various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Wanderers_Choice )

@StarHorizon )
@Wanderers_Choice I love how this simple meme shows that our enemies are not making actual arguments, they're just antiwhite.

( @Kaniewski )
@Wanderers_Choice Seriously, what is wrong with being racist? If you are Aryan, what is wrong with being a White Supremacist? Everyone wants to live in White Supremacist Nations and we are failing them. Whites are not getting into boats or boots of cars to live in non White built nations. The world is calling out for White Supremacy. Would the WEF exist if we had a European Union of National Socialist sovereign nations? The history of the world over the last 35,0000 yrs is the story of how White Supremacy lifting up the world out of the stone age. 🙂

( @Wyatt_Mann )
@Kaniewski @Wanderers_Choice It depends how you define "White supremacy". I hate the term as it is normally applied.

I embrace all the attempted pejoratives sent in my direction: Anti-semite, racist, xenophobe, etc. All except for "White supremacist". No.

A "supremacist" is someone who wants to live in proximity to racial aliens, and exercise power over them. To lord over them. I simply want to be apart from them.

Having a superior society is not "supremacism".

( @YellingTurns )
@Wanderers_Choice Whites re-awakening the tribal spirit will conquer all.

( @Stygianwolfe )
I identify as a viking, take the Indians away!🤣🤣🤣

( @Miles_Deep )

Natives were never americans. They were savages living in a nameless landmass. We conquered the land and the savages, named the landmass and built the most powerful nation the world has seen.

( @he_who_scoffs_at_danger )
@Wanderers_Choice I wish I remembered the specifics, but a parliamentarian used the word "indigenous" to describe Europeans and there was a full-spectrum shitfit over it. It might have been in the UN, or EU assembly, now that I think of it.

They are very protective of the connotations they impose on words.

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Wanderers_Choice In America, we don't even talk about the Indians anymore. That's the way it should be. White America is based.



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