gncautistic , XX_Power & actualdyke #transphobia

(gncautistic )
TIM's don't care about TIF's

This has been said 100 times already but it just makes me sad. Why do we never see males tweet ''TMAM?'' why don't we see TIM's defending TIF's so fiercely the way TIF's do? oh yeah it's because males don't give a shit about females, no matter what gender they pretend to be.

I know sometimes we can get frustrated by TIF's since some of them are so close to getting it, but they don't. TIF's hate us so much and it hurts. I wish we could have a real sisterhood with them, help them understand it's ok to be dysphoric as a woman and hate our bodies and hate how society treats us, but we can work together to overcome these things and help change how people see us.

It feels like the saying how you can bring a horse to water but can't make them drink. As much as we want it, they will only see the truth we they want to.

(This a vent post btw)

( XX_Power )
I totally get what you're saying about the lost sisterhood. When i read how TIMs want to rape and brutalize it, i don't really care because they're just males. Rapey, cruel, stupid males are neither new nor interesting.

With the TIFs it's much sadder. We know exactly how they feel, many of us were them or would be them now if we were born earlier (me for example). But they believe the lies of males rather than their sisters, they just want to be free from misogyny but instead of fighting it they'd rather sell their sisters to men. Some will come around eventually, after all exulansic was once trans identified.

But sadly, there will always be women who have so much internalized misogyny and so much hatred of themselves, that they'd screw of all women if it got them a crumb of male attention.

( actualdyke )
it's wild to me how even within their circles TIMs shit on them 24/7, but if TIFs Point out the obvious discrepancies between how the two of them are treated even within trans and ~queer~ circles, they get shouted down and called privileged and transmisogynistic .. and they STILL 100% believe that TIMs are more oppressed than them and they need to protect and stand up for their poor marginalized sisters. this whole thing is the most wide scale project of gaslighting that I have ever witnessed in my life



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