into that topic with the interviewer? I think anyone who says they hate Trump, or hate any other President, or other sort of VERY high-profile public figure, probably has well-defined reasons for feeling that way. It’s not like Trump is just some random guy he knows nothing about but dislikes for no reason, ya know?
It's always cherry picking season with these guys, huh?
At least that's assuming Garrison is being honest enough to cherry pick a quote. Granted I've not found a transcript of the show or watched it, but every time he talks about Trump he's usually got at least a few things to say, even if he is just expounding on what a petty narcissist Trump is. I've not been able to find him just giving up and saying "dunno."
But if they're happy to lie for Jesus AND Trump, seems like. So wouldn't put it past him to read all of what De Niro said and just go "Oh, he said "Dunno."
I can see maybe downpplaying specificic on an interview if there’s a chance Trump will haul you into court and sue for defamation.
DeNiro has more money than Trump does, these days, Bonespurs will hope for a cash settlement.
…so why do you hate Joe Biden, Ben Gariscum? Just ask right -wing author, blogger & commentator PJ O’Rourke.
When he voted for anyone but your precious Trump in 2016 as he considered Hillary Clinton to be the lesser of two evils, what does that say about you several years later…?!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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