[From "What about kids who don't want to become parole officers?"]
Remember: these far-left lunatics are teaching children their lies.
Today's candidate is named Renee Ouellette, a recent graduate in the fake degree known as "Native Studies", who made a "Cree language education package" that doesn't include phrases the modern Red Indian actually needs like "what hours of the day is this rural farm with the valuables in the garage unattended?" but instead the word for "carrot" and "apple".
By now I'm sure you've notice one of the problems. Carrots were totally unknown in Alberta until the white man showed up: while the plants themselves originated in Iran they became popular due to their consumption in Europe. The Europeans (like Columbus, who we celebrated earlier this week) who discovered America brought carrots with them. […]
The "this is Treaty 6 land" is of course nonsense, we've established this before. But if Renee is really interested in "the history and culture" of Red Indians than "carrot" shouldn't be on the list. Any Cree who grows carrots is in fact culturally appropriatng Iranian culture. A fatwa upon them. [Below are pictures of the courses materials where the OP wrote in answers describing Natives as non-educable animal abusing welfare queens] image image
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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