various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Smashbaals )
So far conservatives have been right about:

-The Vaccine
-Elections being rigged
-Social media companies interfering in elections

Maybe folks should listen to them more

( @Twistle )
@Smashbaals Yeah, good point, but c'mon. You know who has been right about all of those, AND WW2?


( @flaunttnualf )
@Smashbaals Maybe they should start being right about jews

( @RandolfoCalzonian )
@Smashbaals and most importantly, the "nazi White supremacists" have been right about (((who))) is behind it all.

( @BalderVibes )
@Smashbaals But to be clear, CUCKservative RINO’s supported genocide injections, helped rig elections, pushed PLANdemic and lockdowns and by design economic collapse. None of them did a single thing about social media companies or legacy propaganda JEW media censoring anyone who had an opinion globalist Jews didn’t first approve of. The list of failures by the gay “Right” goes on and on.

( @joeguererra )
@Smashbaals they don't name the jew therefore are useless

( @AxeMC )
@Smashbaals Conspiracy theorists were right long before conservatives were. Also conservatives wrong on the most important umbrella issue, the JQ. No credit deserved here.

( @BRTheSpace )
Both parties are an illusion, ruled by the same jews. Notice Republicans are silent, until people make enough noise 🤔



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