Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

It takes a certain level of narcissism to be an actor. I know, I used to be one.

Add money to the mix and you end up with a really combustible combination. For instance, did you know that despite a very public actors' strike, over 110 independent movies and television shows are currently shooting? Those projects involve a number of A-list stars, including Mel Gibson, Kevin Costner, Anne Hathaway, Glenn Close, and Dakota Fanning. So much for solidarity.

While those projects are proceeding unhindered, hundreds of actors continue to march in the street carrying their little picket signs. It's been hot here lately, so actors picketing at Universal Studios took advantage of the shade offered by a strip of trees. That is, until the studio cut all the trees down, forcing the picketers to swelter under the hot sun. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
With those trees gone, thousands of picketing actors and writers retaliated by picketing on a stretch of freshly poured asphalt and chanting, "This is what democracy looks like!"

This is exactly what commie pukes chant when they take over a state or federal building. "This is what democracy looks like!" They chant it with bullhorns as part of an intimidation-by-mob-rule tactic.

While money is always an issue during a strike, this one might have more to do with Artificial Intelligence than anything else. Actors don't want to go the way of the horse and buggy. That's somewhat ironic because the movie and television industries have been at the forefront of White Replacement. Yet when the possibility of their own replacement suddenly looms, they shriek like little girls.
The use of Artificial Intelligence is an issue that neither actors nor writers are going to be able to negotiate their way out of in the long run. The reality is they are no longer needed and outside of a handful of major stars, all of them will soon be unemployed.

Maybe they can learn to code.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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