Mike Adams the Health Ranger/Randall Carlson #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut #dunning-kruger naturalnews.com

Is there more to the history of civilizations that existed on planet Earth than official sources admit? Expert Randall Carlson thinks so, and he told Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, all about it in a recent appearance on the “Health Ranger Report.”

Calamitous comet impacts and other extreme “acts of God” appear to be written in the rocks.
“It’s really not as widely known, particularly among the scientific community, as it needs to be,” Carlson explained to Adams. “Especially archeologists because their models of pre-history are very gradualistic, very uniformitarian, and they don’t understand the role that profound geological and astronomical events have played in the history of this planet.”

“And certainly, those who are promoting anthropogenic climate change are completely oblivious to that side of the equation,” he added.

Since the beginning of time, Earth has undergone many catastrophic changes that using today’s definitions would have been considered absolutely unprecedented. The difference is that today these events are blamed on “global warming” or “climate change.”

Back then, primitive scientists would have chalked up a large hurricane or major earthquake to God or fate – but no longer. Today, every type of injurious event that occurs is because humans eat meat and drive cars, we are told.

Not only that, but such events are actually on the decline, according to Carlson’s understanding of the historical record. When taking into account major events from the past that have long since been forgotten – or that are being deliberately covered up – there were more major disasters back then compared to today.

To put it in the words of Adams, the climate fanatics are going to great length to “blur out these things that are written into the rocks.” What he means by this is that a whole lot of deception and coverup is having to occur to hide the truth from the public about the history of the planet.



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