Rev. Joel Webbon #fundie #forced-birth

On his YouTube show, Theology Applied[…]pastor Joel Webbon declared that women who have abortions should be prosecuted for “first degree murder.” The self-described “abortion abolitionist” also argued that Christians should cast their votes for Donald Trump

During the episode, in which he interviewed fellow “abolitionist” Ben Garrett, Webbon lambasted mainstream anti-choice groups which, he claimed, have “absolutely no desire to abolish abortion”

“In fact, they very much have financial and political incentives not to abolish abortion,” he said. “Abolishing abortion — America having zero abortion — is actually one of the last things that Pro-Life Inc. would ever want to happen, because, you know, for one they’d have to get a job”

He added that they “want to be able to continue to milk boomers with, you know, 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that essentially accomplish nothing”

And, after denouncing the mainstream talking point that women are secondary victims of abortion, Webbon called for women who have abortions to be prosecuted for murder

“Everybody involved in murder should be treated as a murderer,” he said flatly. “And that would also — you know, that involves, you know, the serial killer — a.k.a. the abortion doctor, the hit man who’s paid to murder children by the hundreds and the thousands”

“That also involves the mother,” he continued, “with intent — as first degree murder — who goes in, premeditated with intent to kill her child. And, for the record, that also involves the father, or a grandmother, or a grandfather or anyone else in the scenario who might be involved through coercion, who’s pushing the mother toward that decision”

Webbon added that anyone involved in the decision to have an abortion should be treated “as though they conspired together to kill a 2-year-old toddler in a back alley”



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