Conservapedia #crackpot

Spider-Man is a conservative Marvel superhero, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1962. The Spider-Man comics were considered groundbreaking from their inception in that the hero's alter-ego, the shy and conservative Peter Parker, often faced personal struggles more closely associated with everyday life than usual superhero fare. Notably, Parker has held a wide variety of jobs, depending on his status at the time, ranging from photographer to dishwasher to high-school science teacher. He is also notably humorous, unlike many superheroes, such as Batman. Some fans have called his ability to enrage enemies through endless taunting and sarcasm his "extra superpower".

Spider-Man is a religious Christian, known to pray during moments of great emotion—whether in desperation during a pitched battle or in quiet gratitude while lying in bed watching his wife sleep[1][2]. His Aunt May is also shown praying the Our Father in the original Spider-Man (2002) film. Many also point to Christian symbolism clearly used in the films, where he is depicted as a Jesus-like figure in multiple ways.[3]



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