Foids are stealing mens jobs
Forget about immigrants stealing your jobs. Foids are the thieves.
Just lol at how many more jobs men would have if foids didn't steal them.
On top of that they are useless. They only got the job because of their hole and nothing more.
In an interview a couple of months ago, a man said he was glad that an American woman would have the chance to be the first on the Moon via the Artemis Mission.
The only one stopping you from saying to that man's face: and that man being no less than Apollo 11's Michael Collins, that he's wrong: is you .
You know what you'll be admitting when you can't, won't: or daren't , o OP...!
"On top of that they are useless. They only got the job because of their hole and nothing more."
Dude, if that were true, then the companies would have to hire someone else to actually do the job. Which would mean that hiring women ate into the profits. Which would not be tolerated for very long. It COULD not be tolerated, not in a competitive business.
So, you're clearly just wrong.
Women often have to work twice as hard to be seen as half as good as men. Men are just assumed to know what they are doing, while women are assumed to be cleaner or secretary, when they are the head of the science department.
(An old boss of mine constantly asked me (and not the three guys in the department) to do spread-sheets and lists and other secretarial work, even though I was the only one who had a degree in what our department does. (I don’t mean anything demeaning about secretaries, they work really hard in general. They simply have other expertise than I do.))
If anything, it’s men that get the job because of their nob and nothing else.
Affirmative actions are simply counter actions against the constant affirmative action in favor of white men with European heritage.
Maybe if you did some training, and didn’t spend all day on the computer whinging…you could find some gainful employment. However, I strongly doubt it
Your fault, sonny, not hers.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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