Jetson White #ufo #quack #conspiracy

What is a Galactic Human? All beings born as Humans onto this Planet are Galactic Humans...

Why? Because this Planet, like all inhabited planets, was seeded by one or more Galactic races. In other words, a Human's true ancestry is not of this world!

But why have Humans not been taught this? There are a multitude of reasons, but the most fundamental is that those born into this 3rd Dimensional experiment agree to forget upon birth who they really are.

This agreement to forget is made so that Humanity may experience a rebirth, an awakening. And it is this awakening that has the potential to transform Humanity, here and now, back into the original blueprint of our true Galactic Selves.

And what is this original Galactic blueprint? It has to do with Human DNA.

Humans started out as 12-stranded, crystalline-based beings, and this original configuration gave Humans immortality, and powers now considered astounding.

So how did Human DNA get dumbed down to its current state of 2-stranded, carbon-based?

There are plenty of stories about it, but I think the more important question is: can Humans reactivate this original DNA blueprint and become Galactic Humans again? The answer is YES! And it's totally what's happening right now...!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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