Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy

Roque alien factions claim ownership over us
Because they have altered our DNA

They are fighting with other factions over holographic dream realms
That they want to be masters of

This is a game so complex
It is easy to get lost in it

Lost in the drama
Lost in the physical senses
And estranged from our innate 3d heart light technology

Now is the time to wake up and claim your sovereignty
And jump on board your inner holodeck simulation conceptor

The Grand Canyon has been strip mined for uranium copper and iridium
These precious metals are used for off world agendas

Sap from giant trees can be synthesized into an ambrosia life sustaining elixir
And also into an ecstasy like drug

Spices animate the body
And allow entrance into portals
Making it one of the most valuable substances in the multiverse

The first beings here were insectoids
Ruled by the Ant Queen
They are still here

Gamma rays from the sun improve our brain waves
Making a better connection between the left and right brain hemispheres
The sun simulator blocks out a lot of gamma rays

On Dunangus Island in Irishmore Ireland
Is the remains of a soul shard library

Soul shards are returning to their rightful owners
And people are feeling more whole

We live on a toroidal extension of a vortex
And it is covered with an electromagnetic sheath

If we lived on a globe
People would be falling off everywhere
Except the north pole

Believing you are on a globe
Circling a gigantic fireball of gas
Separates you from reality

The monetary system is a control system
Where you do not have to use whips and chains!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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